National Academy of Sciences
Polygraph Review
In January 2001, the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council began project BCSS-I-00-01-A, an $860,000 "Study to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph." The final report, published in October 2002 and titled The Polygraph and Lie Detection, is now available on the NAS website. An executive summary (22 kb PDF) may be downloaded from
The National Research Council has also made some documentation of its proceedings available on its website. Its audio files of the polygraph review panel's public hearings will be of special interest to researchers. has assembled additional information from the hearings to supplement that on the NAS website.
25-27 January 2001. First Public Meeting.
26-28 April 2001. 2nd Public Meeting.
- Meeting Agenda (19kb PDF). Times, topics and speakers for the polygraph committee's 2nd public meeting. Former FBI and CIA director Judge William H. Webster, though scheduled to speak, did not appear at the meeting.
- George W. Maschke's written remarks. A set of questions on polygraphy submitted for the Committee's consideration. (Download this file in PDF format)
17 October 2001. 4th Public Meeting.
- Memo from Dr. Drew C. Richardson to Paul Stern regarding topics on which Dr. Richardson would speak. This memo was circulated at the meeting. (Download this file in PDF format)
- Transcript of Dr. Richardson's presentation.