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�               �/� A Youngsters Against McAfee Production �\�                �
� DISCLAIMER : By unzipping this file you hearby agree that YAM is not        �
�   responsible for any damage that it does to your computer or anybody's     �
�   else's computer.  We are also not responsible for what you or anyone else �
�   does with the files included, be it running it on someone else's computer �
�   or by running it on your own computer. (If your dumb enough too)          �
�                       �/�  Executable Information �\�                       �
� Virus / Trojan Name      :  The Greetings Virus                             �
� Author / Modification By :  Admiral Bailey                                  �
� Language Used            :  Assembly Language [TASM 2.0]                    �
� Type of Virus / Trojan   :  Encrypted TSR com/exe infector.                 �
� Date Of Release          :  1-2-93                                          �
� Some Notes:                                                                 �
�   This here is a TSR com/exe infector.  Between certain times it will       �
� display a bouncing ball.  Both on graphics (which it will ruin) and in text.�
� When you reboot during a certain time it shall display a certain messege.   �
� Well just enjoy and spread this.  As of scan 99 its unscannable.  If you    �
� have any comments you can reach me on the YAM WHQ.  The Full Moon.  [416]   �