Who is Robert G. Ingersoll? Good question. For whatever reason, I'm now in the possession of dozens of this man's writings; they span from reflections on friends he has known to debates about religion and ideas for the future and the position of man in the universe. Since this gentleman lived back around the late 1800's to early 1900's, there are some more recent folks who believe he should live again online. Never let it be said I didn't have space for him.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
abbott.txt | 78415 | Reply to Dr. Lyman Abbott, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1890) |
actors.txt | 50127 | Robert G. Ingersoll: Address to the Actors' Fund of America (June 5, 1988) |
agnostch.txt | 39358 | Robert G. Ingersoll: Toast to Manhattan Athletic Club Dinner, December 27, 1890 |
agnostic.txt | 79368 | Robert G. Ingersoll: Why I am an Agnostic 1896 |
avarice.txt | 28729 | Is Avarice Triumphant? by Robert G. Ingersoll |
beecher.txt | 28823 | Tributes, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
belief.txt | 47338 | My Belief, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
bible.txt | 83228 | About the Holy Bible, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
biog-01.txt | 37266 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation by Herman E. Kittredge |
biog-02.txt | 27015 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 2 |
biog-03.txt | 31087 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 3 |
biog-04.txt | 57583 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 4 |
biog-05.txt | 54931 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 5 |
biog-06.txt | 30042 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 6 |
biog-07.txt | 39240 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 7 |
biog-08.txt | 29972 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 8 |
biog-09.txt | 53071 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 9 |
biog-11.txt | 43406 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 11 |
biog-12.txt | 109343 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 12 |
biog-13.txt | 13913 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 13 |
biog-14.txt | 52919 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 14 |
biog-15.txt | 32735 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 15 |
biog-16.txt | 25881 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 16 |
biog-17.txt | 68655 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 17 |
biog-18.txt | 48408 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 18 |
biog-19.txt | 94499 | Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation Chapter 19 |
blasphem.txt | 126917 | The Trial of C.B. Reynolds for Blasphemy, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
brook.txt | 81076 | Brooklyn Speech, by Robert J. Ingersoll (1880) |
brooklyn.txt | 65423 | The brooklyn Divines by Robert G. Ingersoll (1883) |
burns.txt | 59236 | Robert Burns: A Rememberance, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1878) |
carpent.txt | 49953 | The Frank B. Carpenter Dinner by Robert G. Ingersoll (1891) |
catechis.txt | 100239 | The Talmagian Catechism by Robert G. Ingersoll |
cathol.txt | 17124 | A Replay to the Cincinnati Gazette and Catholic Telegraph by Robert G. Ingersoll |
centen.txt | 53725 | Centennial Oration, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
chicago.txt | 57591 | Ingersoll: Chicago Speech, Children of the Stage, What I want for Christmas |
chicbib.txt | 15806 | Ingersoll: My Chicago Bible Class |
chr-1.txt | 53195 | INGERSOLL: The Christian Religion |
chr-2.txt | 66567 | INGERSOLL: The Christian Religion Part II |
chr-3.txt | 123214 | INGERSOLL: The Christian Religion Part III |
christma.txt | 123798 | INGERSOLL: A Christmas Sermoun |
civilrig.txt | 112091 | INGERSOLL: Civil Rights |
comegys.txt | 34824 | INGERSOLL: An Interview on Chief Justice Comegys |
creeds.txt | 51061 | INGERSOLL: Crumbling Creeds |
daviswil.txt | 110535 | Address to the Jury in the Davis Will Xase, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1891) |
decday.txt | 42705 | Decoration Day Oration by Robert G. Ingersoll (1882) |
devil.txt | 73557 | If the Devil Should Die Would God Make Another? By Robert G. Ingersoll (1899) |
diderot.txt | 24754 | Doubt is the First Step Toward Truth, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
divided.txt | 96131 | The Divided Household of Faith: A Few Reasons for Doubting the Inspiration of the Bible, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
divorce.txt | 111880 | Is Divorce Wrong? By Robert G. Ingersoll |
ebon.txt | 36612 | Robert G. Ingersoll: A Tribute to Ebon C. Ingersoll, May 31, 1879 |
eighthrs.txt | 32686 | Robert G. Ingersoll: A Criticism of Robert Elsmere: John Ward, Preacher and an African Farm |
ernestr.txt | 52161 | Robert G. Ingersoll: Ernest Renan, 1892 |
faith.txt | 61561 | INGERSOLL: The Foundations of Faith (1895) |
farming.txt | 49022 | INGERSOLL: About Farming in Illinois (1877) |
fie-ing1.txt | 47217 | INGERSOLL: An Open Letter to Robert G. Ingersoll by Dr. Henry M. Field |
fie-ing2.txt | 84676 | INGERSOLL: A Reply to the Rev. Henry M. Fiend, D.D. |
fie-ing3.txt | 35109 | INGERSOLL: A Last Word to Robert G. Ingersoll by Dr. Henry M. Field |
fie-ing4.txt | 43562 | INGERSOLL: Letter to Dr. Field |
fifth.txt | 143546 | INGERSOLL: Fifth Interview (1882) |
first.txt | 44620 | The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll: Preface (1882) |
forward.txt | 3074 | An introduction to the writings of Robert Ingersoll |
fourth.txt | 57655 | Interviews of Reverend Talmage, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
fragment.txt | 85500 | INGERSOLL: A Lietter written to Col. Thomas Donaldson, of Philadelphia declining an invitation to be a guest of the Clover Club of that city |
freethou.txt | 69848 | INGERSOLL: Has Freethought a Constructive Side? |
gardenar.d | 368703 | Men Women and Gods, by Helen H. Gardener, introduction by Robert Ingersol |
ghosts.txt | 78290 | The Ghosts, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1877) |
gl-ing1.txt | 72670 | Regarting Colonel Ingersoll on Christiana (by William E. Gladstone) |
gl-ing2.txt | 103107 | Robert G Ingersoll talks to Mr. Gladstone |
goldspe.txt | 63779 | The Chicago and New York Gold Speech, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
her&her.txt | 55561 | INGERSOLL: Heretics and Heresies (1874) |
holyoake.txt | 57007 | INGERSOLL: Geroge Jacob Holyoake |
humboldt.txt | 30710 | INGERSOLL: Humboldt |
indianap.txt | 56727 | INGERSOLL: Reply to the Indianapolis Clergy (1882) |
individ.txt | 47652 | INGERSOLL: Individualty 1873 |
indyspea.txt | 92566 | INGERSOLL: Indianapolis Speech (1876) |
infidels.txt | 112960 | INGERSOLL: The Great Infidels (1881) |
infidon.txt | 59429 | INGERSOLL: What Infidels Have Done |
interv-1.txt | 118481 | INGERSOLL: Bible and a Future Life (Plus Others) |
interv-2.txt | 114812 | INGERSOLL: The Political Outlook |
interv-3.txt | 112874 | INGERSOLL: Justice Harlan and the Civil Rights Bill |
interv-4.txt | 69343 | INGERSOLL: Funeral of John G. Mills and Immortality |
interv-5.txt | 51748 | INGERSOLL: Reply to the Kansis City Clergy |
intimate.txt | 246786 | INGERSOLL: An Intimate View of Robert G. Ingersoll by I. Newton Baker |
layser.txt | 34402 | A Lay Sermon, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1886) |
liberall.txt | 63951 | Convention of the National Liberal league, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
man-wo&c.txt | 87940 | The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child, 1977 by Robert G. Ingersoll |
miracle.txt | 72659 | Myth and Miracle by Robert G. Ingersoll |
modthink.txt | 46284 | Preface to Professor Van Buren Denslow's Modern Thinkers, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
moses.txt | 314990 | Moses by Robert G. Ingersoll |
nefropeo.txt | 30512 | Robert G. Ingersoll: An Address to the Colored People |
newyork.txt | 68948 | INGERSOLL: New York Speech |
obscenel.txt | 55042 | The Circulation of Obscene Literature, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
orthod.txt | 117414 | Orthodoxy by Robert G. Ingersoll, 1884 |
paine.txt | 55150 | Thomas Paine: With his Name Left Out, the History of Liberty Cannot Be Written, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
predest.txt | 15496 | A Letter ot Andrew Dean by Thomas Paine |
presid1.d | 144240 | The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents by Franklin Steiner |
press.txt | 23512 | Address to the Press Club, 1898, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
progress.txt | 70147 | INGERSOLL: Progress (1860-1864) |
punish.txt | 22223 | Is Corporal Punishment Degrading? by Robert G. Ingersoll (1891) |
rat1.d | 91562 | Studies in Rationalism: The Ordeal of Ingersoll |
ratific.txt | 87451 | Ratification Speech by Robert G. Ingersoll (1888) |
reason.txt | 305348 | Reason is the Only Oracle of Man, from Ingersoll |
reform.txt | 50830 | How to Reform Mankind, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1896) |
reformer.d | 74960 | Was Christ a Political and Social Reformer? by Charles Watts |
renan.txt | 617469 | The Life of Jesus by Ernest Renan |
reply.txt | 92245 | A Reply to Rev'd Drs. Thomas and Lorimer, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
reunion.txt | 66531 | 1895 Reunion Address, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
review.txt | 128091 | My Reviewers Reviewed, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1877) |
rome-1.txt | 74912 | The Church its Own Witness, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
rome-2.txt | 108250 | A Reply to Cardinal Manning, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
saved.txt | 94304 | The Works of Robert G. Ingersol: Preface (1880) |
sixth.txt | 86649 | Sixth Interview with Robert G. Ingersoll (1882) |
sors.d | 57903 | Charles Watts: Saints or Sinners: Which? |
spatind.txt | 61215 | INGERSOLL: Speech at Indianapolis (1868) |
suffrage.txt | 47217 | Suffrage Address by Robert G. Ingersoll (1880) |
superst.txt | 71506 | What is Superstition? By Robert G. Ingersoll (1898) |
syllabus.dos | 110629 | Rome's Sullabus of Condemned Opinions: The Last Blast of the Catholic Church's Medieval Trumpet by Joseph McCabe |
tompaine.txt | 54426 | Thomas Paine, by Robert G. Ingersoll (1892) |
truth.txt | 53044 | The Truth, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
vinpaine.txt | 105306 | Robert G. Ingersoll: Vindication of Thomas Paine, 1877 |
wallst.txt | 53506 | The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll: The Improved Man, Wall Street Speech, Men Women and Gods |
what-is.txt | 32443 | What is Religion by Robert G. Ingersoll |
which.txt | 58560 | Which Way? By Robert G. Ingersoll |
why.txt | 66992 | Some Reasons Why, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
whyamagn.txt | 47412 | Why am I an Agnostic? By Robert G. Ingersoll |
woodgod.txt | 21028 | A Wooden God, by Robert G. Ingersoll |
There are 126 files for a total of 9,639,507 bytes. |