An Official Catalog of Products Published by Members of the Association of Shareware Professionals th 25 Edition 4 October 1990 ���������Ŀ(tm) ���������Ŀ � �ij �o ������������������� � ���������Ŀ � Association of � � ��� Shareware ���Ĵ o � Professionals �����ij � ��������������������� ����������� MEMBER The Association of Shareware Professionals P.O. Box #5786 Bellevue, WA 98006 Copyright 1990 by the Association of Shareware Professionals, All Rights Reserved Worldwide Contents OFFICIAL ASP CATALOG FOR BBS USERS 1 What is the ASP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tips & Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Archivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ASP files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Astrology & New Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Astronomy & Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Backup/restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 BBS software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Business applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CAD/CAM software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Calendars & clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Church & religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Command processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Desktop applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Disk utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 DOS menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 DOS utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 FAX utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 File utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Form processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Games & Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Income taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Keyboard macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Labels & mailing lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Multitaskers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Printer utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Project management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Scanner software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Soft fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Tutorials & Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Word processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 AUTHOR ADDRESSES 78 DISK VENDOR ADDRESSES 91 PROGRAMS NO LONGER IN ASP 103 Shareware products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Disk vendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Index 105 _________________________________________________________________ OFFICIAL ASP CATALOG FOR BBS USERS 4 October 1990 Copyright 1990 by the Association of Shareware Professionals, All Rights Reserved Worldwide This document, in printed or electronic form, may be distributed freely to others by indiviuals, bulletin board systems, national information systems, and non-profit computer clubs. For-profit disk vendor companies may distribute this document if they are currently approved disk vendors of the Association of Shareware Professionals and if they charge only their normal distribution fees. All others must obtain prior written permission from the Association of Shareware Professionals, P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006. The following programs are published by people and organizations who are members of the Association of Shareware Professionals. Many of these programs are available on a local bulletin board system (BBS) in your area. This catalog may not contain all ASP products and it may not be current. Comments about the catalog itself should be sent to the Association of Shareware Profes- sionals, BBS Catalog Editor, P.O. Box #5786, Bellevue, WA 98006. If you have a CompuServe account, you can also leave a message in section 8 of the SHAREWARE forum or send a private message to userID 70007,4004. What is the ASP? The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) was formed in 1987 to strengthen the future of 'shareware' (user-supported software) as an alternative to software distributed under normal retail marketing methods. ASP members subscribe to a code of ethics and are committed to the concept of shareware as a way of marketing. See page 6 if you'd like to join the ASP or learn some more about us. The ASP itself does NOT rate members' software for functionality or usefulness. That is for you -- the user -- to decide. Share- ware software, especially that which is authorized to carry the ASP logo, can be tested on a try-before-you-buy basis. If the application doesn't fit your needs, you won't have to worry about getting a refund. (That's the beauty of the shareware marketing concept.) -- page 2 -- 'These programs are produced by members of the Asso- ciation of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536' Tips & Hints If you have questions about a particular product, check in the index to see if there is a cross-reference for the program. An entire appendix is devoted to authors' addresses & telephone numbers. You might be able to get some help from them. New or updated programs are marked with '[***]' in the far right corner. You can use your favorite word processor to hunt for that string so you can see what's changed since last month. The 'BBS filename' shown with each product is the author's preferred spelling for the filename and it usually has some sort of connection to the program's version number. If your local BBS has an earlier version of the program, it will probably be under a different filename. Even if it is the current version, some people upload the file as a different filename. You would be wise to search for variations in spelling. Your local BBS sysop can tell you how to do this. ASP authors are only human, and they sometimes forget to supply all information before this list goes out. We apologize if you see '??' where there should be a piece of information. Some applications are contained in multiple files, but you should be warned of this in the description. Be sure to check the file size BEFORE you begin downloading. Many of these products are bigger than 100k, and some are bigger than 200k. Find out how big the file is before you go for it. A few applications have what can be described as 'conditional' fees. Some may only need to be registered if the program will be used in making a profit. Others may offer source code to the program for a higher fee. The price you see here may not always be the price you have to pay -- it could be higher or lower. It 'pays' to read the fine print in the documentation provided with any shareware application. Enjoy the catalog. -- page 3 -- Accounting Program: AS-EASY-AS Version: 4.00N (03/30/90) Registration fee: $50 + $5 s&h BBS filename: AEA40N.EXE User support: Bound manual, latest version, quarterly newsletter, three months of free phone/mail support, dedicated TRIUS BBS, reduced price updates Description: AS-EASY-AS:Powerful Spreadsheet Program with Extraordinary Features * 8192 rows, 256 cols * WKS & WK1 compatibility * Goalseeking * Full Macro language implementation * Math-Stat- Finance-Logic-Text-Date and User Defined functions * * Goalseeking * Superb Graphics (10 types, Log scales, etc.) * 9/ 24 pin, LaserJet, PIC file support * Direct dBASE Import/Export * Macro Recording * Spreadsheet Linking * Matrix Operations * much more... Program: DAYO AP Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOVE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO AP (ACCOUNTS PAYABLE) is the 'final chapter' to the processing and maintenance of all your Payables. DAYO AP's key mission is to process/post your purchase orders, however, many other routines have been provided, ie: Expense Maintenance, 1099 MISC Forms, Purchase Clearing, Vendor Maintenance, Hand/ Manual Checks, Batch Checks, Recurring Checks, Unlimited Bank Accounts, Unlimited Check Printing Formats and over 21 Reports. Program: DAYO AR Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOAE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO AR (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE) is the 'final chapter' to the processing and maintenance of all your Receivables. DAYO AR includes routines to handle cash receipts, customers, invoice types, terms, taxcodes, sales persons, and more. Many reports are included (ie: Ageing, Customer, Sales...). There is a routine to print Statements (ie: SMART, 90, 60, 30 days), and another one to create and print 'non' standard invoices. HP Laser forms are also provided. -- page 4 -- Program: DAYO EOP Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOEE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO EOP (End of Period Pack & Inventory) contains routines that are normally run at the end of a reporting period (ie: Month). DAYO EOP permits you to permanently remove deleted records from the Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) databases, and to erase old report text files. There is also a routine for performing a Physical Inventory. Many reports are included (ie: AR Ageing, AP Summary, Inventory Movement). Program: DAYO GL Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOGE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO GL (GENERAL LEDGER) provides a means to manage and report company finances. DAYO GL is totally integrated with the other DAYO packages. Features include computer generated posting, multiuser, double entry, export data, 20+ reports, budget management and unlimited accounts. Program: KISBILL Version: B1.O (01/01/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: KISBILL.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Clipper (tm) source included! Description: KISBILL is a simple to use and operate billing and invoicing system. This product was produced to provide a means of billing a client or customer. Very little setup is required (ie: Your Company Name, and address, tax rates). Databases are Dbase (tm) compatible. KISBILL is multi-user, able to operate on most of the PC based networks, ie: Novell (tm). A simple database management module is also included. Will print an invoice in a laser or regular printer format... -- page 5 -- Program: PC-Calc+ Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $69.95 BBS filename: PCCAL1.ARC, PCCAL2.ARC, PCCAL3.ARC in Compuserve PCVEN forum User support: Telephone, Mail, FAX, ButtonNet (BBS), Compuserve PCVEN. All support is free for one year following date of purchase. PCVEN Compuserve support is free to everyone. Description: PC-Calc+ is a full-featured spreadsheet program with graphics, split screens, 80x87 support, macros, over 75 built-in functions and more. PCCAL1.ARC contains the spreadsheet program and help files. PCCAL2.ARC contains the Utility Disk files. PCCAL3.ARC contains the manual. You must "un-arc" these files before using PC-Calc+. REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC or compatible; 280K available RAM (more recommended); DOS 2.0 or higher; 2 floppies or 1 hard disk. See PCCALC.INF for more information. Program: PC-DEAL Version: 2.4 (07/01/90) Registration fee: $40 BBS filename: pcdeal.* User support: registered users receive copy of latest release, support available by mail & telephone, notification of future releases. Description: A ledger accounting program suitable for a small business or organization as well as personal use. 300 accounts; enter unlimited double entry transactions, retain 1,200 on file; up to twelve months open for entry or editing; 12 reports with on screen browsing & output to printer or disk file. Bar graphs; data export; monthly budgets. Sixty day trial period. Program: ProQube Lite Version: 1.00 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PQLITE.* User support: voice support, BBS support, CompuServe support Description: ProQube Lite is a 3D spreadsheet. It provides 512 pages, and the 3D worksheet can be rotated. ProQube Lite also provides file linking, direct import/export of 1-2-3 and dBase files, over 80 @functions, a powerful macro language, macro recorder, mouse support, visual point & shoot file manager, and much more. ProQube Lite is from the same company as QubeCalc, and is much more powerful than its predecessor. Registration $25. Archivers Program: SHEZ Version: 5.1 (12/05/89) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: SHEZ51.ZIP -- page 6 -- User support: Support is offered on Comuserve via Easyplex. Address questions to [76266,2634]. Support is also offered on the Directory Assistance BBS (707) 538-8710 via SHEZ conference. Description: SHEZ is a user friendly SHELL designed to make working with compressed files quick and painless. SHEZ supports ARC, ZIP, PAK, SDN, LZH, and ZOO compressed file formats. It allows you to convert from one compressed format to another, view print, update, add, extract, move, files in the compressed file. It will also convert to/from self extracting files Registered users receive a large data version of SHEZ that is capable of handling 1800 file/compressed file 2000 per DIR. ASP files Program: ASP application form (text file) Version: January 1990 Registration fee: $free BBS filename: APPLIC.FRM or APPLIC.ZIP User support: not applicable Description: This is the statement of purpose and an application form for membership in the Association of Shareware Professionals ("ASP"), a trade association for shareware programmers. Program: ASP BBS catalog (text file) th Version: 25 Edition, 10/4/90 (updated monthly) Registration fee: $free BBS filename: ASP3404.ARC User support: not applicable Description: An official product catalog for the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). These programs can be downloaded from nationwide bulletin boards and tested on a try-before-you-buy basis. This catalog describes each product. Entries are grouped by subject and cross-referenced in an index. A monthly update file is created for those people who already have the previous edition of this catalog. See below. Program: ASP BBS catalog updates (text file) th Version: 25 Edition, 10/4/90 (updated monthly) Registration fee: $free BBS filename: UPD3404.ARC User support: not applicable Description: th An official update to the 24 Edition product catalog for the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). This file will bring you up to date on the changes in the current edition of the catalog. There's no need to download the whole catalog again. See above. -- page 7 -- Astrology & New Age Program: Aura Reading [***] Version: 1.1 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $29 BBS filename: WEBSTER.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter Description: Based on the work and research of internationally-known psychic entertainer Richard Webster, "Aura Reading" helps you learn what to look for when attempting to see the human aura. "Quick Numerology" uses a special method of Numerology, popular in Australia and New Zealand, to give a quick but pointed personality profile. It's a great way to meet people and make friends! Program: BOOK OF CHANGES [***] Version: 1.0 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $24 BBS filename: BOOK1.ZIP User support: By mail or phone, newsletter receive upgrades Description: The I Ching (Book of Changes), a classic of Chinese literature, is a book of divinations originating in antiquity. Its poetic messages are used for both fortune-telling & their insight into our role in the world. Toss coins or sticks to create a pattern of 6 lines for interpretation. The I Ching's "yin & yang" philosophy fits the "yes & no" or "0 & 1" mentality of the computer. Edit the text to incorporate your favorite translation, or add your own comments. Readings can printed or saved. Program: BY THE NUMBERS [***] Version: 4.3 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $29 BBS filename: NUMBERS.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter Description: Use the philosophy of Numerology to analyze your name & birthdate for their symbolic meaning & metaphysical vibrations, 10 separate personality elements, forecast for coming year. Save readings for fu- ture reference. Professional-looking reports can be edited for truly personalized interpretations. This has been our most popular program for nearly three years! -- page 8 -- Program: CRYSTAL BALL Version: 2.1 Registration fee: $19.00 BBS filename: CRYSTAL.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; mail support; some voice support; registration includes subscription to newsletter Description: Based on Thomas A. Easton's article "Psychics, Computers and Psychic Computers" in The Skeptical Inquirer, this program makes predictions and answers questions, with a sometimes enigmatic style reminscent of ancient Greek oracles. Subject matter may be selected by the user for predictions of personal interest. Program: PERSONAL TAROT(tm) [***] Version: 1.0 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $24 BBS filename: TAROT10.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter Description: Automates shuffling & dealing, builds a 10-card layout, displays card descriptions & meanings. Completely menu-driven. You choose the method for shuffling, selecting a Significator card & displaying info. The program has 2 variations on the traditional Celtic Cross layout. Edit the card descriptions & interpretations to conform with your favorite Tarot deck and published references; add your own comments, separate from the card descriptions, which may be included in readings at your option. Readings can be edited for truly personalized reports. Program: FORTUNE TELLER Version: 2.6 Registration fee: $29.00 BBS filename: FORTUNE.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; mail support; some voice support; registration includes subscription to newsletter Description: A potpourri of divination and fortune telling techniques. Offers three separate playing card methods, dice method, short numerology, runes. A history and explanation of each method is provided. Program: GEOMANCY Version: 2.2 Registration fee: $29.00 BBS filename: GEOMANCY.ZIP User support: Current version is mailed out; mail support; some voice support; registration includes newsletter subscription Description: GEOMANCY is an ancient system of divination, sometimes associated with black magic, that creates an Astro-Geomantic chart based on your area of inquiry. Provides explanation of geomantic figures and charts, saves readings in database. -- page 9 -- Astronomy & Geography Program: MAYAN CALENDAR Version: 3.3 Registration fee: $29.00 BBS filename: MAYAN.ZIP User support: Newest version is mailed; mail support; some voice support; registration includes newsletter subscription Description: Uses the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Mayans to convert a modern calendar date to its Mayan equivalent (or vice versa), and gives Mayan astrological interpretation. Includes history of the Mayan calendar and chart of month & day names. Program: SHUTTLE v 4; space shuttle tracking program Version: 4 (01/09/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: STS26.EXE User support: Inquiries responded to in writting. Description: SHUTTLE tracking program version 4 by LCDR R.L. Lloyd. Designed to track any Space Shuttle. Now permits On Orbit Changes. EGA/ CGA graphics show the track of shuttle in real or compressed time. Allows Tracking of future and imaginary missions. Fun way to learn how one orbital variable effects another. Set the Orbital Period or Altitude and Angle for launch or take the defaults and watch the mission track. Program: WORLD29 Version: 2.97 Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: WORLD29.ZIP User support: By CIS E-Plex or via mail Description: WORLD29 V. 2.97. Maps of Countries of the world. Centered on Lat & Long OR on selected cities. Distance Calculator. Track anything that can be given a Lat & Long. Over 150 national capitals - all 50 state capitals -selected additional cities - Now enter location in degrees & Minutes, Choice of Political Boundaries, More EGA color, Name the City shows surrounding Capitals. ASP Shareware. Self extracting. -- page 10 -- Backup/restore Program: LCG/Remind Version: 1.7 (3/1/90) Registration Fee: $12.95 BBS filename: LCGR17.* User support: Customer support available through a number of electronic mail networks / BBS systems. Registration good for ALL future versions. Description: LCG/Remind v 1.7 is a small utility designed to remind you when it is time to back-up your hard disk, or to automate any task based on time, day of week, month, or the number of days since last executed. With its animated windows, log file ability, and many options it is flexible, intelligent, attractive. * New * Trigger on the LAST weekday of the month. Display percent disk full. BBS software Program: EIS (Electronic Information System) BBS Version: 2.0 (08/01/89) Registration fee: $89.00 BBS filename: EIS2DSK1.ZIP and EIS2DSK2.ZIP User support: Support BBS at (401) 732-2169. Compuserve users address questions to 72537,3361. Registered owners get access to private support forums on the support BBS. Reduced-cost upgrades. Description: EIS is an extremely fast, powerful, and configurible BBS system. An unlimited number of menus & submenus under menus are allowed. 999 message bases and 999 nodes supported. Makes an excellent public BBS system, in-house e-mail system, customer support, or on-line information system. NOTE: You will also need the second EIS file, EIS2DSK2.ZIP. This file contains important data files and documentation. -- page 11 -- Program: Searchlight BBS System Version: 1.31 (08/26/89) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: SLBBS31A.ZIP User support: Registered users get latest version on disk, use of support BBS, update notices. Extended versions include a printed user manual (150 pages), free updates, support, add'l utilities. Description: Searchlight is a full featured, full screen oriented bulletin board and electronic mail system that's perfect for the home or business user. Features include Wordstar compatible message editor, error-free file transfers, personal mailboxes, friendly interface with online help. Expandable via add-on DOORS system. Compatible with a wide range of PC's, modems, and existing BBS DOORs software. Multiuser versions and extended versions with network support are available. Business applications Program: DAYO BACK ORDERS Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOOE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO BACK ORDERS is the maintenance module for the processing of all your customers/sales backorders. DAYO BO (working with DAYO POS) determines and manages the filling (allocation) of your customers backorders. It does this through an allocation process that determines what backordered items are 'fillable' because of receipts into the inventory. Creates the same type invoices as DAYO POS. Program: DAYO MRP Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOWE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO MRP (MATERIALS REQUIREMENT PLANNING) is a routine designed for manufacturers. DAYO MRP builds items (End Items) from item (Components) in the inventory database. End Items can later be placed into inventory for later sales. Supports multi-level Bill of Materials. Features include automatic inventory posting and creation of inventory adjustment records, databases are dBase (tm) compatible, multiuser, and many reports. -- page 12 -- Program: DAYO POS Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOPE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO POS (Point of Sale) is a Billing and Invoicing application for any size business. It is the DAYO module that permits you to invoice out your products while keeping an accurate record of all your 'sales'. Features include: Multiuser (ie: Novell), Registers, Quote Interface (to DAYO Quotes), Templates Back Orders, Data Entry Validation, Cash Drawers (Serial or Parallel), Databases are dBase (tm) compatible, HP Laser Special Invoices, and much more! Program: DAYO Price Book Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOBE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO Price Book is a system of creating and maintaining specialized pricing for your customer/clients. Special printouts (Price Books/Catalogs) may be printed to a standard printer, or to a Hewlett Packard (tm) Laserjet or compatible. It requires the presence of DAYO Inventory and DAYO POS (Point of Sale) programs/databases. Special Price Book methods: Fixed, Margin, List Discount. Program: DAYO QUOTES Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOQE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO Quotes creates sales order quotes based on the DAYO Inventory, Customer, and other DAYO databases. Quotes can be printed on a standard printer or a Hewlett Packard (tm) Laserjet compatible printer. The quote can be printed on a pre- printed form, on the Laser printer in a special laser format, or as a standard/default form. DAYO Quotes is totally integrated with DAYO POS. Templates (kits or bundles), are also supported. -- page 13 -- Program: DAYO SMART REPORTS Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYORE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO SMART REPORTS contain many reports/routines that will help you manage your purchasing, inventory, invoices, backorders, sales, and your databases. There are 22 Reports/ Lists/Routines included in Smart Reports, ie: Single Warehouse, Inventory Zero Price, Valuation Expanded, Inventory Zero Retail, ReOrder (2 weeks), ReOrder (4 weeks), ReOrder (8 weeks), Negative Onhand, StockLevel Shortage, Vendor List, StockLevel Over, and many more! Program: Document Control Version: 1.4 Registration fee: $30 BBS filename: DOCCON.* User support: Current Disk is mailed out; Support via CIS and Voice; Registration good for all future versions. Database Structures and feeely available to Registered users. Description: Document Control is a document management system which allows sequential storage of paper documents which can then be retrieved by searching by up to 10 Keywords per entry, or by ther Author. Also allows archival of Documents. Fully Menu Driven, using Lightbar. Version 1.4 Allows Deleting Documents from Archive Database. Program: FINANCE MANAGER II - PAYROLL Version: 1.3f Registration fee: $41.95 BBS filename: FMPR.ARC or FMPR-EXE.ARC User support: Free support (1 yr), Quarterly newsletters, FREE latest version when you register, Additional modules, Bound manuals, Low cost upgrades, Discounts, and make money with our commission program. Description: FINANCE MANAGER II - PAYROLL This Payroll module is fully integrated to the Finance Manager II General Ledger (see file "FMGL.ARC"). Features include: Automatically calculates deductions and liabilities, Override options, Manual or Computer checks, User modifiable tax tables, W-2's, Hourly/ Salary, Weekly, Biweekly, Semi- monthly, Monthly payroll, Many reports. This is one of the easiest-to- use and complete payroll tracking programs available. See FMAP-2.ARC, -- page 14 -- Program: MLSIM Version: 1.1 (05/29/90) Registration fee: $39 BBS filename: MLM$VIEW.* User support: Users receive current disk, printed manual in convenient booklet form, and supplemental data files. Currently offering free lifetime upgrades to registered users. Mail & CIS support. Description: A no holds barred look at MLM. Demonstrates through simulation how downlines can grow to yield a 6 figure income in a hostile, competitive environment. Users input details of marketing plan, product acceptance, promotional budgets & strategies. Program projects downlines, costs, commissions, purchases, cash status monthly for each individual member. Realistic model shows who gets money, how much, when, and why. Warns of unprofitable situations. DOS 640k, color text. Program: PDS*EPRICE Version: 4.10 Registration fee: $35.00 BBS filename: PDSPRI.EXE User support: Pre and Post Techinical support for at least 1 yr. Latest version is mailed with low cost future upgrades. Description: PDS*EPRICE Electrical Contractors Price Update system Ver 4.09. This system will convert the pricing service weekly updates from 4 pricing services into the PDS*QUOTE Quote/Bid system material format. Must be used in conjunction with PDS*QUOTE Includes complete program, documentation and sample Price Service data files. Requires hard disk. Program: PDS*QUOTE Version: 4.10 catalog report, backups, Footnotes, Mass Price Changes, output to PRN & SDF files, F1 Help windows, Discount & List Prices, Pop-Up Calendar and more. Registration fee: $45.00 BBS filename: PDSQUO.EXE User support: Pre and Post Techinical support for at least 1 yr. Latest version is mailed with low cost future upgrades. Description: PDS*QUOTE Quote/Bid system Version 4.10 is packed with features for ANY type/size business from consulting to one person contractors to small/large manufacturers. Using dBASE III+ compatible files, Pull-Down menus, Point-&-Shoot Browse to build quotes makes this system VERY easy to learn and use. Complete software & manual. [ASP] User supported. -- page 15 -- Program: TimeStax [***] Version: 2.3 (02/19/90) Registration fee: $49.95 BBS filename: TMSTAX23.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; CIS support@71071,1215; voice support@408-255-4213; registration good for ALL future st releases (1 upgrade free) Description: TIMESTAX is a LAN-aware time management program for anyone who needs to monitor how their time is spent. Lets you record all activity by Date, Client, Project, and Task for any number of employees. Features 8-line notes, auto timer, 5 levels of reporting, popup windows, import/export utilities, smooth user interface. Only 10 minutes to learn! For private consultants, managers, and office workers. Program: ZIPKEY Version: 1.00 Registration fee: $30 per year; volume discounts available BBS filename: ZK10.ZIP (main program), ZK0988.ZIP (database) User support: Manual sent with registration; yearly Zip Code updates (montly updates available for a fee); phone and BBS support. Description: ZIPKEY is the smallest and fastest Zip Code lookup utility ever created! Loads as a resident (TSR) program in just 19k and lets you find the city & state for any Zip Code, and vice versa (even if you don't know the state). Makes your programs think you typed in the city/state/zip yourself, in any format you choose. 43,000 cities listed in a 122k database -- under three bytes per entry! Complete DOS INT 179 services let you discard city/state fields in large databases. Program: ZPAY 3 Payroll System Version: 3.0 Registration fee: $69.95 BBS filename: ZPAY31.ZIP & ZPAY32.ZIP User support: Full telephone support for registered users. Will answer all mail support questions as well. Compuserve 70040,645. Description: The ZPAY 3 Payroll System is a full featured, stand alone payroll package. Pull down menus with mouse support; full context sensitive on-line help; pays hourly, salaried, commissined, and tipped employees; prints checks, W2 forms, 1099-MISC forms as well as payroll reports; support for Laser printers as well as standard printers. Requires a hard drive system, MS-DOS 2.0 or newer. Registration brings a 227 page illustrated perfect bound manual and telephone support. Author - Paul Mayer -- page 16 -- CAD/CAM software Program: CADET Version: 2.0 (08/12/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: CADET2.* User support: Mail and electronic mail support (CompuServe and BBS); Upgrade notices and discounts; Diskette with AutoLISP source code available. Description: CADET v2.0 professional software system allows users to create tables and edit both text and attributes in AutoCAD drawings. Full-screen text editing * 99 lines x 255 characters * Pull- down menu * Shortcut commands * Help screen * Status lines * Search and replace * Find text * Cut and paste * Change style, height and case * EGA/VGA support * Import and export text * Works from within AutoCAD - stop retyping entire lines of text to make simple changes, use CADET! Program: DRAFT CHOICE Version: 1.3H (03/30/90) Registration fee: $40 + $5 s&h BBS filename: DC14H.EXE User support: Bound manual, latest version, quarterly newsletter, Utilities/Library disk, three months of free phone/mail support, dedicated TRIUS BBS, reduced price updates... Description: DRAFT CHOICE is a full featured, affordable CAD Program from TRIUS, the developers of AS-EASY-AS. Over 160 Drawing, Editing and Viewing commands * Mouse/Keyboard Operation * 9/24 pin Printer Support * Laserjet and HP Plotter Support * PIC files * CGA/EGA & Herc Compatible * Undo Command * Scientific Calculator * Animation, Semi-Auto Scaling * Much more... Program: PC-Draft-CAD Version: 3.00 (4/15/90) VGA, Super VGA and Hercules displays. Also, "virtual memory" management automatically uses extended, expanded memory or pages to disk as necessary. New price ($65). Registration fee: $65 BBS filename: PCDCAD1.EXE, PCDCAD2.EXE, PCDCAD3.3XE User support: Current disks & typset manual is mailed; voice suport; Bug fixes mailed to all users; upgrades cost $20. Email support via Compuserve Description: PC-Draft-CAD is a full featured vector based CAD drafting system with features found only in expensive commercial CAD systems Automatic dimensions, unlimited layers, named objects saved in group libraries, context sensitive help, output to plotters, or Epson, LaserJet, DeskJet; exact scaling by feet- inches/metric; keyboard macros; import bit-mapped images, WordPerfect WPG, DXF files; export WPG, HPGL & GEM Draw format. Also DL PCCAD2.EXE. Register for object libraries, file conversion utils, manual. -- page 17 -- Calendars & clocks Program: DAYO CLOCK Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOCK.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO CLOCK is a simple Clock display and optional alarm, that can act as a simple job scheduler. Requires a CGA, EGA or better graphic card & monitor. Program: SETTIME.COM Version: 1.4 (08/17/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: SETTIME.EXE User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: SETTIME 1.4! It's better! It's easier to use! AND it's smaller!?? * sets DOS' time AND DATE * US Naval Observatory Atomic Time * 952 bytes (NOT over 100K like others!) * $20 ($5 upgrade) * DTM (569 bytes) "software backup clock" included * Self-Extracting Archive Church & religion Program: CMTS Version: 2.0 (05/04/90) Registration fee: $129 BBS filename: CMTS2A.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out with printed manual. Support available through E-Mail on Compuserve, direct postal mail, BBS (August 1990). Voice support is also available but chargable annually. Description: An exceptionally powerful, yet very easy to use, full featured Church Membership & Donation Tracking System. Donation module provides extensive tracking of contributions by user-definable fund categories, sound audit trail, multi-level security, extensive reporting. Member module provides organization rosters, member skill lists, special date reports(birthday lists, etc.) labels by family, individual, org member, much more! Pop-up context-sensitive help. CMTS2B.ZIP required also. -- page 18 -- Program: PDS*MEMBER Version: 1.08 Registration fee: $30.00 BBS filename: PDSMEM.EXE User support: Pre and Post Techinical support for at least 1 yr. Latest version is mailed with low cost future upgrades. Description: PDS*MEMBER Church Membership & Giving system v 1.08 is packed with features for any size/denomination of church. Tracks members & children & allows FAST posting of ALL giving. Track talents, jobs, positions with unlimited text window per member with text search reporting. Many reports, labels & rotary card file runs. Complete Attendance Tracking and Reporting. LOW registration. Self-extract archive. Command processors Program: 4DOS Version: 3.01a (05/25/90) Registration fee: $50 BBS filename: 4DOS301A.ZIP User support: $50 registration good for current version plus one downloaded major upgrade; pay for additional upgrades. Tech support via CIS PCVENB, Bix, BBS networks, mail, phone, fax. Description: 4DOS replaces COMMAND.COM for MS-DOS/PC-DOS. Enhances most DOS commands, over 40 new commands. Command editing, history, aliases, point-and-shoot file selection, high-speed batch files, much more. 1989 PC Mag Tech Excellence Finalist (v 2.21). COMMAND.COM compatible, DOS 2.0 and up, IBM PCs, PS/2s, compatibles. Compatible with virtually all PC hardware and software. Manual on CIS is in 4DOS3D.ZIP; for more info read 4DOS.INF. Shipping $4 US, $5 Canada, $10 others. Program: 4EDIT [***] Version: 1.04 Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: 4EDIT104.* User support: Current disk is mailed out. Voice support; CIS support; notification of upgrades. Description: 4EDIT is a full-screen editor for 4DOS file descriptions. It is much more convenient than the 4DOS DESCRIBE command because you can see the descriptions for all selected files at one time. Create or edit descriptions for any grouping of files using multiple filenames and extended wildcards, like 4DOS. Works with all versions of 4DOS, including 3.01. Version 1.04, uploaded by author. Also look at companion utility 4ZIP. -- page 19 -- Program: 4ZIP [***] Version: 1.07 Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: 4ZIP107.* User support: Current disk is mailed out. Voice support; CIS support; notification of upgrades. Description: 4ZIP is a utility for 4DOS. Used with the PKWare file compression program PKZIP, it save 4DOS file descriptions along with the files as they are compressed. The included program 4UNZIP, calls PKUnzip, and restores the descriptions to 4DOS as each file is uncompressed. Select files to Zip or Unzip from a full-screen list with extended wildcards, like 4DOS. Works with all versions of 4DOS, including 3.01. Ver. 1.07, uploaded by author. Also look at companion utility, 4EDIT. Communications Program: Ease-Up Version: 1.7 (09/10/89) Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: EUPC17.* User support: Free technical support is offered to registered users. Support is provided by major on-line services, telephone or mail. Automatic notice of new releases. Most upgrades for cost of shipping only. Description: Ease-Up is a full featured script generator that allows the automating of uploading files to on-line services via the script languages of several popular terminal programs. Scripts are generated for CROSSTALK Mk4,TAPCIS, Qmodem & PROCOMM PLUS. A sophisticated, yet intuitive interface makes Ease-Up easy to use. No prior knowledge of script languages is needed to put Ease-Up to work for you. Versions for CompuServe and GEnie are available separately. Program: PCFMT Version: 1.3 (03/03/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: PCFMT.* User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: PCFMT formats Procomm Plus Aspect files the way YOU want them. Capitalize, lowercase, or uppercase keywords and/or labels and/ or variables. Block structures indented evenly for easy reading. Many user settable options. Turn formatting ON and OFF inside a listing. Other features. -- page 20 -- Program: Profonedit Plus (or PFE+) Version: 1.04 (03/05/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: PFEPL104.* User support: current disk mailed to registered users; support on CIS, GEnie, InterLink echo; voice support for registered users Description: Profonedit Plus (PFE+) is THE Directory Processor for PROCOMM PLUS and PROCOMM PLUS TD. PFE+ is to your .DIR files what Word* et al are to your unfinished novel! PFE+ lets you edit, sort (on up to 6 of 7 fields), insert, delete, move, exchange, rearrange your .DIR to suit your needs rather than the accidents of entry. Looks like PC+ and reads PCPLUS.PRM. Fully context sensitive help. This version improves compatibility with Datastorm Technology's SORTDIR utility. Program: Qanalyst [***] Version: 2.05 (09/19/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: QANA-205.ZIP User support: current disk is mailed out; BBS support; voice support; registration good for ALL future versions; can beta test upcoming versions. Description: "Qanalyst" analyzes Qmodem v4.2 log files so you know how much you're SPENDING on modem calls. Keeps track of holidays when rates go down. Analyzes uploads & downloads, which includes the cost to transfer files. Reports can be restricted to last call (even if it's still in progress) or to a specific phone number. Maintains Qmodem .LOG files to keep them as small as possible. Phone-rate files comply with the powerful new Call Data Standard. Program: QFE Version: 4.03 (03/05/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: QFE_403.* User support: current disk mailed to registered users; support on CIS, GEnie, InterLink echo; voice support for registered users Description: QFE is THE Qmodem .FON processor, enabling true fullscreen multi-file editing, sorting, and general processing of your .FON files, including cut & paste between files, mass copy of entries (or individual fields) over a marked block, etc. Full "context-sensitive" help. Undo limited only by RAM. This is the full version, unlimited in any way. -- page 21 -- Program: STARDIAL Version: 4.00 Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: STARDIAL.* User support: Current disk mailed out;Email/USMail support Registration entitles free upgrades for one year Description: STARDIAL is a standalone autodialer for the Tymnet/Starlink service. Automatic queue redialing from a dialing directory of 200 outdial/BBS combinations. ASCII file capture for easy message handling.Has eight internal file transfer protocols. Can install up to 3 externals. Context-sensitive help. Mouse support. Desqview aware. Version 4.00 Program: TAPLEX Version: 1.2 Registration fee: $0 BBS filename: TAPLX120.* User support: support provided on CompuServe TAPCIS forum LIB 2 and EPLEX to 73267,333; also by phone and mail. Description: TAPLEX is a TAPCIS utility which helps you organize and maintain your EasyPlex correspondence. It merges messages from EASYPLEX.MSG and EASYPLEX.SAV in time and date order into different message files based on user name and PPN, so, for example, you can have all your John Smith messages in JOHN.M and all your Myrtle Jones messages in MYRTLE.M. Version 1.2 adds: merge EASYPLEX into one file; prompt on every message. Auth: Tracey Siesser, member of ASP. Program: TAPMARK Version: 1.43 Registration fee: $0, enhanced non-shareware version is $25. BBS filename: TAPMK143.* User support: support provided on CompuServe TAPCIS forum LIB 2 and EPLEX to [76164,237]; also by phone and mail. Description: TAPMARK, the most popular TAPCIS add-on utility, intelligently marks message threads to be downloaded from CompuServe. (It is used in place of the TAPCIS "M" command.) It remembers which threads you've previously read; identifies threads with messages to you; allows you to specify areas of interest and disinterest. If used properly, TAPMARK can save you gobs of time and enhance your enjoyment of CIS and TAPCIS. This is version 1.43. Auth: Jim Korenthal, member of ASP. -- page 22 -- Program: TTIME Version: 1.1 (03/01/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: TTIME11.ARC User support: Support is currently offered via U.S. Mail, or on CIS at User ID listed. Future plans include dedicated BBS. Description: Want to know how long that file transfer is going to take BEFORE you start it? TTIME will provide best-guess estimates for file transfers via XMODEM, YMODEM and CompuServe B/B+, by file name (Uploads) or file size (Downloads). Can be run from your communications program as a shell or external program. Offers both prompted and command line operation. Program: XRS Version: 3.40 (07/17/90) Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: XRS3*.ZIP (multiple files) User support: Support BBS at (803) 556-7485. Compuserve users address questions to [76666,1512]. Support conference on FidoNet systems using the "QMX_XRS" echomail conference. Description: XRS is an offline reader/editor for TComm/Net, QuickBBS, Opus, RemoteAccess, Maximus and XBBS bulletin board users. XRS uses an intuitive user interface with automatic detection of video capabilities, scrolling selection lists, hot-key configuration and full mouse support. Allows users to select, compress and download messages from any BBS supporting the program, both freeing up the BBS for more callers, and saving time and money for long-distance callers. Full-screen editor built in. Databases Program: DAYO INDEX Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOXE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO INDEX is a program designed to manage the indexing of the DAYO databases. DAYO applications all have multiple indexes, and because it is recommended that they be reindexed at least once daily, DAYO Index was created to simplify this process. -- page 23 -- Program: DAYO Inventory Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOIE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO Inventory is a Multiuser Inventory Control, Purchasing, and Vendor Maintenance application. Use DAYO Inventory to create and maintain an inventory of any product. Create and print purchase orders on a standard printer or a Hewlett Packard LaserJet (tm). Receive purchase orders into inventory, with the option of printing receivers, and inventory price labels. Other features include Reports, Labels, Lists, a Graph and a Simple Database Management System. Program: DAYO Look Up Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOLE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO Look Up is a routine for DAYO users to view data from any DAYO database or dBase (tm) compatible database (.DBF). No editing is allowed. This provides a 'safe' tool for users that do not have the need to make changes to the databases. Has multi-level passwords. Program: DAYO PASSWORDS Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOIDE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO PASSWORDS provide DAYO Business Application users with a system of database security through the use of passwords. Its use is optional, but recommended in areas where more than one person has access to the data. -- page 24 -- Program: DAYO UPDATE Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOUE.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO UPDATE is a program created to update and convert earlier versions of DAYO databases and memory files. * It is required when attempting to upgrade any existing DAYO module. Program: FLAG Version: (07/24/90) Registration fee: $24.95 BBS filename: FLAG6192.ZIP User support: most recent version/release sent. FREE upgrades for 1yr following registration. Email/Voice/USPS support. Description: Don't let duplicate records jeapordize the integrity of your dBASE 3+ (or compatible) data base. FLAG will find Exact, Probable, and Possible duplicates. Optionally eliminate exacts. FLAG offers the most extensive user defined checking available. Options to ignore case, spaces, punctuation. Create reports. You decide what fields, where to start, and how much of each field to check. User defined filter for enhanced checking. Program: PC-File Version: 5.0 (1/15/90) Registration fee: $129.95 BBS filename: PCF5_1.ZIP PCF5_2.ZIP PCF5_3.ZIP User support: Current disks are sent, with 400+ page printed manual. Automatic notification of updates. Free technical support via Compuserve or ButtonWare's BBS. Paid voice support available via a (900) number. Description: PC-File is the easiest to use full function "flat file" database available. It includes letter-writing with mail merge, business graphing of data, a powerful report writer, macros, context sensitive help, relational retrieve from other databases, works directly on dBASE files. New version 5.0 features: mouse support; telephone autodialer with phone call logging; ten levels of report subtotals; multi-screen data entry forms; more sophisticated searching and indexing; 128 fields; more. -- page 25 -- Program: Personal Asset Register (PAR) Version: 1.1 (01/01/89) Registration fee: $37 BBS filename: PAR11.EXE User support: Micro System Solutions on CIS PPN 76060,102 or by phone 1(303)795-7653 (9-5 MST M-F), credit card order by EPlex or toll free 1(800)421-1789. 5417 S. Cimarron Rd. Littleton CO 80123 Description: User defined mini database formatted to allow inventories of your data YOUR way. Redefine any screen, any printout. Provide copies of inventories to insurance companies, estate lawyers. Comes complete with definitions for 10 different inventories. Shareware. Self-extracting (LZH format) Program: PopDBF Version: 3.6 (02/08/90) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: POPDBFxx.EXE or POPDBFxx.ZIP ("xx" is version) User support: Compuserve, Mail, and Telephone. First upgrade is free. Additional upgrades are only $5. Description: PopDBF is a memory resident program (can be run in non-resident mode) which provides INSTANT access to dBASEIII+ and compatible database files. It uses less than 33K when installed in memory and can be uninstalled. Features include: easy file selection, browse, append/edit, view structure, print structure/data, FAST search (record wide or field(s) specific), context sensitive help. Program: SANDDS MOVIE GUIDE Version: 2.0 (07/08/90) Registration fee: $29.95 BBS filename: MOVIE2.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed to customer. Disk with a Data base of over 900 movies and PCX pictures are sent to the customer. Telephone and written support by SANDD. Description: Relational movie data base featuring PCX picture support. Unique actor director lookup, displays film history of the stars. Packed with almost 200 movies and 900 more apon regis- tration. Simple pull down menus with mouse support make access ing your data a snap. Many fields with user defined series make your data base flexible. Written in Pascal and Assembler. -- page 26 -- Program: SOFF BALLS Version: 2.1 (01/05/90)") Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: SOFFBALL.* User support: Current disk is mailed unless they specify they have current version. Copy of 1989 Stats and Press Release for STEELE'S (America's number one softball team). Notification of future upgrades. Description: Softball/Baseball record-keeping system. Keeps records for up to 10 teams. Tracks TAB-OAB-H-R-D-T-HR-SAC-BB-SO-RBI-SA-BA. Computes stats hundreds of ways (i.e. all games, league games, tournament games, game 7, McFarland Tournament, last 10 games). Displays and prints reports. Loaded with STEELE'S (America's number one softball team) 1989 NSA National Championship Games. On-line documentation. Allows color customizing of screens. VERY EASY TO USE. Program: Videocat Version: 7.0. (10/20/89) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: VCAT70.EXE User support: current disk is mailed out; mail support; email support via CompuServe; registration good for all future versions (nominal shipping charge after first update); C source code available. Description: "Videocat" is a fully featured program for cataloging videocassettes; designed for serious collectors and large collections. Both fixed information fields and free-form text comment area in each record. Some categories can be custom configured by the user. Add, change, delete, search functions; screen or printer output options; label printing; statistical reports. Family API runs under either DOS or OS/2. Memory- intensive, may conflict with some TSR's. Program: VINO:FILE Cellar Master Version: V2.13 (06/12/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: VINOFILE.* User support: Current disk and printed manual are mailed. Support is available on Compuserve, by mail and by phone. Description: VINO:FILE Cellar Master manages your wine cellar records and tasting notes on IBM computers (& compatibles). Analyze your cellar - by variety, year, origin, peak drinking period, location - identify future purchases, print reports. Nice user interface. Includes Cross Reference facility, help screens, on- disk manual (over 100 pages!) and sample files. -- page 27 -- Program: WORKBASE [***] Version: 3.0 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $49 BBS filename: WORKBASE.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, nesletter Description: Designed with the professional database developer (especially Clipper users) in mind, WORKBASE replaces the dot prompt with over 80 "dBASE language" commands & over 110 functions. Create a DBF; append, edit & browse; restore from & save to MEM files; display memory; display & modify structure; DO a PRG file. Anyone using dBASE-compatible data files will love this powerful utility. "Everything you need to create and manipulate dBase III data, memo and index files is here without the $700 price tag." -- Public Brand Software. Desktop applications Program: Calendar Keeper Reason for version: This is the initial IBM compatible Shareware release of Calendar Keeper. The prior version of this program was CALENDAR.BAS written for the Tandy Model 4. Registration Fee: $20 BBS Filename(s): CK-21B.* User Support: Current Disk mailed with Registration; phone, mail, and BBS support; registered users notified of all upgrades. Description: Calendar Keeper is a Calendar DataBase program which maintains up to 10 separate Calendar DataBases and can print them to Printer, File, or Screen. Functions include View/Edit/Delete/ Scan/Add/Draw of data which can be stored as 'One-time' or 'Permanent' events. Permanent events can be recurring-yearly or fixed-date events. This is an easy to use calendar system designed for individuals, clubs, or anyone who has trouble keeping track of dates and miscellaneous appointments. Program: DARN! [***] Version: 3.0 (07/12/90) BBS filename: DARN3.ZIP User support: Registered users recieve a copy of the latest version of DARN! on disk with a serial number entitling them to unlimited technical support Description: DARN! Don't Forget! Version 3 is for absent minded people (like me) who need help remembering birthdays, anniversaries, tax payments, any event that occurs on the same day each year. It loads via your autoexec.bat file once a day (or each time you boot -- your choice). DARN! is NOT a TSR, so it takes zero memory from your other applications. Many features, easy to use. -- page 28 -- Program: Don't Forget Version: 1.50D (09/04/89) Registration fee: $15.00 BBS filename: DF150D.* User support: Diskette with current or next major revision free in U.S. Three months support by mail. Description: "Don't Forget" displays reminder messages on specified dates. Create "message" files for different persons or purposes with a text editor specifying week-days or dates on which messages will appear. Supports wild-card dates, shows messages "missed" if you did not run the program on that day. Run at any time or from AUTOEXEC.BAT. For IBM or compatibles. Program: MORSOFT CALCULATOR Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $15 BBS Filename: MORCALC.ZIP User support: Latest release mailed out, no cost voice support, notification of new releases Description: Calculate in style with the MORSOFT CALCULATOR. A business calculator/adding machine with the functions of add, subtract, multiply, percent, divide and trigonometric functions. Also a memory constant feature and sub and overall totals. All operations may be perfomred in decimal or HEX. The main advantage however is the 1,000 entry "paper tape" that is displayed on the screen and may be scrolled forward or back, changed, printed and may contain several subtotals. Program: PAL Version: 2.1 (7/9/90) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: PAL21.ZIP User support: Support via PAL BBS at 914-762-8055 and via RIME BBS network. Description: PAL, the Personal Appointment Locator, is a flexible appointment calendar, scheduler and to-do list, permitting automatically repeating appointments and alarms. Shows popular and religious holidays. Any alarm can be turned into a timed event on your computer, with PAL's "invisible hand" initiating any series of keystrokes that you choose, even though you may be continents away at the moment. CIS has the program in three files: PAL21A.ZIP, PAL21B.ZIP and PAL21C.ZIP. -- page 29 -- Program: REMIND! Version: 6.0 (02/24/90) Registration fee: $24.95 BBS filename: REMINDS.* User support: Support available by phone, electronic mail, or postal mail. Inexpensive upgrades for purchasers. Description: Best daily reminder ("tickler") program ever. Understands days of the week, annual, monthly, weekly, perennial dates, and more. Never forget an appointment or birthday again! This version is fully functional, and includes the complete manual. There is No charge to use this version. Copyrights reserved. Disk utilities Program: Baker's Dozen Version: 1.0 Registration fee: 59.95 BBS filename: BAKDOZ.ARC in Compuserve PCVEN forum User support: Telephone, Mail, FAX, ButtonNet (BBS), Compuserve PCVEN. All support is free for one year following date of purchase. PCVEN Compuserve support is free to everyone. Description: Baker's Dozen is a collection of 13+ useful utility programs, including sideways printing; program to locate files and text within a file; pop-up calendar; disk utility program to browse/ edit FAT or any file; and more. BAKDOZ.ARC contains all of the files found on the Baker's Dozen program disk. You must "un- arc" the file before you can use Baker's Dozen. REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC or compatible; 256K RAM; DOS 2.0 or higher; 2 floppies or 1 hard disk. See BAKDOZ.INF for more information. Program: BOOT.SYS Version: 1.10 (01/24/90) Registration Fee: SFR 70 (about $45) BBS filename: BOOT110.* User support: current disk and nicely printed documentation; email support (Internet, also thru CompuServe), mail support; registration transferable to ALL future versions Description: BOOT.SYS makes it possible to display one or more menus at boot-up time and to have different parts of CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT executed depending on which menu option(s) are chosen. No more editing/renaming your start-up files and rebooting. Up to 9 options per menu, up to 25 consecutive and/ or nested menus. Uses 160 bytes of resident storage, no conflicts or side-effects. -- page 30 -- Program: Browse/2 Version: 1.2 (09/23/89) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: BRW2_12.* User support: Telephone support (weekdays 8:00 am-5:00 pm PST) and on line support via CompuServe(72777,1556) and BIX(jwolf). Current disk is mailed out and one free upgrade is provided. Description: With Browse/2 and the OS/2 Presentation Manager you can quickly see the contents of your disk files. You can: * View your files in ASCII or hexadecimal format * Search for words or phrases and display them in context * Set viewing options such as line numbers and display font * Select files for browsing with an interactive dialog Browse/2 requires OS/2 Version 1.1 or 1.2. Program: Colorado Utilities Disk Manager (CUDM) Version: 3.1.d (11/01/89) Registration fee: $37 BBS filename: CUDM31.EXE User support: Micro System Solutions on CIS PPN 76060,102 or by phone 1(303)795-7653 (9-5 MST M-F), credit card order by EPlex or toll free 1(800)421-1789. 5417 S. Cimarron Rd. Littleton CO 80123 Description: The BEST!! Disk Catalog System. Over 4000+ catalog entries. Reads any drive A:-Z:; format (360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M);ARC & ZIP files. Any monitor. Prints standard lists, condensed lists, covers, disk labels. File comments. Windows, menus. by author - Fred Hill. Self-extracting (LZH format) Program: Colorado Utilities Duplicate File Manager (CUDUP) Version: 1.3 (11/01/89) Registration fee: $27 BBS filename: CUDUP1.EXE User support: Micro System Solutions on CIS PPN 76060,102 or by phone 1(303)795-7653 (9-5 MST M-F), credit card order by EPlex or toll free 1(800)421-1789. 5417 S. Cimarron Rd. Littleton CO 80123 Description: Displays duplicate files on any drive, then allows you to list or delete any duplicates including DOS, .ARC, .ZIP, .LZH, .ZOO and more. Change colors & compression files to your needs. COMPLETE TP5.x SOURCE CODE (minus TPro library) included with registration. ASP Shareware. Self-extracting (LZH format). -- page 31 -- Program: DIREDIT Version: 3.01 (11/28/89) Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: DIREDISH.* User support: Latest version sent on disk to new Registrants. Support on CIS, Bix, and by phone and U.S. Mail. Mailed notification of significant bugs and major upgrades. Upgrades available on disk. Description: DIREDIT V3.01 is a "Shareware" utility which allows you to rearrange the order of files and sub-directory entries in a DOS directory. As well as allowing you to sort the directory in the standard ways, DIREDIT allows you to move individual files around and/or specify an arbitrary sort order. V3.00 includes support for almost all fixed and removable disks and for > 32 Mb devices under DOS 4.0 & Compaq DOS 3.31. Program: DUP [***] Version: 5.8 (09/??/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DUP58.EXE User support: Bound manual, latest version, unlimited free phone support, CIS membership, discounts on commercial products. Description: DUP speeds disk duplication. Master images are stored on hard drive, then copies are produced at high speed. Multi-drive operation, data compression, RAM buffering, disk serialization and much more! Excellent user interface, full status screen. Very powerful, yet easy to use! New version compatible with all drive types and has faster copying. If you need to make multiple disk copies, DUP makes it quick and easy. Self extracting. Program: Easy Format Version: 3.10 (04/16/90) Registration fee: $40 BBS filename: EASY31.* User support: Current disk is mailed out. Support via CompuServe Mail, U.S. Mail, and telephone. Free technical support to registered users. Next version also shipped to registered users automatically. Description: Easy Format 3.1 the fun floppy disk formatter. Supports all common disk/drive sizes. Provides four testing methods, six bad spot marking methods, continuous formatting even on two drives of different sizes, custom boot messages, volume labels, 80+ page User's Guide, and more. Three languages - English, German and Spanish. Menu driven and fully customizable. Three programs including a DESQview specific version for background formatting. Shareware [ASP Member] -- page 32 -- Program: FD.EXE Version: 1.3 (02/16/90) Registration Fee: $17-23 BBS filename: FD13.EXE User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: FD (1.3) Find any dir. with a minimum of typing, e.g. "FD db pr a" to switch to "\dbase\programs\accounting" OR use the same abbrv. format for COPYing or MOVEing files(wildcards!) to another {drv:} \path; also overwrite, follow, and simulate (test) modifiers. Verifies over-write if no modifier. Many safeguards for your files. Self-exams for viruses. Self- Extracting LZH archive. Program: FFOUR Version: ?? (06/14/89) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: FFOUR.* User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: FFOUR.ARC contains four small but powerful utilities. MOVE (<2K) a full-featured move utility which even accepts wildcards. TD (<1K) a smart replacement for CD. Transverse dir's without typing! INKEY (<2K) a multi-featured BATch file utility. HELP (<1K) a easily customizable command-line help utility for ANY program. Program: HDTEST Version: 4.84 (11/10/89) Registration fee: $35.00 BBS filename: HDTESTSH.* User support: Latest version sent on disk to new Registrants. Support on CIS, Bix, and by phone and U.S. Mail. Mailed notification of significant bugs and major upgrades. Upgrades available on disk. Description: Hard/floppy disk test utility. HDTEST V4.84 is the latest "Shareware" version of a program that allows THOROUGH READ/ WRITE testing of a hard (DOS partition(s) only) or floppy disk without disturbing data on the disk. Data from a problem area is moved to a known good area, and the disk's FAT and directory entries are adjusted to preserve the structure of the file of which it is a part. -- page 33 -- Program: MAXI Form Version: 1.54a Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: MAXI154A.* User support: current version is mailed with printed docs, voice CompuServe and GEnie technical support, discount on Herne Data Systems commercial software. Description: MAXI Form is a command line driven utility for use with DOS 3.2 or later which can format floppy disks with up to 15% more user space: 420k on a 360k disk, 800k on a 720k, 1.4 meg on a 1.2 meg disk and 1.6 meg on a 1.44 meg disk. The disks are not bootable, but are fully transparent to DOS (v3.2 or later) and can be mixed interchangeably with normal DOS disks. Great to pack a few extra bytes onto your floppies. Saves disk swaps when backing up hard disks. Version 1.54a is the latest. ASP shareware. Program: PC-IDENT, PC-INFO Version: 2.06 Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: PC-206.COM User support: current disk is mailed out; voice & CIS support; registration good for all future versions Description: PC-INFO displays operating system & hardware configurations. Especially useful when supporting multiple systems. PC-IDENT reports copyright information found in ROM BIOS code, useful in determining BIOS source and clone manufacturers. All video adapter types are recognized and handled automatically. Full support for PC/MS-DOS 4.xx disk partitions >32 Mb. PC/PS-2 & compatibles supported. Self extracting archive. Program: XDIR [***] Version: 3.02 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: XDIR302.* User support: Current disk is mailed out. Voice support; CIS support; notification of upgrades. Description: XDIR is a commented directory utility. It displays a 65 character comment for each file in the DIR display. You can copy, rename and move files, carrying the comment line along. Version 3.0x can RUN programs from the directory list and supports executable extensions. With proper setup, it will recognize the appropriate application to call for a given file extension. Ver. 3.02, uploaded by author. -- page 34 -- DOS menus Program: Anarkey Version: 2.00 Registration fee: $25, includes copy of NEXT release BBS filename: ANARKEY2.* User support: Registered users receive the next release free. Subsequent versions may be purchased for a minimal fee. Support is via US mail, CIS [73507,2272] and UseNet ( or !sun!!src). Description: ANARKEY 2.00 is a DOS command-line editor that supports: 1) command line retrieval (enter one or more chars and ANARKEY will complete the rest of the line for you), 2) aliases, 3) filename completion, 4) reconfigurable keyboard, 5) environment variable editing, 6) 255-char line, 7) multiple commands per line and 8) much more! Written entirely in assembly language for speed and memory efficiency. Default installation requires less than 7400 bytes. Program: Applets Version: 1.1 Registration fee: $20 (license only) to $35 (w/disk and manual) BBS filename: APLT11.ARC User support: Compuserve support at 72360,2335; Voice support; Mail support; Registration good for all future versions. 90- day money back gaureentee. Description: Applets are a collection of tiny applications for Microsoft Windows. They are primarily designed to operate with Windows menuing programs, such as Command Post, which allow you to initiate a series of applications from a single menu selection. These tiny applications from include: FILE Applets: copy, move, rename, delete. WINDOW Applets: arrange, place, hide, show, zoom, iconize. OTHER Applets: say, beep, saybeep. Program: Bmenu [***] Version: 5.4 (02/23/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: BMENU54.ZIP User support: current disk is mailed out; voice support after initial mail, CompuServe or USENET contact. Custom versions available for use on installation disks, etc. Registration good for all future versions Description: Bmenu v5.4 - Batch Menu System - Provides pop-up menus within a batch file of any size or position. More complicated menus are possible by using @files to read in menu arguments, and several menus can be read from a single @file. Even the batch file can be used a definition file. Can also read entire menu from the command line. After the user makes the choice, Bmenu sets the errorlevel to the choice number. Very flexible for networks as a user interface, or on installation disks for user input. -- page 35 -- Program: Command Post Version: 6.2B Registration fee: $20 (license only) to $35 (w/disk and manual) BBS filename: CP-62B.ARC User support: Compuserve support at 72360,2335; Voice support; Mail support; Registration good for all future versions. 90- day money back gaureentee. Description: Command Post is a shell for Microsoft Windows. Command Post allows users to easily add menu items (and their related dropdown menus) to the Windows MS-DOS Executive window. Command Post also provides file management facilities, a directory tree, screen blanker, window locator, window arranger, and more! Program: DAYO MENU Version: 1.3 (07/15/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DAYOME.ZIP User support: Latest enhancements is mailed out; voice support; notices of upgrades, free upgrades via mail (you pay postage & handling), or via modem. Description: DAYO MENU is a simple DOS level menu system for use with the DAYO line of Business Applications. It consists of a Qbasic (tm) menu program and a DOS batch file that you can modify/ edit. Program: DIRECTMAINT Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $20 BBS Filename: DIRCMAIN.ZIP User support: Latest release mailed out, no cost voice support, notification of new releases Description: TAME YOUR HARDDISK and forget DOS with DIRECTMAINT the directory and file manager. Formatted directory and file display, point & shoot menus for copy, move, compare, erase all, selected or marked files. Change file names, dates, times, attributes. Run programs with the stroke of a key. Easily locate & erase inactive & duplicate files to save precious disk space. View two disks or two directories on same disk on same screen at same time, find any file on any disk quickly, and much, much more. -- page 36 -- Program: Director Version: 4.0 Registration fee: $30 BBS filename: DIR4P.EXE User support: Registered users get telephone support at 415-453-9779. I answer registered and non registered users queries on CIS daily. CIS# 71320,1277. Description: DIRECTOR version 4.0. Very fast, very well designed hard disk manager and shell. Complete hard disk menu. Full featured Shell copies, moves deletes marked files and directories. You can mark and copy and move whole branches of the directory tree. View all the files on hard disk or disks. Shows duplicates. Easy to use with mouse or keyboard. Abridged documentation. Complete docs in DIR4P.COM. Program: Directory Freedom Version: 3.50a (04/16/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: DF350A.ZIP User support: Phone support; BBS support; Upgrade disks and printed manuals available (manual is desktop publishing quality); 30 day unconditional money-back guarantee Description: Offers users a fast, compact alternative to DOS Shells which provides 1) selective file and directory operations; 2) a scrollable environment for examining files and directories; 3) user-defined keys which can operate upon highlighted files (e.g. by defining an editor). All this in a program which takes less than 12KB since it is written in assembler! Easily customized through an external configuration program. A "look- and-feel" similar to PC Mag's DR, but does much more. Program: Easy Access Version: 6.0a (05/21/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: EZ60A.* User support: For problems or questions you may contact TengWare Enterprises by Compuserve easyplex mail, phone, or US Mail. Our policy is to answer any messages within 24 hours. Description: Easy Access 6.0a - Professional Menu System for all PC & MS-DOS Computers. Simple enough for the novice yet with the features required by the most demanding user. Features: Simple set up & maintenance. User defined colors & headings. Calendar & Reminder subsystem. Optional user logon with usage logging. 26 options per menu with unlimited submenus. International date formats. Point & Shoot with mouse support. Not memory resident. Has the professional look required in the office environment. -- page 37 -- Program: HDM IV (Hard Disk Menu) Version: 1.20 (07/28/89) Registration fee: $50 BBS filename: HDM4V120.ZIP User support: Current registered disk, printed and bound user, additional programs and utilities mailed out. Tech support via. U.S. mail, phone, or CompuServe. Upgrade notices sent out. Beta test versions available Description: Hard Disk Menu system for all PC/MS-DOS computers. Single key to 10,000 entries. Run any DOS commands and programs in one entry. Ability to prompt the user for input and set input defaults. Full customization of colors, borders, cursor, mouse, and windows. Works with monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, etc. Network compatible. Can set up menu and command passwords with master override. Extensive on-line help. Screen saver, phone dialer, timed execution, and much more. Program: PC SYSTEM MANAGER Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $20 BBS Filename: PCSMINS1.ZIP & PCSMINS2.ZIP User support: Latest release mailed out, no cost voice support, notification of new releases Description: PC SYSTEM MANAGER the master menuing/submenuing system with all the bells and whistles. Up to 32,000 menus and program selections, customized run time help, customized command line replaceable parameter prompts, individual userid logon, time usage tracking with 4 detail and summary reports, password protection and automatic job starting based on time & date or day of week. This is file 1 of 2, also download PCSM2.ZIP, file 2 of 2. DOS utilities Program: BATUTIL & STACKEY Version: BATUTIL 1.0/STACKEY 3.0 Registration fee: $39 BBS filename: ?? User support: Ctrlalt Associates has section 12 on the PCVENA forum of Compuserve; orders from Support Group (Visa/MC/etc) P.O. Box 130 McHenry, MD 21541 1 (800) 872-4768; CIS orders 74020,10 Description: STACKEY is a keyboard stuffer with natural syntax (F1 is F1) and lots of bells and whistles: hotkey, shift masks, scans Batutil is a batch file enhancer as a high order language; pop up a menu in a one line command: menus, user input, colors, large characters (BIGECHO), etc. Together they can be used to automate much of your computing. Includes on disk manual of over 200 pages and printed manual with registration..Registered users get free Compuserve signup and $15 credit. -- page 38 -- Program: BOOT.SYS Version: 1.21 (05/09/90) Registration fee: $34 BBS filename: BOOT121.* User support: current disk, printed and bound manual; email (CompuServe [73237,3556], Internet) and mail support; registration transferable to ALL future shareware versions Description: BOOT.SYS makes it possible to display one or more menus at boot-up time and to have different parts of CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT executed, depending on which menu option(s) are chosen. No more editing/renaming your start-up files and rebooting. Up to 9 options per menu, up to 25 consecutive and/ or nested menus. Easy installation, detailed examples for every level of sophistication. Program: CAPBUF Version: v1.3 (11/19/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: CAPBUF.ARC User support: Unlimited CIS email support for registered users. Send email to 76703,3046. Description: CAPBUF is a memory resident (TSR) program that lets you capture any text screen and save it for later processing or printing. It is quite useful for programs that do not otherwise provide means of printing their results. Use it for intermediate results of games, or collecting copies of messages while on a bulletin board. (mono or graphics) Program: FILE PATCH Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $15 BBS Filename: FILEPATC.ZIP User support: Latest release mailed out, no cost voice support, notification of new releases Description: FILE PATCH is an excellent file manipulation program providing the ability at the byte level, and in ASCII or HEX, for on screen viewing, dumping to the printer, modifying, creating, or extracting all or portions of any file up to 10 megabytes in size. Easy to use and powerful. A must for programmers, Information Centers, PC consultants, etc. -- page 39 -- Program: Newkey Version: 5.2 Registration fee: $43 BBS filename: Newkey.arc User support: Registered users receive current version and printed manual. Voice, mail, and CIS support. Description: Newkey is a keyboard macro processor which, besides allowing you to automate repetitive command sequences, provides a shorthand mode, display macros, menu macros, screen saver, extended keyboard buffer, cursor speedup without overrun, cut & paste, a full-featured macro editor, support for EMS, and many more features. Program: ONCEADAY Version: 1.2 (09/10/89) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: ONCEADAY.* User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: Are there files that you need to just run ONCEADAY but run every time your computer boots? Wasted Time! ONCEADAY will easily allow you to run any file(s) just ONCEADAY. Ideal for BACKUPs, REMINDERs, and any updating procedures. No need to download 50K+ files or waste your valuable HD space. ONCEADAY.COM is 643 bytes! Program: PALRUN [***] Version: 2.0 (8/20/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PALRUN2A.ZIP, PALRUN2B.ZIP User support: Registration provides the user with a password to disable registration encouragements. Support via PAL BBS at 914-762-8055 and via RIME BBS network. Description: PALRUN allows you to run any program or batch file out of any ZIP, ARC, LZH, DWC or ZOO archive or view or edit a file out of such an archive. Substantial DOS enhancements with replacement command line. Change drive and directory, recall prior commands, jump to new directory with a few keystrokes, multiple commands per commandline and much more. -- page 40 -- Program: SWAPDT -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWDT15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPDT(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Central Point Software's PCTOOLS desktop program in less than 7100 bytes! SWAPDT is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPDT Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: SWAPMM -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWMM15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPMM(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Broderbund's MemoryMate program in less than 6900 bytes! SWAPMM is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPMM Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: SWAPMT -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWMT15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPMT(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Lotus Development Corp's Metro and Express programs in less than 8300 bytes! SWAPMT is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPMT Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. -- page 41 -- Program: SWAPNG -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWNG15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPNG(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Peter Norton Computing's Norton Guides program in less than 7100 bytes! SWAPNG is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPNG Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: SWAPSH -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWSH15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPSH(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Central Point Software's PCTOOLS Shell program in less than 7100 bytes! SWAPSH is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPSH Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: SWAPSK -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWSK15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPSK(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Borland's Classic SideKick(TM) program in less than 7100 bytes! SWAPSK is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPSK Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. -- page 42 -- Program: SWAPSP -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWSP15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPSP(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Borland's SideKick Plus(R) program in less than 7400 bytes! SWAPSP is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPSP Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: SWAPTN -- The SWAP Utilities Version: 1.52 (09/16/90) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: SWTN15.COM User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: SWAPTN(TM) Version 1.52 allows you to run Micro Logic's Tornado(TM) program in less than 6900 bytes! SWAPTN is part of The SWAP Utilities(TM), and uses EMS, XMS, hard disk or RAM disk. Self-Extracting LHARC File. SWAPTN Supports the TesSeRact(TM) Standard for TSRs. Documentation is stored in SWAPDO.COM as a separate archive. Program: TIMES2 Version: 1.3/1.0a (06/14/89) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: TIMES2.* User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: TIMES2.ARC contains TWO date/time utilties. SETTIME (1.3 - 1312 bytes) sets DOS' time AND DATE accurately via the US Naval Observatory by modem. DTM (1.0 - 569 bytes) is a backup clock". It will set DOS' date and time automatically at bootup. Both utilities $20 Shareware. Unique Software - ASP Member -- page 43 -- Program: What's Up [***] Version: 1.20 (09/03/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: WHATSUP.* User support: current disk and printed manual mailed out, one year support by mail, registration good for all future versions. Description: "What's Up" (tm) displays reminder messages on specified dates. Simple to use, with many functional options: wild-card dates and week days allow recurring reminders; user-specified look- ahead displays messages several days ahead of specified date; "missed" message feature displays messages that did not appear when due if the program was not run; 3-month calendar (optional); also displays reminders for any date; weekdays & months in 5 languages. (Use text editor to enter reminders.) FAX utilities Program: FAXCTRL.EXE Version: 1.35 (03/10/90) Registration fee: $22-$28 BBS filename: FAXCTL.EXE User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: FaxCtrl the popular shareware software FAX switch - new ver 1.35! Fax, Ans Mach, or Voice and computer on ONE telephone line - save in$tallation charges and extra monthly charge$ - NOW support for ProComm 2.42+, ProComm 1.1A, 1.1B, TD, Cross Talk, MIRROR, Qmodem, and Telix - doesn't use valuable DOS memory (not a TSR) - self checks for viruses - self-extract LZW archive File utilities Program: Browser Version: 3.2 Registration fee: $20 (license only) to $35 (w/disk and manual) BBS filename: BROW32.ARC User support: Compuserve support at 72360,2335; Voice support; Mail support; Registration good for all future versions. 90- day money back gaureentee. Description: Browser is a MS Windows application designed to allow users to view files in a variety of formats, including ANSI, ASCII, 7 and 8 bit bytes, and as a hex dump. Features include printing and clipboard update. A product of Wilson WindowWare. Normal registration fees range between $20 (license only) and $35 (w/ disk and manual). -- page 44 -- Program: ConvDW Version: 1.2 (01/20/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: CONVDW.ZIP User support: Printed manual and current version sent. Support through CompuServe EasyPlex, telephone, or mail. vendors. Description: Converts IBM DisplayWrite 3 or 4 files to ASCII. It is the best available program of this type. Can drop soft returns or convert to hard returns. Can expand tabs to spaces or retain them, drop other unwanted spaces, and mark font attributes such as underlining. IBM does not publish the file format for DisplayWrite, so ConvDW is one of only a handful of programs, either shareware or commercial, that will read DW files. Program: JADU Version: 1.3 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: JADU11.ARC User support: current version mailed out with printed docs; voice support; new versions available at reduced rates, evaluation copies available for $5 or by sending a disk & stamped mailer. Description: JADU version 1.3 - JADU is an intuitive file manager/shell. It allows links to archive/compression utilities, file viewers, editors, file finders, and print utilities. Also allows user defined actions based upon the current directory and file extension. Displays both a directory tree and a file list at the same time. Microsoft mouse compatible, point and shoot execution, and more. Uploaded by the author. Program: TextCon Version: 1.7 (01/21/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: TEXTCON.ZIP User support: Printed manual and current version sent. Support through CompuServe EasyPlex, telephone, or mail. Description: TextCon reformats ASCII or WordStar files for import to most word processors. Among its features: strips carriage returns or adds them, as needed; removes extraneous spaces; allows changes in line and paragraph spacing. Its carriage-return stripping is superb, properly handling almost any paragraph style. Saves tremendous amounts of editing normally needed when importing ASCII files. IBM DCA/RFT output option available separately. -- page 45 -- Program: TextOut/5 Version: 1.3 (01/17/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: TEXTOUT5.ZIP User support: Printed manual and current version sent. Support through CompuServe EasyPlex, telephone, or mail. Description: Converts WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1 files to ASCII, with improvements over WP's Text Out in both the DOS Text and "generic" formats. Can expand tabs to spaces or retain them, mark font attributes, and recover text from damaged files. Converts footnotes, endnotes, tables, equations, and text boxes, which are ignored by WP's Text Out. Finances Program: CHEQUE-IT-OUT Version: 1.0 Registration fee: $39.95 BBS filename: CHEQUE.ARC & CHEQUE2.ARC User support: Free support (1 yr), Quarterly newsletters, FREE latest version when you register, Additional bonus module, Complete printed manual, Low cost upgrades, and make money with our commission program. Description: 'CHEQUE-IT-OUT' is a personal, double-entry money-managing system designed for non-accountants. 'CHEQUE-IT-OUT' combines powerful bookkeeping methods with a full-featured, easy-to-use design, perfect for novices as well as experts. Features: Pop- up windows, On-line help, Prints personal checks, Complete financial reports, Pre or Post date transactions. Tracks Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, Budgets, and Equity. MANAGE YOUR MONEY LIKE A FINANCIAL WHIZ WITH....'CHEQUE-IT- OUT'! Program: FastBucks Version: 4.10 Registration fee: $47.75 BBS filename: FBK410_A.ZIP, FBK410_B.ZIP User support: Telephone Support for registered users. All mail regarding FastBucks operation is answered by author. Description: FastBucks Home Finance Manager Vers 4.10 Program that manages 25 each checking, charge, savings,cash accounts. Generates a Home budget and has a financial calculation section including a complete loan amoritization schedule generator. For a registration fee of $47.75 the author supplies a 226 page bound user manual, a serialized diskette & telephone support for the program. -- page 46 -- Program: FINANCE MANAGER II - General Ledger Version: 1.3f Registration fee: $49.95 BBS filename: FMGL.ARC or FMGL-EXE.ARC User support: Free support (1 yr), Quarterly newsletters, FREE latest version when you register, Additional modules, Bound manuals, Low cost upgrades, Discounts, and make money with our commission program. Description: FINANCE MANAGER II is a professional small-business accounting system designed for the non-accountant. Double entry. This fully-integrated, menu-driven system combines the power and sophistication of "Big Business" bookkeeping methods with a simple, full-featured, easy-to-use design that is perfect for individuals and small business people. Full range of financial reports, budgets, allows pre/post dated transactions. ASP Member. Program: FINANCE MANAGER II - Accounts Receivable Version: 1.3f Registration fee: $36.95 BBS filename: FMAR.ARC or FMAR-EXE.ARC User support: Free support (1 yr), Quarterly newsletters, FREE latest version when you register, Additional modules, Bound manuals, Low cost upgrades, Discounts, and make money with our commission program. Description: FINANCE MANAGER II - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE This A/R module is fully integrated to the Finance Manager II General Ledger (see file "FMGL.ARC"). Features include: 2000 customers, 32,000 entries/year, Invoices, Statements, Pre-printed or blank forms, Finance charges, Pre-Post date entries, Labels, Many many reports. In short, this Accounts Receivable is one of the easiest-to-use, error-free ways to help you track all customer receivable accounts. See FMAR-2.ARC. Program: FINANCE MANAGER II - Accounts Payable Version: 1.3f Registration fee: $36.95 BBS filename: FMAP.ARC or FMAP-EXE.ARC User support: Free support (1 yr), Quarterly newsletters, FREE latest version when you register, Additional modules, Bound manuals, Low cost upgrades, Discounts, and make money with our commission program. Description: FINANCE MANAGER II - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. This A/P module is fully integrated to the Finance Manager II General Ledger (see file "FMGL.ARC"). Features include: 2000 Vendors, 32,000 entries, Manual or Computer printed checks, Discounts, Partial payments, Many payment options, Pre/post date entries, Labels, Many reports. This A/P module is one of the easiest-to-use, error- free ways of tracking and paying your invoices. See FMAP-2.ARC, Shareware. -- page 47 -- Program: QPACS Version: 3.0 (10/30/89) Registration fee: $22 BBS filename: ?? User support: Telephone support provided for registered users Description: QPACS is designed to provide financial management functions for families and individuals. Functions: Checkbook Management, Check Printing, Recurring Check file, Check Registers, Budgets and Expense/Budget Reports, Assets, Liabilities, Investments, Household Inventory, Net Worth, Federal Income Taxes, Index Card File Program: PCBUDGET Version: 1.1 (02/17/90) Registration Fee: $35 BBS filename: PCBUDGET.ARC User support: Registered users will receive a printed manual, a new 'registered copy' of the latest version of PCBUDGET, and free technical support. Description: PCBUDGET v1.1 is a Complete Home Financial Management Program. PCBUDGET is easy to use right from the start. All functions are selected from pull down menus. An on-line tutorial can be selected at any time. PCBUDGET FEATURES: Payment Reminders, Automatic Transactions, Many types of Financial Reports, Bank Reconciliation, Taxable items, Print Checks, View Bar Graphs in VGA EGA CGA or HERC. Loan Amortization, Mouse Support, and much much more. You must try it! Form processing Program: FormGen [***] Version: 4.1a (08/??/90) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: FORM41.EXE User support: Bound manual, latest version, unlimited free phone support, CIS membership, discounts on commercial products. Description: FormGen is the world's most popular form drawing package. This powerful, yet easy-to-use package works like a word processor, but has many features specially geared to designing forms. Using the full screen editor, you can quickly draw lines and boxes and position text. You then print the form on your Epson, IBM or HP type printer. The printed results are amazing! Professional quality forms can be designed and printed in minutes. NEW! Ver 4 adds full HP laser support, allows forms to 17" wide. -- page 48 -- Program: FormGen Fill [***] Version: 1.4a (08/??/90) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: FILL14.EXE User support: Bound manual, latest version, unlimited free phone support, CIS membership, discounts on commercial products. Description: From the makers of FormGen, the world's most popular form drawing system, comes FormGen Fill - a powerful, yet easy-to- use form filling system. This FormGen companion puts data areas on your forms. The form may then be filled & printed - picture perfect every time. Features: muti-line fields, calculations, date & time and much more. Context sensitive help makes it easy to learn and use. Forms are printed on your Epson, IBM, or HP printer. Games & Leisure Program: ATC Version: v1.0 (5/1/85) Registration fee: ?? BBS filename: ATC.ARC User support: Unlimited CIS email support for registered users. Send email to 76703,3046. Description: ATC -- An air traffic controller game that's perfect for a few minutes or hours of fun. Easy to learn, but difficult to master. The game tracks best scores at each of 20 levels of difficulty. (Supports monochrome) Program: BASSMAP Version: 1.0 (05/25/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: BASSMAP.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: BassMap is a utility program that works with Dick Olsen's BassTour fishing simulation game. BassMap allows players to create their own BassTour lakes or to change existing lakes. Requires EGA or CGA graphics, keyboard input. Program: BORDER Version: v1.1 (8/1/88) Registration fee: ?? BBS filename: BORDER.ARC User support: Unlimited CIS email support for registered users. Send email to 76703,3046. Description: BORDER -- a combination of GO and connect the dots, this abstract strategy game requires you to enclose more area than your opponent, while preventing them from stopping you. -- page 49 -- Program: CIPHER Version: 1.2 (04/18/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: CIPHER12.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: CIPHER is a crypto-quotes type word puzzle game, similar to the kind you might find in the Sunday newspaper. However, this version runs in colorful hi-res VGA or EGA graphics mode and allows you to play using a mouse (text modes and keyboard are also supported). Features include help, hints, save/restore. Program: CROSSWORD CREATOR Version: 4.00 Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: CWC400.ZIP User support: current version always provided; CIS support; phone and mail support; SUPPORT disk includes desktop publishing utility and doc "print" program. Description: CROSSWORD CREATOR is a crossword puzzle "editor" that provides you with all the tools you need to quickly design and print your own crosswords. Features: automatic word placement; laser printer support; multi-line clues; foreign-language support; windowed, mouse-driven user-interface; supports WORDFIND files. Great for teachers, language students, amateur and professional crossword builders. Version 4.00, uploaded by author. Also available from PC-SIG. Program: CURSES! Version: 1.0 Registration fee: $10.00 BBS filename: CURSES.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; mail support; some voice support; registration includes subscription to newsletter Description: One reviewer called this "the meanest program we've ever seen", but it's actually quite funny. A humorous and creative "insult generator" with a different twist -- a single keystroke switches from insults to compliments. Phrases are randomly generated based on a vivid vocabulary. You can change the contents, so the program can be used to create colorful phrases on any subject. -- page 50 -- Program: ECOMASTER Version: v1.1 (10/31/89) Registration fee: ?? BBS filename: ECO.ARC User support: Unlimited CIS email support for registered users. Send email to 76703,3046. Description: ECOMASTER -- A diverting ecology game in which you buy and sell animals based on their abilities to thrive in different environments. Mildly educational without belaboring the point. Program: EGATrek Version: 2.1 (11/01/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: EGATRK21.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: EGATrek is a colorful, hi-res version of this classic computer game. The player is put in control of a powerful starship in a battle to save the universe. The computer screen simulates the captain's command console with scanners, messages, damage control and even a view outside the ship. Score is based on the time needed to complete the mission with bonuses for rescues, ships destroyed, etc. Supports only EGA graphics and only a keyboard is required for input. Program: FICTIONARY Version: v1.2 (11/4/89) Registration fee: ?? BBS filename: FICT.ARC User support: Unlimited CIS email support for registered users. Send email to 76703,3046. Description: FICTIONARY <tm> -- The game of fantastic and farfetched definitions. Each round one player chooses a word that none of the players knows. You can choose your own word or pick one from the large selection included with the game. Then each other player makes up their own definition for the word. Everyone votes for the word they think is the correct definition and points are scored for guessing the proper one, or misleading other players. Special rules allow play by 2 or even 1 player. -- page 51 -- Program: HARD AT WORK Version: 1.0 Registration Fee: $0 BBS filename: HAW.ZIP User support: By mail. Newsletter is available. Description: HARD AT WORK ties up your computer with a Very Important task while you take a break. You can choose from 7 official-looking jobs, or the program will pick one at random. If someone tries to interrupt the program, you're warned by a beep, and they get a DANGER message. The imaginary work continues busily until you stop it. Program: Hearts Version: 6a (11/17/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: HEART6.ARC User support: Notification of new releases and were available; one FREE upgrade on disk with the purchase of a disk from the author; registration good for all future versions; Support via CIS and U.S. Mail. Description: Excellent rendition of the classic card game of Hearts. You plan your strategy against three computer players. The stand ard three card pass provides intrigue and an opportunity to control your opponents play. The use of a mouse or the cursor keys is all you need for easy game play. Several options allow modification of game play to your liking. Colorful screens and ease of use make Hearts a delight to play. No graphics but a color monitor is required. Supports CGA/EGA/VGA. Enjoy. Program: HUGO'S HOUSE OF HORRORS Version: 1.3 (05/01/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: HUGO.EXE User support: Current registered disk is mailed out; FREE Hint Book; FREE new game (when available); Telephone support; BBS support. Description: An exciting and challenging adventure game for all ages. Using a combination of colorful 3-D animated graphics and text. You control HUGO'S destiny as he tries to rescue his sweetheart, Penelope, imprisoned somewhere inside the haunted house, and must solve the various puzzles and challenges encountered during his quest. (ASP). Requires EGA, 360Kb ram and 850Kb disk space ! v1.3 adds corruption protection. Self-extracting archive. -- page 52 -- Program: Klondike Version: 2.3 (09/17/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: KLONDK23.* User support: User support is provided by mail and on-line on CompuServe and GEnie. Registration good for all future versions. Description: Excellent implementation of the classic Klondike solitaire card game. Outstanding EGA graphics, full mouse support, user- selectable card designs and rules. Requires 256 KBytes of available memory, and EGA or VGA display. Microsoft-compatible mouse optional. Two registration options: $15 (registration only) and $20 (registration, latest version on disk, and printed manual). Program: Lovedos Version: 1.1 Registration fee: $0 BBS filename: LOVEDOS.ZIP User support: Support by mail. Subscription to newsletter is available. Description: One of Shareware Magazines top 10 "Fun and Games" programs (Dec. 89). Unlike practical joke programs that take over the DOS prompt and insult the user, this uncooperative program drowns the user in love, affection, and passion! Harmless practical joke. Program: MAH JONGG Version: 3.3 (03/22/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: MAHJNG33.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: Mah Jongg is a highly addictive solitaire game played with colorful Chinese tiles. The challenge is to remove all the tiles from the playing surface. It sounds easy to play (and it is), but winning is always a challenge. The game supports EGA, VGA and Hercules graphics, mouse or keyboard input. Now also supports loadable tile sets (one extra set included) as well as an editor with which players can create their own tiles. -- page 53 -- Program: NAMEGRAM Version: 3.0 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: NAMEGM.ARC User support: registered users get latest version on disk; support via EASYPLEX [72241,50], MCImail [NRubenking], or U.S. mail (Neil J. Rubenking, 86 Midcrest Way, S.F. CA 94131) Description: NAMEGRAM 3.0 takes any name or phrase and makes anagrams of it using a 90,000-word dictionary. E.g. "TURBO PASCAL" becomes "LABORS AT CPU". Menu-driven, supports mouse, works with text screen sizes from 80x25 to 132x43. You build the anagrams yourself OR let NAMEGRAM do it for you. Requires 256K, two floppies or hard disk. Registration gets 100,000-word dictionary, utility to add/remove words from the dictionary. Author: Neil J. Rubenking. Program: POETRY GENERATOR Version: 1.1 Registration fee: $29.00 BBS filename: POETRY.ZIP User support: Newest version is mailed; mail support; some voice support; registration includes newsletter subscription Description: Turn your computer into a poet! POETRY GENERATOR creates free- verse poems at the touch of a button. Using the structre of actual poems as models, the program randomly combines words and short phrases into verses four to nine lines long. Some of these have been published in national magazines. Requires hard disk. Program: Poker Solitaire Version: 2.0 (08/14/89) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: PKRSOL20.* User support: Mail and on-line (CompuServe and GEnie) support. Registration good for all future versions. Description: Poker Solitaire is a solitaire card game that rewards both lucky guessing and accurate calculation of odds. Cards are placed one by one on a 5 x 5 grid. The object of the game is to make as high a score as possible, counting each row and column as a Poker hand. Three different variations and two scoring systems can be used. Outstanding EGA graphics, full mouse support (mouse is optional). $15 (registration only) or $20 (registration, latest version on disk and printed manual). -- page 54 -- Program: SHOOTING GALLERY Version: 2.1 (06/13/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: SHOOTG21.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: Shooting Gallery is an action/arcade game, one of the first to support 256 color MCGA graphics mode. Seven rounds of play are included, with different targets and objectives on each round Includes practice mode, high score hall of fame, extensive statistics, etc. Requires VGA or MCGA graphics and a mouse to play. Program: SUPERFLY Version: 1.0 (07/07/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: SFLY10.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of the game as well as any support needed by mail. Support is also provided through a support BBS Description: SuperFly v1.0 is an all new action game by Nels Anderson, author of Mah Jongg, EGATrek, etc. Uses hi-res graphics mode and requires an EGA or VGA card to play. Chase the flies and other insect invaders through 20 different rounds. Includes 3 levels of difficulty, shell to DOS, high score hall of fame, etc. Program: the last word Version: 1.00 (07/24/90) Registration fee: $15 BBS filename: LWORD100.ZIP User support: Phone support; BBS support; Upgrade disks available; Unconditional 30-day money back guarantee Description: 'the last word' is a quotations trivia game in which 1 to 4 players compete against each other and their own high scores in identifying the source of quotations and completing partial quotes. Most answers are entered free-form and are matched against a set of acceptable responses with a sophisticated pattern-recognition algorithm. 'the last word' runs in text mode -- including on mono displays -- and offers a high level of user configurability. -- page 55 -- Program: WORLD NAME GAME Version: 2 (06/23/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: WNG2.EXE User support: Inquiries responded to in writing. Custom configurations available. Special licenses for educational facilities. Description: WORLD NAME GAME is an educational program in a form which appeals to children. It provides the user with maps of areas surrounding national and state capitals and challenges him to name country, state, or city. The maps permit the user to learn countries and cities in relation to the surrounding territories. This methodology increases the learning rate and facilitates recognition. Graphics Program: FLODRAW Version: 2.11 (11/11/89) Registration fee: $25.00 BBS filename: FLODRAW1.*,FLODRAW2.*,FLODRAW3.* User support: Support by mail or Compuserve. Current disks and printed documentation available. Users notified about updates. Description: FLODRAW is a diagram drawing program that prints full page black & white diagrams like flowcharts, electrical diagrams, and system diagrams. Menu driven and easy to use. Includes tutorials, sample diagrams, symbol libraries for flowcharts, electrical diagrams, data flow diagrams and organization charts. Requires: IBM PC/XT/AT or PS/2 or compatible; 384k; DOS 2 or 3; CGA only; no mouse. Printers supported: Epson MX/FX/LQ, Toshiba P3x1, HP DeskJet/LaserJet+ & II. Program: Magic Brush Version: 1.50 (08/16/89) Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: MB150.* User support: Detailed Reference Manual (more than 50 pp), one year support by mail, reduced upgrade fees. Description: MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW drawing/painting and slide show programs for medium resolution CGA. Many features include versatile cut-&-paste, status screen for accurate drawing & pasting, two drawing screens, simple animation, etc. Includes tutorial and SNAPSHOT screen capture utility. -- page 56 -- Program: PathProj Reason for version: Minor enhancement of ver.8911 allowing printing and saving of path projection displays that have been interactively annotated by the user. Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: SRXPATH.EXE User support: Printed documentation and update notices are mailed out; no time limit on mailed-in questions; user feedback requested. Description: Interactive CGA graphical displays of the orthogonal projection of ridge shrinkage path statistics (coefficients, inferior direction, regressor coordinates) onto any 2-dimensional linear subspace. Literally "watch" the inferior direction change as you move along the ridge shrinkage path. Self-extracting LZH- archive. Program: PC-Draft II Version: 3.2 (07/03/88) Registration fee: $50 BBS filename: PC-DRAFT.ARC User support: Current disk & typset manual is mailed; voice support; Bug fixes mailed to all users; upgrades cost $15. Email support via Compuserve Description: PC-Draft II Paint, drawing, charting program. Includes graphics and text screen capture & the PIX graphics language for animated slideshows. Exports in GEM .IMG format - perfect for Ventura Publisher or WordPerfect 5.0. Supports Epson, Okidata, Microlin LaserJet+, DeskJet. Draw circles, lines, boxes, shaded rectang. curves, ellipses, spray paint, and free form drawing; line, bar pie graphs. Edit fill patterns and fonts. Keyboard macros. CGA or better (works with HGCIBM/Hercules). DL PCDOBJ: clipart. Program: Recursive Realm Version: 2.0 (07/01/90) Registration fee: $20 BBS filename: RREALM.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; voice support; immediate notification of upgrade; upgrade fee is only $2.00; CIS support [71241,1121], [Scott Jones] Description: Recursive Realm is a detailed Fractal generation and exploration program. It allows you to build and blow-up Mandelbrot Sets, Julia Sets (5 functions), Newtons Method (13 functions), and Models of Magnetism. It runs from a user- friendly front-end and allows image saving at any stage of development, on-screen zooming, transcendental functions, escape sequence tracking, random colorization, slide show animation, unattended development. PCX format. Requires EGA or VGA. -- page 57 -- Program: RelaxR Reason for version: Original release. Revised version 9002 (Feb.1990) using Microsoft Fortran 5.0 huge model available from author for regression models with up to 25 variables and 150 observations. Registration fee: $0 BBS filename: RELAXR89.EXE User support: Printed documentation and update notices are mailed out; no time limit on mailed-in questions; user feedback requested. Description: Detailed ridge regression computations for any shrinkage path in the 2-parameter generalized ridge family and creation of ASCII files of the exact form needed for input to RXtraces and PathProj. Fortran source code provided free on written request. Companion RELAXDOC.EXE gives complete ASCII documentation and formatted input files for 15 well-known numerical examples from statistical literature of ill- conditioned regressions. Self-extracting LZH-archives. Program: RXtraces Reason for version: Minor enhancement of ver.8911 allowing printing and saving of ridge trace displays that have been interactively annotated by the user. Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: SRXTRACE.EXE User support: Printed documentation and update notices are mailed out; no time limit on mailed-in questions; user feedback requested. Disks needed: 1 Description: Interactive CGA graphical displays of 5 types of ridge TRACES: regression coefficients, scaled mean squared errors, excess (OLS-ridge) eigenvalues, inferior direction cosines, and shrinkage pattern. Ideal for training, i.e. review RelaxR outputs across a spectrum of previously computed numerical examples. Self-extracting LZH-archive. Income taxes Program: Home Office Tax Deduction Calculator 1989 Version: 1989.1C (01/31/90) Registration Fee: $18 BBS filename: HOT89C.ZIP User support: Free telephone support for one year. Update notices annually. Upon registration most recent version is sent along with thank you letter. Can Beta test new versions. Description: Calculates Home Office Tax Deductions for tax year 1990. Also calculates depreciation or rent deductions. Computes all allowances based on raw data entered. Eliminates costly errors from confusion. All depreciation conventions since 1940 sup- ported. Prints worksheet, instructions, and statement to attach -- page 58 -- to tax returns, or give to preparer to save money. Provides data entry all in one screen (full screen editing) and context sensitive HELP system. Keyboard macros Labels & mailing lists Program: FBNCAT Version: 2.2 Registration fee: 15.00 BBS filename: FBNCAT.ARC User support: CIS support ID 74746,250 voice support and mail Current disk sent to all registrations. Description: FBNCAT is a disk/diskette catalog utility. The program will a catalog of all files on disks processed with the utility. Printed reports, labels, and powerful search commands are included. The most important feature of the program is its user interface. With full menu and context sensitive help system the need for a manual is almost eliminated. Program: M-LABEL [***] Version: 2.0 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: MLABEL.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter Description: This is an add-on for R.K. West's MAILLIST (MAIL45.ZIP). You need to be using MAILLIST to use this. It lets you completely customize labels to be printed from your mailing lists. 1 to 4 across, up to 100 lines per label, user-defined fields can be added, any combination of fields on any line in the label, etc. Useful for Rolodex cards of any continuous-feed form. Program: MAILLIST [***] Version: 4.52 (08/??/90) user defaults, miscellaneous fixes Registration fee: $29 BBS filename: MAILLIST.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter get upgrades Description: Easy-to-use mailing list manager for business or personal use. Create merge files for WordPerfect, print labels (1 or 3 cross), automatic duplicate checking, search by any field, "sound alike" search, restore deleted records, manage up to 99 separate lists, compare and combine two lists, password- protection, extra fields for user coding, Quick Find feature, pop-up notepad, and more. Registration also includes -- page 59 -- Multitaskers Program: VMiX 286 Version: 1.55a Registration fee: $49 BBS filename: VMIX.ARC, VMIX.DOC User support: disk & manual, utilities sources, Application Programming Interface, and 80286 version supplied. CompuServe, BBS & VOICE support; registration good for all future versions; beta test upcoming VMiX 386. Description: VMiX is a multitasking and multiuser environment for IBM PC's and (PC, XT, AT, 386AT) compatibles. Like DV, multitasking is supported at console windows, but if you do not like windows at your console, then use a terminal attached to you comm port. The environment has a slight UNIX flavor in the implementation of multitasking. There is a choice of three user interfaces: the VMiX shell, the MSDOS shell overlayed onto the VMiX shell (you get both sets of command), or VMiX pulldown menus. Music Program: PIANOMAN Version: 4.01 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PMAN40.ARC User support: registered users get latest version on disk; support via EASYPLEX [72241,50], MCImail [NRubenking], or U.S. mail (Neil J. Rubenking, 86 Midcrest Way, S.F. CA 94131) Description: Turn your PC keyboard into an electronic piano! PIANOMAN 4.0 is faster, smarter, and better than any previous versions. Compiled tunes now auto-synch themselves with processor speed, tunes load and save blazingly fast -- try it and see! Version 4.01 is a MINOR maintenance upgrade. You don't need to download it if you have version 4.0. Author: Neil J. Rubenking 72241,50. For 60 sample tunes, get PMTUNE.ARC. -- page 60 -- Printer utilities Program: 4PRINT Version: 3.10 Registration fee: $25, site licenses available. BBS filename: 4PRNT310.* User support: support provided on CompuServe via EPLEX to [76164,237]; also by phone and mail. Description: 4PRINT, the original HP LaserJet utility from Korenthal Associates, prints multiple files, four 66-line pages per sheet of paper by printing on both sides. The program has a comprehensive set of options for formatting and operations control. Version 3.10 supports DeskJet (w/landscape cartridge), II-D, and A4 paper; prints very wide documents and spreadsheets; creates IBM-sized binders; includes all necessary soft fonts; and more! Auth: Jim Korenthal, member of ASP. Program: Citizen Version: 2.0 Registration fee: $0 BBS filename: CITIZEN.ZIP User support: Users may get newest version by sending in disk & postage. Subscription to newsletter available. Mail support. Description: Utility for Citizen MSP printers allows the user to set type size and font, print text files, type envelopes. Program: GRAB Plus with LaserLabel Version: 5.7 improved laser printer font handling. Can now use multiple fonts in the addresses. Registration fee: $49.95 BBS filename: GRAB57.ZIP User support: Phone, Mail and Compuserve (70040,645) approved vendors. Description: GRAB Plus with LaserLabel, the Memory Resident Envelope Printer version 5.7 is a 6K TSR! PC Magazine March 15, 1988 "I suggest you grab a copy". and December 13, 1988 "GRAB Plus, The Envelope Printer is a RAM-resident program that knows how envelopes ought to look, and it can print them on virtually any printer." IBM/PC/XT/AT and compatibles. DOS 2.0 or newer. Disk has own installation program. Author - Paul Mayer -- page 61 -- Program: PrintGL [***] Version: 1.12 (09/01/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PRINTGL.ZIP User support: BBS and mail support are available to anyone. Description: PrintGL is a pen plotter emulator for PC printers. It prints or displays HP-GL (HP 7475) plotfiles on Epson and NEC compatible 9 and 24 pin printers, HP Laserjet, Deskjet, and PaintJet, IBM 9 and 24 pin Proprinters, Quietwriters, and LaserPrinter, CGA, EGA, VGA, EVGA, and HGC displays, and outputs bit maps and GEM .IMG files. Program: PrintPlus Version: 3.0 (07/22/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: PRNTPLUS.ZIP User support: Telephone support for 3 months. (or Mail Email) Disk sent upon registration Description: File printing utility. Prints files with the option of saving printer paper by skipping extra blank lines. There's three different modes available from skipping no lines to skipping any blanks lines beyond one to eliminating all blank lines. Can view files, Delete files, Shows file size, change drive, path. Shows today's files in diff.colors to spot them easier The file st name printed with date & time on top of 1 .pg. Program: Professional Printer Control Version: 3.2 (05/18/90) Registration fee: $19.95 BBS filename: ZAPCODE.EXE User support: current disk is mailed out; electronic mail support; postal mail support; notified of any program updates, and new products developed; If printer isn't supported, we'll create driver FREE. Description: ZAPCODE Professional Printer Control - Use ZAPCODE to select fonts, reset printer, change margins, advance the page, or anything else your printer is capable of doing. Memory resident or stand-alone running. Supports all types of printers: laser, dot-matrix, ink-jet, even plotters! Drivers included for all popular printers. Printer driver editor allows you to customize or create your own. Will also enter printer codes inside your word processor or spreadsheet program for you! EXCELLENT!!! -- page 62 -- Program: RLEPRT Version: 1.2 (03/01/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: RLEPRT12.ARC User support: Support is currently offered via U.S. Mail, on CIS at User ID listed. Future plans include dedicated BBS. Description: RLEPRT allows you to send High-Res RLE graphics directly to your IBM/EPSON printer, without screen display and avoiding ratio distortion from screen graphic displays. Also allows any user to use RLE, even if NO graphic display in system! Programming Program: Centiwrite Developer's Kit Version: 1.10 (07/01/89) Registration fee: $33.00 BBS filename: CWDKIT55.* User support: Registered users receive unlimited support via CIS, GEnie, Delphi, BIX, and U.S. Mail. Free or low-cost upgrades may also be provided (although not guaranteed), as well as notice of upgrades. Description: The Centiwrite Developer's Kit includes the editor used in the stand-alone version of Centiwrite 1.10. It's the ideal "plug- in" editor for applications which create notes, memos, and batch files shorter than one screen in length. Source code and/ or versions for Turbo Pascal 4.0 and 5.0 are also available. This version (CWDKIT55) requires Turbo Pascal 5.5. Full documentation is included. Site licenses and customized versions are also available. Program: CONVERT Version: 1.0d (06/15/89) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: CONVERT.* User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: Convert your TRS Model I/II/III/IV BASIC to GW-BASIC(A) including block graphics! Unlike similar programs CONVERT's translation percentage is better than 95%. Archive includes CONVERT (1.0d), quik-doc, and more. -- page 63 -- Program: CVT2SB.EXE Version: 1.20 (03/14/90) Registration fee: $22-$28 BBS filename: CVT-2SB.EXE User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: CVT2SB (ver 1.2) (formerly CVT2TB) converts GW-BASIC programs to a more structured, more legible Structured (compiler) Basic format - unpacks multi-statement lines - block all "IF" statements - converts line number to labels - removes unnecessary labels - indents IF and looping structures - self- extracting LZW archive - Unique Software Program: EasyCASE Version: 1.5 Registration Fee: $85 plus $5 shipping BBS Filename: EZCASE.ARC and EZCDOC.ARC User support: Tel. - (206)-881-5149, 6-10pm (PST) M-F, noon-10pm th (PST) S+S Mail - Evergreen CASE Tools, 11025 164 Avenue N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 CIS - [73250,1721] Description: EasyCASE is an easy-to-use Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool for producing Transformation Schema, Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), Structure Charts, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) and State Transition Diagrams to various structured analysis and design methods. Print to Epson Fx/LQ, IBM, Okidata, HP DeskJet, LaserJet & QuietJet. Plot to HPGL. Export to dBASE III+, Windows Paint & PC Paintbrush. Currently limited Data dictionary support. Requires IBM-PC (AT recommended), EGA, Mouse. Program: PBWindows Version: 2.0 (03/25/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PBWNDO.ZIP User support: Via Compuserve and GEnie for registered users. Contact is CIS PPN 73500,214 and GEnie, B.ERICK. Users not members of either format will be avail via mail. Description: PBWindows allows popup windows with PowerBasic. These windows provide many titles, shadows, color and border options. Also compatible with Hercules monographic mode. Ability to Zoom and build menus with only a call to RemoveBox to restore the screen. -- page 64 -- Program: PDS*BASE Version: 4.03 Registration fee: 40.00 BBS filename: PDS-A.EXE, PDS-B.EXE (2 files) User support: Current disk is mailed along with utility disk. Voice or written support provided for at least 1 year. Description: PDS*BASE Data Base Ver 4.03 - The BASIC programmers dream allows you to define single or multi-file random access data bases. The Defining program uses pull-down menus, pop-up help, on-screen editing and then creates BASIC programs for you to run YOUR data base. Self-extracting files PDS-A.EXE (containing the software) and PDS-B.EXE (the documentation) can be down-loaded with a protocal. Requires 512K to run. Program: Programmer's Productivity Pack Version: 2.50 (08/14/90) Registration fee: $79 BBS filename: PPP25P.ZIP User support: Current version mailed. Support via CompuServe Mail, U.S. Mail, and telephone. Free tech support to registered users. Next version also shipped to registered users automatically. Description: Productivity tools for programmers. Programmer's Calculator, Keystroke Reference Center, ASCII & Color Attribute Chart, Keystroke Recording and Playback, Screen Capture with filtering, Background Printing, Pop-Up DOS Shell, and more. Swapping version keeps only 7K while resident. Programs only. *Documentation is in PPP25D.ZIP* See reviews in PC World, April 1990, Page 218 (by Tom Swan), and Dr. Dobb's Journal, Jan 1990, Page 147 (by Jeff Duntemann). Program: PULL Version: 5.5 (08/24/89) Registration fee: $25-$35 BBS filename: PULL55.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: PULL55.ARC - TP 5.5 super multi-level pull-down menu environment. Fully featured and configurable. Like TP. Easy fill-in-the-blank concept. Has execute, single, and multiple choice menus, unlimited slide-up submenus, slide-under data entry windows, help windows, messages. Complete free-field sequential data entry; pull-down directory. Uses QWIK55 and WNDW55. Excellent tutorial/docs. Eagle Performance Software -- page 65 -- Program: PULLC Version: 2.1 (08/01/89) Registration fee: $29-$39 BBS filename: PULLC21.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: PULLC21.ARC - Super multi-level pull-down menu environment. Fully featured and configurable. Like TC 2.0. Easy fill-in- the-blank concept. Has execute, single, and multiple choice menus, unlimited slide-up submenus, slide-under data entry windows, help windows, messages. Complete free-field sequential data entry; pull-down directory. Uses QWIKC21 and WNDWC21. Excellent tutorial/docs. Works in TC, MSC, and QuickC. Eagle Performance Software Program: QWIK Version: 5.5 (08/24/89) Registration fee: $25-$35 BBS filename: QWIK55.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: QWIK55.ARC - Turbo Pascal 5.5 unit for direct screen writing on ALL IBMs in ANY text or column mode. Virtual screen power! Includes self-centering, block filling routines - all with or without attributes, view/write all video pages, cursor control, save/restore screen blocks, scroll up/down. PS/2 detection scheme, dual monitors, Hercules. 43 utilities optimize in <2.7kb! Excellent docs - Eagle Performance Software Program: QWIKC Version: 2.1 (07/06/89) Registration fee: $29-$39 BBS filename: QWIKC21.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: QWIKC21.ARC - Turbo C, MicroSoft C, and QuickC libraries for quick screen writing on ALL IBMs in ANY text or column mode. Virtual screen power! Includes self-centering, block filling routines - all with or without attributes, view/write all video pages, cursor control, save/restore screen blocks, scroll up/ down. PS/2 detection scheme, dual monitors, Hercules. 40 utilities optimize in <2.7kb! Eagle Performance Software -- page 66 -- Program: SUPER MAKE [***] Version: 1.0 (08/15/90) Registration fee: BBS filename: SUPER.ZIP User support: Registered users recieve the latest version of the program on disk, with shareware reminder screens removed, and a printed manual. Also a serial number entitling the user to unlimited technical support, discounted upgrades, etc. Description: SUPER MAKE(tm) is a full featured programmer's make utility with automated make file generator, help facility, and 2 LJ landscape print utilities. SM Editor makes SM and MS make files, link and lib response files, PC-lint indirect and Clear+ list files. User configurable, path control, mouse support, pull down windows, context sensative help, more. Microsoft and Borland compiler compatible. Program: TBFMT.EXE Version: 1.91 (03/15/90) Registration fee: $22-$28 BBS filename: TB-FMT.EXE User support: Support available on CompuServe `70130,330', American People Link `UNIQUESOFT', EXEC-PC `Charles Robertson', 24hr 365day Fax support `817-249-4284' Description: TBFMT (v1.91) Formats Turbo Basic Source code the way you want it. - touted in PCM Magazine * 6/88 pg 85 - 7/88 pg 92 - works with or without line #'d source - all structures handled and indented properly - case choices of UPPER, lower, Capital - select case for labels, keywords, variables, sub/fn names - fast formatting option - Unique Software Program: TesSeRact (Assembler Version) Version: 1.10 (10/02/88) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: TESS-A.ARC User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: TesSeRact(TM) Version 1.10 (Assembler), a Library of routines for Developing Ram-Resident Programs and a Proposed Standard for Ram-Resident Program Communication. This Archive contains the Assembler OBJ files and example programs. See other TesSeRact files: TESS-P.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 4.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-5.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 5.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-C.ARC -- Generic version of TesSeRact TESS-D.ARC -- Documentation for TesSeRact -- page 67 -- Program: TesSeRact (Generic (C) Version) Version: 1.10 (10/02/88) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: TESS-C.ARC User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: TesSeRact(TM) Version 1.10 (Generic), a Library of routines for Developing Ram-Resident Programs and a Proposed Standard for Ram-Resident Program Communication. This Archive contains the Generic (C Language) Library and example programs. See other TesSeRact files: TESS-P.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 4.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-5.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 5.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-A.ARC -- Assembler version of TesSeRact TESS-D.ARC -- Documentation for TesSeRact Program: TesSeRact (Turbo Pascal 4.0 Version) Version: 1.10 (10/02/88) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: TESS-P.ARC User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: TesSeRact(TM) Version 1.10 (Generic), a Library of routines for Developing Ram-Resident Programs and a Proposed Standard for Ram-Resident Program Communication. This Archive contains the Turbo Pascal 4.0 unit and example programs. See other TesSeRact files: TESS-5.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 5.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-C.ARC -- Generic version of TesSeRact TESS-A.ARC -- Assembler version of TesSeRact TESS-D.ARC -- Documentation for TesSeRact -- page 68 -- Program: TesSeRact (Turbo Pascal 5.0 Version) Version: 1.10 (10/02/88) Registration Fee: $25 BBS filename: TESS-5.ARC User support: Printed Documentation, Upgrade policy, and source code is available to registered users. Telephone support to registered users; unregistered users get available time. Home on CLMFOR LIB 13. Description: TesSeRact(TM) Version 1.10 (Generic), a Library of routines for Developing Ram-Resident Programs and a Proposed Standard for Ram-Resident Program Communication. This Archive contains the Turbo Pascal 5.0 unit and example programs. See other TesSeRact files: TESS-P.ARC -- Turbo Pascal 4.0 version of TesSeRact TESS-C.ARC -- Generic version of TesSeRact TESS-A.ARC -- Assembler version of TesSeRact TESS-D.ARC -- Documentation for TesSeRact Program: WNDW Version: 5.5 (08/24/89) Registration fee: $25-$35 BBS filename: WNDW55.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: Turbo Pascal 5.5 unit of multi-level virtual windows. Create, hide, move, resize, rearrange, zoom and access smoothly. Optional true virtual windows in RAM have phenomonal speeds - even updates overlapped windows on screen! For all IBMs, all text modes, all video pages. Requires QWIK55.ARC (QWIK55.TPU included). Only 13k of code if all 69 routines used. Excellent docs. Eagle Performance Software Program: WNDWC Version: 2.1 (08/01/89) Registration fee: $29-$39 BBS filename: WNDWC21.ARC User support: Supported via BBS at (214) 539-7855, 24 hours a day and 2400 baud, and by phone at (214) 539-7855 M-F 10am-10pm CST Description: WNDWC21.ARC - Turbo C, MicroSoft C, QuickC multi-level virtual windows libraries. Create, hide, move, resize, rearrange, zoom and access smoothly. Optional true virtual windows in RAM have phenomenal speeds - even updates overlapped windows! For all IBMs, all text modes, all video pages. Requires QWIKC21.ARC (QWIKC21S.LIB included). Only @ 13k of code if all 69 routines used. Excellent docs. Eagle Performance Software -- page 69 -- Project management Program: BESTGUES Version: 1.05 (06/09/89) BBS filename: BESTGUES.EXE User support: current version with printed manual on registration, support via CompuServe Easyplex or phone; low cost upgrades for future versions. Description: BESTGUES is a task planning tool designed to help you get a better handle on time estimating. BESTGUES helps you figure out how much time a task should take by making it easy for you to break the task down into smaller chunks (up to 15), and estimate minimum, typical and maximum times for each chunk. Then BESTGUES gives you several estimates of the total time, and the probability that the task will be complete in that time. BESTGUES is fast, friendly and effective. Program: Easy Project Version: 3.4 Registration fee: $49.00 BBS filename: EZPROJ.ARC User support: Registered users receive latest version of program, user manual, special access to our support BBS and free technical support. Description: Easy Project 3.4 - An easy to use Project Management System. Features include: critical path calculation, automatic scheduling, Gantt charts detailing planned vs. actual progress, context sensitive help, extensive reporting and dBASE file compatibility. BBS support now available. Support 2000 tasks per project. Scanner software Program: PRO-CR(tm) Version: 2.0 (05/01/90) Registration fee: $42 BBS filename: PRO-CR.EXE User support: Current registered disk is mailed out; FREE upgrades; Telephone support; BBS support. Description: PRO-CR(tm) V2.00 PROFESSIONAL OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION New features for version 2.00: Font selection not required, preview mode, online correction mode, supports 200 dpi (fax), mis-recognitions flagged, supports compressed tiffs and pcx files, CGA, EGA, VGA and HERCULES. Also includes optional command line interface from DOS. -- page 70 -- Soft fonts Program: Deskfonts Version: 1.1 Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: DJFONT.ARC User support: Voice support, mail support. Registration good for all future versions. Description: Deskfonts is a collection of soft fonts for the DeskJet printer. This package includes a matching printer driver for WP5.0. Contents: 10 pt Helv & Roman proportional medium, bold, & italic; Old English 8 pt; Script 10 pt; Roman fixed width 10 pt 10 pitch; Square fixed width 10 pt 10 pitch; a 24 pt symbol set; a matching WP 5.0 printer driver, and documentation for installing the printer driver. Requires 128K RAM cartridge! ASP shareware. Program: TSR Download Version: 1.9b Registration fee: $35.00 - $75.00 BBS filename: TSRDL2.EXE User support: Voice, mail, & Compuserve support. Registered users entitled to special products and services, plus low cost upgrades. Description: TSR Download is a memory resident soft font manager. It pops up in an application, downloads individual or lists of fonts, can select a font, remembers the fonts in your printer & their RAM requirements, & warns you when you will exceed printer RAM. It finds your soft fonts automatically and translates them into English! Parallel, serial, & network support. Now includes 12 pt Roman & Helv LaserJet & DeskJet fonts! Downloads 100K bytes in 16 sec. Sends DeskJet fonts by order of size. ASP Shareware. -- page 71 -- Statistics Program: Lotto Challenger Version: 3.5 (08/31/90) Registration fee: $29.50 BBS filename: LC35.ZIP User support: Registered users receive current version, one state lottery data file, quarterly newsletter and a 10% discount on all lottery books. Tech support via US mail, phone or CompuServe. Description: Lotto Challenger 3.5 can be used with all Pick-5, Pick-6 and Pick-7 lotteries. Uses statistical analysis to determine which numbers are Hot, Cold, Overdue, etc. Automatically picks numbers based on the results of it's analysis. Includes 60 number systems which maximize the amount won when 3 or more of the numbers played are picked. Check tickets for winning combinations. Includes a history option for testing playing strategies on previous drawings. Program: Lotto Prophet Version: 2.2 (07/11/89) Registration fee: $15.00 BBS filename: PROP27.ARC User support: Latest Version shipped, Tech support by phone nd 813-629-7720 (2 ) CIS 71251,2123 Description: Lotto Prophet Ver 2.7 released 11 July 89. An advanced lottery science statistical compiler and evaluator. Over 40 additions and improvements. Will work with over 50 U.S. and foreign lotteries all at one time. Selectes numbers based on seven different criterias. New skip and hit chart. Sum of digits. Will store & check for winners. Hot numbers. graphs and trend charts also power/due and most likely projections. Great for group play. It's serious, it's fun, it's entertaining. -- page 72 -- Tutorials & Education Program: Aeius Gradebook [***] Version: 2.52 (06/01/89) Registration fee: $35 BBS filename: AEIUS2.ARC User support: 24 hour Phone line. Phone support to registered users. Printed manual and update notification to registered users. Description: Fast, easy-to-use computerized teachers gradebook. IBM or compatible with 128K and floppy or hard disk. Easy pop up menus for class selection or printing. Averages grades using either total points or percentage methods. Prints either individual student reports or class reports. Very flexible. Accepts grade entry in letter or numerical format. Finds makeup grades at the touch of a key. Also sorting, teacher's comments, and grade statistics. Won 3 Education Mag. awards. Program: PC-CAI Version: 1.00 Registration fee: $35.00 BBS filename: PC-CAI.ARC User support: Receives 3 months phone support, Compuserve support on 70721, 3145. Also gets printed, bound manual with illus- trations, newsletter, information on upgrades, changes and discounts on new versions. Description: Create computer driven tutorials on any subject. PC-CAI authoring program lets you create tutorials without programming. Use sound, graphics, animation, color and more. Teach concepts, ask questions, record answers, grade results. PC-CAI requires at least 360K of memory and a CGA compatible monitor. Can be run on floppy or hard disk. ASP Shareware. Upload by Author. Version 1.00. Program: SCHOOL-MOM Version: 3.54 (06/20/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: SCH-MOM.* User support: I provide mail support to registered owners and prospective owners. I provide update notices to registered owners. Owner registration covers all the new versions. Description: I believe this is the most complete children's education software available anywhere! It has multi-level modules for Music, Math, English, Spelling, Art, Exam Generation, and more. It requires color graphics, 256K RAM, and DOS version 2.0 or higher. A mouse is optional. -- page 73 -- Program: TOUCH TYPE TUTOR Version: 2.4 (05/01/90) Registration fee: $10 BBS filename: TTTUTOR.COM User support: Current registered disk is mailed out; Telephone support; BBS support. Description: TTT (Touch Type Tutor 2.4); Copyright 1988,89,90 David P. Gray) offers three different modes of operation. The Teach Mode has eight graduated lessons and adapts itself automatically to the user's skill level. Speed Mode is designed for professional typists and secretarial agencies to measure a typist's speed. Game Mode is highly addictive and forces you to type faster and faster to win ! Five skill levels. Word processors Program: Centiwrite Version: 1.10 (07/01/89) Registration fee: $20.00 BBS filename: CWRITE.* User support: Registered users receive unlimited support via CIS, GEnie, Delphi, BIX, and U.S. Mail. Free or low-cost upgrades may also be provided (although not guaranteed), as well as notice of upgrades. Description: Centiwrite is the ideal text editor for notes, memos, and batch files shorter than one screen in length. Features include a no- blink cursor, built-in encryption, timed saves, "load screen" feature, auto-repeat of last character, and more. The program is easy to use and difficult to crash. Full documentation is included. Registered users receive additional utilities and a customization program. Site licenses and customized versions are also available. Program: CLICHE FINDER [***] Version: 1.4 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $19 BBS filename: CLICHE.ZIP User support: Mail or phone, newsletter get upgrades Description: Check your documents for cliches, trite and overused words and phrases. Works with any ASCII format file up to 60K. Database of cliches included, you can add or delete items from the list. -- page 74 -- Program: Code to Code Version: 2.0 (03/01/90) Registration fee: $29 BBS filename: CTOC20.* User support: current disk is available, voice/answering machine support, typeset documentation Description: "Code to Code" is a growing Typesetting/DTP/Word processing utility collection. CTC will "decode" (remove delimited codes) from Ventura/XyWrite/Typesetter, etc. files. Optionally, place them in a separate file. The "uncoded file" can be heavily edited, then have the codes reinserted. CTC will also auto- matically split large unmanageable files into smaller ones. The small files may be edited then rejoined to make one large file again for more efficient processing. Program: CREATIVITY PACKAGE [***] Version: 2.32 (08/??/90) Registration fee: $34 BBS filename: CREATE1.ZIP, CREATE2.ZIP, CREATE3.ZIP User support: By mail or phone, newsletter Description: This is 1 of 3 disks. Each disk can stand on its own. Disk #1 contains the entire text of Thomas A. Easton's book "Think Thunder! And Unleash Your Creativity", a striaghtforward explanation of how to develop and expand your creativity. The book also introduces the idea of computer-aided brainstorming as a means of developing better ideas. The book and software are used by writers, inventors, teachers and others who need to stimulate creative thinking. Program: GALAXY Version: 3.0 (05/31/90) Registration fee: $99.95 BBS filename: GALAXY3.ZIP User support: Registered users receive 3.5 and 5.25 disks, 200 page manual, toll free technical support, free or low cost updates, Microlytics WordFinder(tm) thesaurus and SpellFinder(tm) spell checker. Description: GALAXY is easy to learn, easy to use, yet still delivers powerful word processing features. Galaxy's modern interface lets you work in up to ten windows on screen at once. Full mouse support, style sheets, cut, copy, and paste, proportional spacing and micro- justification, headers and footers, virtual memory, automatic backup, and context sensitive help. Register your copy of GALAXY and you will also receive the award winning Microlytics SpellFinder spell checker and WordFinder thesaurus. -- page 75 -- Program: JEPRS Version: 2.06 (05/18/90) Registration fee: $30 BBS filename: J206PROG.ZIP User support: Current version and Laser-printed 30+ page manual sent; Next major upgrade sent FREE! Support via US Mail and CompuServe EMail [73567,471]. Description: JEPRS version 2.06 is a bibliographic database management system. Version 2.0 has pull-down menus & pop-up dialog boxes, context-sensitive help, searches with AND/OR/NOT logic, & formatted output with boldface, italics, etc. Works on 320kb computers with floppies or hard disk. Can import from MedLine files, PaperChase, BRS/Colleague, and Current Contents on Diskette. Can export in MedLine, comma-delimited, WordPerfect, and Word Star formats. Includes User's Guide and Tutorial. Program: PC-Stylist Version: 1.1 Registration fee: $29.95 BBS filename: STYLE.ARC in Compuserve PCVEN forum User support: Telephone, Mail, FAX, ButtonNet (BBS), Compuserve PCVEN. All support is free for one year following date of purchase. PCVEN Compuserve support is free to everyone. Description: PC-Stylist checks the readability of a document. PC-Stylist works with any word processor which produces ASCII text files. STYLE.ARC contains all of the files on the PC-Stylist distribution disk. You must "un-arc" the file before you can use PC-Stylist. REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC or compatible; 128K RAM; DOS 2.0 or higher. See STYLE.INF for more information. Program: PC-Type II Version: 1.0 Registration fee: $89.95 BBS filename: TYPII1.ARC, TYPII2.ARC, TYPII3.ARC, TYPII4.ARC in Compuserve PCVEN forum User support: Telephone, Mail, FAX, ButtonNet (BBS), Compuserve PCVEN. All support is free for one year following date of purchase. PCVEN Compuserve support is free to everyone. Description: PC-Type II is ButtonWare's new word processing program. Many new features including: easy to use menu interface, spell check search for alternatives, import of PC-File:dB data with improved searching, graphing, edit up to 10 different files in up to 4 windows, math, date and time arithmetic, and much more. -- page 76 -- Program: pEDIT Version: 1.65 (04/01/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: PEDIT165.ZIP User support: Registered users receive the latest version of pEDIT (without opening shareware screen) and printed documentation. Assistance and bugfixes will be provided by mail and on Compuserve. Description: Full featured split screen editor with ability to edit up to 4 files at one time. Definable keys, insert/overstrike modes, key macros, repeat, auto-indent, horiz. scrolling, autosave, WP features like settable margins, word wrap, center line, change case. Recall/edit any previous command, spawn to DOS, DOS buf- fer, 43-line mode, colors. File size limited only by memory. Includes full documenmtation and an installation program. Program: QEdit Advanced Version: 2.1 (03/01/90) Registration fee: $58 BBS filename: QEDIT21.ZIP User support: Current disk, 125 page spiral bound manual, and reference card are mailed on registration. Support available via voice, mail, FAX, bbs, and Compuserve. Discounts on major upgrades and future prods Description: "Highly recommended" by John Dvorak in PC-Magazine. Blazingly Fast, multi-file, multi-window, compact (46k) text editor, that is powerful, yet EASY to use. Includes macros, column blocks, and basic word-processing features. Completely configurable, including keyboard, colors and initial settings. New in version 2.1 are: swap to disk/EMS on shell, CenterLine, plus much more! 1989 Data Based Advisor readers choice as best Program/Text Editor. See why over 15,000 users prefer QEdit! Program: Ravitz Editor Version: 1.08 (07/10/90) Registration fee: $25 BBS filename: RAVED.ZIP User support: BBS and mail support are available to anyone. Description: Ravitz Editor is a fast, powerful, mid sized, text editor. It has integrated outlining and overviewing, area mark manipulation (copy, fill, shift, sort, etc.), find/change, word wrap and reflow, line drawing, multiple file handling, change tracking, flexible user interface (function keys, mouse, menus), and it is configurable and programmable. -- page 77 -- Program: Rubicon Publisher Version: 2.0 (09/15/89) Registration fee: $89 BBS filename: RUBICON.* User support: Technical enquiries from registered users will be accepted by mail, Compuserve or telephone answering machine, and answered via mail, Compuserve or other means. Description: Comprehensive desktop publisher for the IBM PC modelled on traditional typesetting concepts, with over 120 features. Requires Postscript or LaserJet device, comes with 2 LaserJet font families (Trajan and Renner), and supports numerous other LaserJet and Postscript fonts. Batch processor, controlled by tags embedded in the input file. 100% mouse free, graphics not needed, but ASCII word processor required. LaserJet fonts require 1.4MB disk space. Program: Technical Editor Version: 2.5 (07/21/90) Registration fee: $39.95 BBS filename: TEDIT25.ZIP User support: Current disk is mailed out; BBS support; Voice support; one free update. Description: Very compact and FAST programmers editor. Edits ANY SIZE file (VIRTUAL MEMORY). Edits in multiple screens each with up to 16 windows. FULL UNDO (last 1000!). Mode for editing BINARY files. Re-definable keys. Regular expression search and replace (Extremely FAST!). Single key DOS shell / exit LINE and COLUMN block marking. MACROS. 43 & 50 line editing OS2 version avail. Source avail. And much more! Program: Thesaur Plus Version: 2.2 Registration fee: $18 + $2 s/h. Extended support $8 BBS filename: THESP14C.ZIP (04/10/90) User support: Compuserve [71750,2560], BBS Support at Urban Hermit: (818) 700-1058, US Mail 23311 Schoolcraft St. West Hills, CA 91307, PC-Relay Shareware Conference R/O capable Description: An excellent memory resident Thesaurus. Over 50000 words and lots of features (Cross referencing, editing, scrolling, etc.) You will find this more useful than you originally think! Requires a Hard drive and DOS 3.0. Good support is provided by the author and at only $18 it can't be beat. [ASP] By Derrick Burgess - Thesaur Plus v2.2 -- page 78 -- _________________________________________________________________ AUTHOR ADDRESSES This appendix is designed to let you find the name & address of ASP authors & companies with a product you'd like to know more about. Some offer non-registered evaluation disks through the mail for a nominal fee. Others publish telephone numbers you can call for more information. Shareware is as safe as commercial software if obtained directly from an author or from a vendor or BBS who has gotten the disk directly from the author. -- an official ASP statement on shareware You can manually search this appendix for information about a product, or you can use the index to find the right page. All you need to know is the name of the product (not the name of the file). Product names are almost always noted in the description. One final note: this appendix is "free format". Authors can say whatever they like as long as they don't go over four lines. We encourage them to include an address and maybe a phone number, but it's up to them. What you see here is exactly what they told us to put in the appendix. We hope you find this appendix to be useful. Product(s): 4DOS J.P. Software, P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174, USA. Phone (617) 646-3975, fax (617) 646-0904. Products supported via CIS (PCVENB section 10), Bix (ibm.dos/4dos), BBS networks (Interlink, PC Relay, Fido). MC/VI/Amex accepted. Product(s): 4PRINT, TAPLEX, TAPMARK Korenthal Associates, Inc., 230 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011. Phone: (212) 242-1790. Fax: (212) 242-2599. CompuServe [76164,237] or [73267,333]. MC/VISA accepted. Site licenses available. Product(s): A86, D86, ZIPKEY Eric Isaacson Software, 416 E. University Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47401-4739. Phone: (812) 339-1811. BBS: (812) 855-7252. CompuServe userID 71520,74. Product(s): Aeius Gradebook Aeius Corporation PO Box 700457, San Jose, CA 95170 (408) 257 0658 24 Hour recorder for orders or messages. Master Card or Visa. PO's from schools. -- page 79 -- Product(s): ANARKEY Steven Calwas (Moderne Software, P.O. Box 3638, Santa Clara, CA 95055-3638) supports ANARKEY by mail, CIS [73507,2272] and UseNet ( or ...!sun!!src). All comments and suggestions are encouraged and welcome. Product(s): Applets, Browser, Command Post th Wilson WindowWare - 3377 59 SW - Seattle WA 98116 supports its products on CIS (73260,2535). For Visa or M/C orders, or voice support, call (206) 937-9335 9am-9pm Pacific time. Demo disks available for $5.00 Product(s): Arrow, KBSpeed, PopDBF Bowen Software P. O. Box 2134 East Peoria, IL 61611 (309) 699-0950 Product(s): AS-EASY-AS, DRAFT CHOICE TRIUS, Inc., 231 Sutton St. Suite 2D-3, P.O. BOX 249, North Andover, MA 01845. Tel:(508) 794-9377, BBS:(508) 794-0762 [2400,N,8,1] 24 hrs, CIS:[72727,616], Order by mail, phone or on-line on the BBS, VISA& MC accepted Product(s): ATC, Border, CAPBUF, ECOMASTER, FICTIONARY th From Cascoly Software, 4528 36 NE, Seattle WA 98105. Contact Steve Estvanik, CIS 76703,3046 Product(s): Aura Reading, BOOK OF CHANGES, BY THE NUMBERS, Citizen, CLICHE FINDER, CREATIVITY PACKAGE, Crystal Ball, CURSES!, Fortune Teller, GEOMANCY, HARD AT WORK, LOVEDOS, MAILLIST, M-LABEL, Mayan Calendar, PERSONAL TAROT(tm), POETRY GENERATOR, WORKBASE Rosemary West, R.K. West Consulting, P.O. Box 8059, Mission Hills, CA 91346. CIS [72301,435] Bankcard orders call 800/ 242-4775: the Public (software) Library. Product(s): Baker's Dozen, PC-Calc+, PC-File+, PC-File:dB, PC- Type II ButtonWare, Inc., P.O. Box 96058, Bellevue, WA 98009-4469 (206)454-0479 Front desk (800)JBUTTON Order line (800)528-8866 Order line Product(s): BassMap, CIPHER, EGATrek, Mah Jongg, Shooting Gallery Nels Anderson/Arcanum Computing (92 Bishop Drive, Framingham, MA 01701). Support available on CompuServe [71020,2613], by mail or via Xevious BBS (508-875-3618 or 617-449-7322). Product(s): BATUTIL, STACKEY CTRLALT Associates (Barry Simon, Rick Wilson), Suite 133, 260 South Lake Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101 -- page 80 -- Product(s): BESTGUES Notor Engineering Services, 1548 Arata Court, San Jose, CA 95125, (408) 947-8635. Order/register via mail. Check or money order only, please. Product(s): Bmenu Mark Strong (6029 Eastridge Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45247) Product support on CIS [70043,114] as well as the international UNIX network, USENET: Phone support after initial contact via above services or mail. Product(s): BOOT.SYS Hans Salvisberg, Froeschmattstr. 40, CH-3018 Berne, SWITZERLAND CompuServe: 73237,3556 Internet: VISA/MC/EuroCard/Access; all prices in Swiss Franks - or VISA/ MC/AmEx orders (only!) in US$ through PsL at 800-242-4775 Product(s): Bosskey Package Stephen Meredith, Data del Mar, P.O. Box 17881, San Diego, CA 92117. (619) 272-2506 Product(s): Browse/2 Wolf Software Design, 6369 Caminito Flecha, San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: 619-292-7706 (weekdays 8:00 am-5:00 pm PST). Electronic mail: CompuServe(72777-1556) and BIX(jwolf) Product(s): CADET An AutoCAD user interface enhancement by Steve Waskow Wasco Technical Software; 1211 Grand Junction Dr; Katy,TX 77450 Products supported on CompuServe - Easyplex [72020,2031] Product(s): Calendar Keeper Calendar Keeper is a Shareware product of Dataphile Software. Our address is: Dataphile Software, 7058 Sandpiper, Kalamazoo, MI, 49002 Phone: (616) 327-4671 Product(s): Centiwrite, Centiwrite Developer's Kit Andrew M. Saucci, Jr. (641 Koelbel Ct, Baldwin, NY, 11510-3915) uses CompuServe (72117,241), GEnie(A.SAUCCI3), Delphi(ASAUCCI), and BIX(ASAUCCI) as distribution points. Visa/MasterCard orders are handled by the Public (Software) Library (800-242-4PSL). Product(s): CheckMate(tm), CheckMate-GL For information or to order write Custom Technologies, PO Box 62118, Colorado Springs, CO 80962. MC/VISA/COD/CHECK/MO accepted. You may also call toll-free 1-800-541-6234 (ORDERS ONLY). For questions or support call 719-282-0402. Product(s): CHEQUE-IT-OUT, FINANCE MANAGER II HOOPER International, P.O. Box 62219, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2219. Support/Questions:(719)528-8989 FAX:(719) 528-8997 Compuserve:75236,2326. ORDER LINE:1-800-245-7789 MC, Visa, Amex Optima, Checks, Money orders accepted. Dealer prices available. -- page 81 -- Product(s): CIPHER, EGATrek, Mah Jongg, Shooting Gallery, BassMap Nels Anderson/Arcanum Computing (92 Bishop Drive, Framingham, MA 01701). Support available on CompuServe [71020,2613], by mail or via Xevious BBS (508-875-3618 or 617-449-7322). Product(s): CMTS Torbert Data Systems, Inc. PO Box 9218 Chesapeake, VA 23321 Product Support on Compuserve 73747,2336 Voice Number 804-488-5506 BBS Number 804-488-4146 (August 1990) Bill Torbert Product(s): Code to Code th AlphaBytes, Incorporated 111 8 St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 546-4119 VISA MasterCard. Product(s): ConvDW, TextCon, TextOut/5 CrossCourt Systems, 1521 Greenview Ave., East Lansing MI 48823. 517 332-4353, VISA and MasterCard orders accepted. Source code available for WordPerfect and DisplayWrite conversions. Volume discounts and site licenses offered. Product(s): CONVERT, CVT2SB, CVT2TB, FaxCtrl, FFOUR, MakeTable, ONCEADAY, PCFMT, TBFMT, TIMES2 Unique Software, P.O. Box 26613, Fort Worth, Tx 76126-0613, 817 249-4284 (Fax). Bankcard licensing through Public (Software) Library 800-2424-PSL. 24hr 365day direct Fax technical support. Site License enclosed with each product. Product(s): CROSSWORD CREATOR PC HELP-LINE, 35250 Silver Leaf Circle, Yucaipa, CA, 92399 phone:(714-797-3091) CIS:[72357,3523] author: Brad Kaenel Inquiries, suggestions, all communications welcome. Site licenses and volume discounts available. Product(s): CUDM, CUDUP, PAR Company: Micro System Solutions Address: 5417 S. Cimarron Rd. Littleton CO 80123 Phone #: 1(303) 795-7653 1(800) 421-1789 We accept Visa, MC. Product(s): DARN!, SUPER MAKE(tm) EmmaSoft PO Box 238 Lansing, NY 14882-0238 (607) 533-4685 Product(s): DAYO AR, DAYO AP, DAYO BACK ORDERS, DAYO CLOCK, DAYO EOP, DAYO GL, DAYO INDEX, DAYO Inventory, DAYO Look Up, DAYO MENU, DAYO MRP, DAYO PASSWORDS, DAYO POS, DAYO Price Book, DAYO Quotes, DAYO SMART REPORTS, DAYO UPDATE, KISBILL TJS LAB, PO BOX 585366, Orlando, FL 32858-5366 -- page 82 -- Product(s): Deskfonts, TSR Download Elfring Soft Fonts, (P.O. Box 61, Wasco, IL 60183), supports its products on CIS [72417,3437], and at 708-377-3520 (9 - 5 CST). VISA & MC orders accepted. Call or write for a free catalog of fonts and utility programs. Product(s): DIRECTMAINT, FILE PATCH, MORSOFT CALCULATOR, PC SYSTEM MANAGER MORSOFT (9859 IH-10 W, 107/811; San Antonio, TX 78230). Products supported on CIS [71530,2363], GEnie [MORSOFT], and (512) 692-9572. Accept check, money order, PO, COD or phone orders (800) 356-2697 (SIZZLEWARE), (800) 245-6717 (PC-SIG) Product(s): DIRECTOR Helpware (100 Bayo Vista Way #6, San Rafael, CA 94901) supports its products on CIS [71320,1277] and at (415)453-9779. Bankcard orders call (415) 453-9779. Product(s): Directory Freedom, the last word Bit Masons Consultings 3205 Windsor Ridge Dr. Westboro MA 01581 (508) 898-3321 (evenings) Product(s): DIREDIT, HDTEST P. R. Fletcher (Software), 1515 West Montgomery Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010, USA. Phone (voice) support available for Registered users. Product(s): Document Control S.G. Engineering (2308 Barbara Drive, Camarillo CA 93010) Supports its products on CIS [75226,1175] and at (805) 388-8099 6-11PM M-F, anytime on weekends. Product(s): Magic Brush Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush, 4035 Livingstone Pl., Durham, NC 27707. Product(s): Ease-Up Simple Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 640189 Kenner, LA 70064. Support on CIS [76440,76], GEnie [M.GEISINGER], or on BIX [mgeisinger]. Telephone support also provided at (504) 464-5748. Product(s): Easy Access TengWare Enterprises 28162 Amable Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (714) 587-1025 Compuserve: 71541,1317 -- page 83 -- Product(s): EasyCASE th Address: Evergreen CASE Tools, 11025 164 Avenue N.E., Redmond, WA 98052. Telephone: (206)-881-5149, 6-10pm (PST) M- F, noon-10pm (PST) S+S Support: Telephone, Mail and CIS [73250,1721] Product(s): Easy Format, Programmer's Productivity Pack Falk Data Systems, 5322 Rockwood Court, El Paso, Texas, 79932 Technical Support: (915) 584-7670, Orders: (800) 326-5615, CompuServe [71420,2431]. The Easy Format Tech Kit is available to registered users of Easy Format. Product(s): Easy Project Parcell Software, P.O. Box 165 Geneva, Il 60134 Voice: 708-232-6338 BBS: 708-232-6339 MC/Visa/Check/P.O. Accepted Quantity discounts available. Product(s): EIS (Electronic Information System) BBS American On-Line Systems 12 Thirteenth Avenue Warwick, RI 02886-8428 BBS: (401)732-2169 Product(s): Extended Batch Language Seaware Corp.; P.O. Box 1656, Delray Beach, FL 33447-1656 Orders: 800/634-8188 or 407/392-2046. MC/VISA accepted. Support BBS: 407/395-2816 Product(s): FastBucks Software Expressions P.O. Box 301002 Houston,TX 77230-1002 Telephone: (713) 541-3063 Between 8AM & 5PM CST. Product(s): FLAG Matthew G. Maier/19019 Capehart Drive/Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Phone: (301).869.1879 Electronic support on CompuServe and GEnie. Email: CIS [76370,743] [75140,1627] GEnie [M.MAIER1] [M.MAIER] GEnie users please vist the DBMS RoundTable. Product(s): FLODRAW George Freund, P.O. Box 203, Mentor, OH 44061 Compuserve [73230,403] Product(s): FBNCAT FBN Software P.O. Box 160867 Cupertino, Ca 95016. Support provided on CIS [74746,250] or by mail at above address, or author may be contacted 6-9 PM M-F ,10-5 S-S PST at (408) 446-9039 -- page 84 -- Product(s): GALAXY Omniverse Software Corp. PO Box 1570, Port Townsend, WA 98368. MC, VISA, AMEX, and COD orders, call toll free 1-800-365-7627. FAX: (206) 385-5960. Available at a discount from Egghead. Call for more information. Product(s): GRAB Plus, LaserLabel, ZPAY 3 ZPAY Payroll Systems, P.O. Box 445, Franklin Park, IL 60131. We accept MasterCard and Visa order by phone (708) 671-3364. Product(s): HDM IV (Hard Disk Menu).... Jim Hass, MicroFox, P.O. Box 447, Richfield, OH 44286-0447 USA. HDM is a very successful shareware program that is written in Turbo Pascal and has been consistently upgrade per user request for the last four years. Product(s): Hearts R. J. Crouch CareWare, 10217 Ridge View Dr., Grass Valley, CA 95945 Support and information provided through CIS [74270,516], U.S. Mail, or phone evenings PST (916) 477-0604. Product(s): Home Office Tax Deduction Calculator 1989 ParyTech Associates, 16559 Quincy St. NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304 Phone: (612) 434-4330. Product support available on CompuServe via EasyPlex ID# 76407,607. Product(s): HUGO'S HOUSE OF HORRORS, PRO-CR(tm), TOUCH TYPE TUTOR David P. Gray, GRAY DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.O. Box 333, Northboro, MA 01532, USA (508) 393-1932 Product(s): InstaCalc, ProQube Lite, QubeCalc FormalSoft, PO Box 1913, Sandy, UT 84091 Order by phone, BBS, or mail. We accept VISA/MC/AMEX. Telephone: 801-565-0971 CompuServe: 73250,3163 BBS: 801-298-5222 (N-8-1), then type J PROQUBE Product(s): JADU J.C. Ratjen, 2126 Glebe Avenue, Bronx NY 10462 Voice support available to registered users at (212)823-1050, Evaluation copy (fully functional) available for $5 or by sending a disk and stamped mailer to the above address. Product(s): JEPRS Louis M. Miranda, 6033 E. Northwest Hwy #1106, Dallas, TX 75231-7463. I can also be contacted on CompuServe [73567,471]. Visa/MasterCard orders accepted by The Public Software Library at 1-800-2424-PSL (call 713-665-7017 for questions about order) Product(s): Klondike, Poker Solitaire Eduardo Martins (Station A, P.O. Box 2052, Champaign, IL, 61825-2052). Purveyor of fine EGA solitaire games! User support through CompuServe (73300,264), GEnie (e.martins), and U.S. Mail. -- page 85 -- Product(s): KWIKSTAT, PC-CAI TexaSoft/Mission Technologies P.O. Box 1169 Cedar Hill, Texas 75104 214-291-2115 (8:00am to 5:00pm CST) Product(s): Lotto Challenger Data Solutions, 1529 Thistledown Drive, Brandon, FL 33510 supports Lotto Challenger on CIS [72356,354] and at (813) 653-3093 (7-10PM M-F, 12-6PM S-S EST). Information regarding recent updates appears in the quarterly newsletter. Product(s): Lotto Prophet DateMicro, Inc., P.O. Box 3527, Port Charlotte, Florida 33949. Gene P. Davis President (813) 629-7720 Product(s): LCG/Remind The Levin Consulting Group, PO Box 62050, Cincinnati, OH, 45251. Information & Support available through MCI-Mail 178-1018, CompuServe 73277,2356, or Prodigy FPVN31A. VISA/MC order through Public Software Library at (800) 2424-PSL. Product(s): MAXI Form Herne Data Systems Ltd., PO Box 714, Station C, Toronto, ONT CANADA M6J 3S1, also support on CompuServe (72060,1153) GEnie (MIKLOS.G) and UseNet. voice line (416) 535-9335 Product(s): MLSIM LRV Company, PO Box 631, Nesconset, NY 11767. CompuServe Mail [76615,600] L. Vandermeulen (INSITES) Product(s): NAMEGRAM, PIANOMAN Neil J. Rubenking, 86 Midcrest Way, S.F. CA 94131. Support by U.S.mail, EASYPLEX [72241,50], or MCImail [NRUBENKING]. Register via MC/VISA by calling (800)USA-GROU or (301)387-4500. Or pay by check to Support Group, Inc., P.O. Box 130, McHenry, MD 21541 Product(s): Newkey FAB Software, P.O. Box 336, Wayland, MA 01778. Support on CIS [75206,1366] and at (508)358-6357 (8pm-10pm M-F, 10am-9pm S-S East.) Product(s): OVL Michael E. Devore, 403 West Charles, Champaign, IL 61820 CIS: 71540,62 GEnie: MDEVORE Product(s): PAL, PALRUN PAL Software NY, 51 Cedar Lane, Ossining, NY 10562. The PAL Software BBS is reachable at 914-762-8055. Toll free credit card orders are accepted by the Public (software) Library at (800) 242-4774. -- page 86 -- Product(s): PathProj, RelaxR, RXtraces Bob Obenchain, The Software Prescriptions Company, 4102 Colville Road, Durham, North Carolina 27707; CIS [72007,467]. Product(s): PBWindows Barry Erick 28 Ridge Street Dallas, PA 18612 Product(s): PC-ACCOUNT, SHERLOCK John P. Bauernschub, Jr., 14809 Clavel Street, Rockville, MD 20853. 301-460-0354. Send $3 for a disk with either program and receive a coupon for a $2 rebate from the registration fee. Call if you need help in getting started or using the tutorial. Product(s): PCBUDGET ProLogic Software and Services P.O. Box 71 Loveland, OH 45140 Product(s): PC-Draft II, PC-Draft-CAD th Natural Software: 19 South 5 . Street; St. Charles, IL 60174 support available on Compuserve [70047,744] and (708)377-7320 Talk directly to the author: Michael Allen We accept VISA/MC. Product(s): PC-FASTYPE TRENDTECH CORPORATION, 14 Ella Lane, PO BOX 3687, Wayne, NJ 07470 (201) 694-8622. Check, MO, PO#, COD, Sorry no MC/VISA yet. Product(s): PC-IDENT, PC-INFO Cheat River Engineering / P. O. Box 289 / Denville, NJ 07834 201-627-5460 / Compuserve: 73710,2611 / American Express & Optima accepted. Site license available. Engineering design services,contract CAD & software development our specialty. Product(s): PC-TAX88, PC-XREF6 PC-*.* Shareware. 9862 Lake Seminole Drive West, Seminole, FL 34643. Phone 813-397-2930. PC-TAX* is an annual update of IRS Form 1040 Tax Return and supporting Forms and Schedules. PC- XREF* is updated for significant updates of BASIC/BASICA. Product(s): PDS*BASE, PDS*EPRICE, PDS*MEMBER, PDS*QUOTE PRO DEV Software 545 Grover Road MUSKEGON MI 49442 Telephone: 616-788-2243 Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00 Eastern Time. CIS PPN: 72617,1266 Affordable software with POWER and ease of use. Registration via check, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER/VISA. Product(s): pEDIT T. G. Muench, P.O. Box 30651, Phoenix, AZ 85046-0651. Write to the author at the above address or contact him on CIS [71171,2424]. -- page 87 -- Product(s): Point & Shoot Backup/Restore, Point & Shoot Hard Disk Manager, Point & Shoot Home Manager Point & Shoot products from AMST Applied Micro Systems Technology Box 1596, Welch Ave., Ames, IA 50010 (515) 292-0426 inquiries, (800) 537-7417 sales Product(s): PrintGL, Ravitz Editor Ravitz Software Inc. P. O. Box 25068 / Lexington, KY, USA 40524-5068 BBS 606-268-0577 1200/2400 N,8,1 24 hours/day Compuserve 70431,32 Product(s): PrintPlus Lambert Klein 3853 Grace Wayne, Mi. 48184 313-326-1583 Cis [ 72010,624 ] GEnie [ L.Klein1 ] Product(s): Profonedit Plus (PFE+), QFE Sunflower Systems: 5683 Dekalb Lane, Norcross, GA 30093; CIS [73307,3101], GEnie [K.BRENDEL], InterLink [Karl Brendel]. (404)925-9331 6-9PM M-F, 1-5PM S-S Eastern Time. Direct bank card orders to (800)242-4475 (orders only), Public (software) Library. Product(s): PULL, PULLC, QWIK, QWIKC, WNDW, WNDWC Eagle Performance Software (P.O. Box 292786; Lewisville, TX 75029-2786) supports its products on CIS [73557,2342], its BBS at 214-539-9878 and by voice at 214-539-7855 (10AM-10PM CST, Mon-Sat.). Visa/MC accepted. Window/menu routines for C/Pascal. Product(s): Qanalyst Barn Owl Software, P.O. Box #74, O'Fallon, IL 62269. Call the support BBS anytime at 618-398-5703 (three lines and a 9600 USR HST modem). Voice line is 618-632-7345. We accept Visa and MasterCard. CompuServe userID 74017,1344. Product(s): QEdit Advanced SemWare, 4343 Shallowford Rd, Suite C3; Marietta, GA 30062-5003 Doing business since 1985. Currently have 10 full-time employees to help serve our customers needs. CIS [71520,67] Phone: (404) 641-9002, FAX (404) 640-6123 BBS (404) 641-8968 Product(s): QPACS Richard A. Williams P.O. Box 9311 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 455-6333 Product(s): Recursive Realm Austin Software Design, (P.O. Box 3282; So. Pasadena, CA.91031) voice support (818) 441-5436, weekends and evenings. CIS support [71241,1121], [Scott Jones]. Orders shipped immediately. -- page 88 -- Product(s): REMIND! USMail: Schnapp Software Consulting, P.O. Box 261091, San Diego, CA 92126. Phone: (619) 566-8520. EMail: rschnapp on BIX and GEnie, uunet!serene!pnet12!rschnapp on usenet. Product(s): RLEPRT, TTIME Richard G. Harper, RGH Software, Route 1, Box 24, Reed City, MI 49677-9801. CompuServe ID 76670,110 Product(s): Rubicon Publisher Rubicon Computer Labs Inc., 2 Pommiers, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8Z 2M2. (819)770-4317. Free product literature. We accept personal cheques or money orders. Dealer kits available. Product(s): SANDDS MOVIE GUIDE SANDD Software, PO BOX 3587, Reston, VA 22090. Support is available on CIS (71160,3331) and Prodigy (SVBH07A). Credit cards orders call 1-800-242-4775 the (PSL) Public Software Library. Product(s): SCRNCH Graeme McRae, P.O. Box 16, Monmouth Jct. NJ 08852. 201/329-3786 Compresses EXE and COM files, leaving them runnable; compresses all other files producing self-extractors. Product(s): Searchlight BBS System Frank LaRosa Searchlight Software, PO Box 131, Plainview, NY 11803. BBS Support Lines: 516-724-0971, 212-962-1920 (9600 Baud HST) Product(s): SOFF BALLS Jeff Elwood, 2809 Lordshire Road, Madison, WI 53719 Home Phone (608) 271-1586 Work Phone (608) 935-4524 Product(s): STARDIAL GTX (5419 Dahlia Drive;Los Angeles, CA 90041) Product support by author on CIS [71210,3632] and EXECPC 1-414-964-5160 Product(s): STS26, WORLD NAME GAME, WORLD29 Robert L. Lloyd 191 Via De La Reina Merritt Island, FL 32953 Fun software with an educational twist Product(s): SWAPDOS, SWAPDT, SWAPNG, SWAPMM, SWAPMT, SWAPSH, SWAPSK, SWAPSP, SWAPTN, TesSeRact Innovative Data Concepts (1657 The Fairways, Suite 101, Jenkintown, PA 19046) is in the business of making your computer's memory more efficient. We're always on the lookout for new ideas! Call 1-215-884-3373 for details. -- page 89 -- Product(s): TAPUTIL Software Architects, Inc., 2163 Jardin Drive, Mountain View, CA 94040. Phone: (415) 948-9186. FAX: (415) 948-1620. Support for all products available on CompuServe. Send EasyPlex to User ID 76010,3250. All products available in CONSULT forum. Product(s): Technical Editor Superior Soft (P.O. Box 11385, Torrance, CA 90510) Good user support. We welcome ALL suggestions Product(s): Thesaur Plus Derrick Burgess 23311 Schoolcraft St. West Hills, CA 91307 (818) 347-2910 Mon, Wed, Fri 6pm - 10pm PST Sat Noon - 10pm Product(s): Time is Money Custom Data Solutions, 820 Driver Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789. Disks available from PSL at 1-800-2424-PSL. Visa, M/C or check accepted for registrations. Phone orders for registration at 407-644-2994 or to PSL. Product(s): TIMESTAX Johnson Technologies, 10564 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014. First upgrade free to reg. users (next upgrade Q1 '91). CIS support at 71071,1215; voice support (408) 255-4213 Product(s): TUTOR.COM Computer Knowledge, PO Box 91176, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Please write for information about site licenses, tutorial building tools, and versions with your customized opening screen. Join many satisfied licensed users. Product(s): Videocat William A. Jackson 6529 Matilija Avenue Van Nuys, California 91401 CompuServe 71571,1234 Product(s): VINO:FILE Mark Christian, 737 Post St #1612, San Francisco, CA, 94109. Wine-related products are supported on the CIS Wineforum (CIS ID [70032,117]), by mail and at (415) 441-2695. Sorry, no credit card orders at this time. Product(s): VMiX 286 ComSoft (P.O. Box 185; Corona del Mar, CA 92625) supports its products on CIS [73277,2003], and at (714)721-1228 (24hrs 300 to 9600 baud), (714)721-9953 (voice 8am - 6pm PST). Bankcard orders call (800)242-4775 (the Public (software) Library). -- page 90 -- Product(s): WILDCAT! th Mustang Software, Inc. 3125 - 19 St., Suite 162 Bakersfield, CA 93301. Voice 805-395-0223, WILDCAT! BBS 805-395-0650. Call voice or BBS for orders & information, or use CIS GO PCVEN SS9 for our Tech Support forum. VISA/MC/AMEX Product(s): XRS Mike Ratledge, 995 Buck Hall Landing, McClellanville, SC 29458. BBS Phone: (803) 556-7485 (with online registration by MC/ VISA). Support also available via CompuServe [76666,1512]. Product(s): ZAPCODE MORTON UTILITIES, INTERNATIONAL 81-887 Tournament Way; Indio, CA 92201 - (619) 347-7563 We support through CIS [70132,3707], by postal mail, and by telephone. VISA, MC, American Express, Discover accepted. -- page 91 -- _________________________________________________________________ DISK VENDOR ADDRESSES This appendix is designed to let you find the name & address of disk vendors who maintain an associate membership in the ASP. Every one of these disk vendors meets the ASP's minimum standards for business ethics in the field of disk copying services. Shareware is as safe as commercial software if obtained directly from an author or from a vendor or BBS who has gotten the disk directly from the author. -- an official ASP statement on shareware Disk vendors, especially ASP-approved disk vendors, provide a much-needed service in the growing shareware market. They help spread the word about shareware by offering a copying service for those without modems. They keep up to date with current versions of the best shareware programs on the market. Many disk vendors offer a free complimentary catalog of products, a toll-free order line, and more. A final note: this appendix is "free format". Disk vendors can say whatever they want if they keep it in the space provided. What you see here is exactly what they told us to write. We hope you find this appendix to be useful. Company: $ave On $oftware Address: P.O. Box 2837, Wilkes Barre, PA 18703 Phone #: (717) 824-5452 st Company: 1 Bank Of Shareware Address: 6944 Hudson Blvd North, P.O. Box 19527, St. Paul, MN 55119 Phone #: (612) 731-3107 Company: A Drive Software Address: Lot 156 Cassia Drive, Karnup, AUSTRALIA 6176 Phone #: 08-5241572 Company: A.C.L. Address: 1621 Fulton Avenue #35, Sacramento, CA 95825 Phone #: (916) 973-1850 Company: Accusoft Address: P.O. Box 02214, Columbus, OH 43202 Phone #: (614) 459-2448 -- page 92 -- Company: Adams Software th Address: 2703 44 Place, Springdale, AZ 72764 Phone #: Company: Advantage Address: 56 Bath Rd., Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM GL53 H5 Phone #: 0242-224340 Company: Advantage Plus Distributors Address: 7113 Halifax Court, Tampa, FL 33615 Phone #: (813) 885-1478 Company: Afl Industries Address: 213 Ward Circle, Brentwood, TN 37027 Phone #: (615) 370-0333 Company: Alphon Edugames Address: 221 Ridley Road, Bridgeman Downs, NORWAY 4035 Phone #: 07263-2744 Company: Alternative Choice Computer Address: 77 Main Street, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Phone #: (413) 625-8153 Company: Ap-Jp Enterprises Inc. Address: P.O. Box 399, Islip, NY 11751-0399 Phone #: (516) 224-4192 Company: Argus Computerized Exchange Address: 20 Mall Road, Suite 210, Burlington, MA 01803 Phone #: Company: Arnold Company Address: Hwy 1528, Rt. 2 Bldg 231, Cooper, TX 75432 Phone #: 214-395-2922 Company: B.L. Software Address: P.O. Box 13474, Chesapeake, VA 23325 Phone #: (804) 420-8380 Company: Babbage'S Inc. Address: 10741 King William Drive, Dallas, TX 75220 Phone #: (214) 401-9000 Company: Best Bits & Bytes Address: P.O. Box 8245, Van Nuys, CA 91409 Phone #: (818) 764-9503 Company: Big Byte Software Address: 2111 Arkansas Ln # 207, Arlington, TX 76013 Phone #: (817) 265-2007 -- page 93 -- Company: Bonware Address: P.O. Box 246 Pine Maple St., McAlisterville, PA 17049 Phone #: (717) 463-2300 Company: Bright Futures Inc. Address: 18 Iroquios Road, Enfield, CT 06082 Phone #: Company: Brightspark Computers Address: 4 Richards Place Noranda, Perth, AUSTRALIA 6062 Phone #: 09-375-1178 Company: California Shareware Address: 1747 East Avenue Q,Unit C-1, Palmdale, CA 93550 Phone #: (805) 273-0300 Company: Canada Remote Systems Address: 1331 Crestlawn Drive #D, Mississauga, ONTARIO L4W 29 Phone #: (416) 624-8193 Company: Cbug Address: P.O. Box 125, Columbia, MD 21045-125 Phone #: (301) 750-2435 Company: Ccs Inc. Address: P.O. Box 312, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Phone #: (215) 836-5657 Company: Celestial Press/Software Address: 114 Valencia Dr., New Prot Richey, FL 34652 Phone #: (813) 845-8522 Company: Chambers Consulting Group Address: P.O. Box 59137, Philadelphia, PA 19102-9137 Phone #: (215) 731-5207 Company: Cheap Disks Address: P.O. Box 224, Kearny, NJ 07032 Phone #: Company: Circle Software Address: 12 E. Main St., Belleville, IL 62220 Phone #: (618) 233-0698 Company: Computer Bin Address: P.O. Box 1826, Perris, CA 92370 Phone #: (714) 657-7821 Company: Computer Bug Address: 4110 Brownsville Rd. Suite 50, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 Phone #: (412) 882-3374 -- page 94 -- Company: Computers International Address: P.O. Box 6085, Oceanside, CA 92058 Phone #: (619) 630-0055 Company: Cwi Information Services Address: P.O. Box 4851, Anaheim, CA 92803 Phone #: (714) 879-7917 Company: D & L Software Address: 15505 Wright Bros. Drive, Dallas, TX 75244 Phone #: (214) 867-5695 Company: D-K Distributing Address: 1057 W. Philadelphia Suite 243, Ontario, CA 91762 Phone #: (714) 590-1038 Company: Data Outlet Software Address: P.O. Box 776, Macon, GA 31202-0776 Phone #: (912) 743-3732 Company: Del-Com Address: 884 164 st., White Rock, BRITISH COLUMBIA V4A 45 Phone #: (604) 535-1300 Company: Die Deutsche Software Bibliothek Address: Alpenstrabe 52, 8038 Grobenzell, 8000 Munchen 19, GERMANY Phone #: Company: Dinsdale Industries Address: 2032 Merivale Rd., Nepan, ONTARIO K2G 16 Phone #: (613) 723-9532 Company: Diskey Shareware Address: 1100 East North Blvd., Leesburg, FL 34748 Phone #: (904) 787-3090 Company: Dkr Software Address: 9 Raymond Grove, Warradale, AUSTRALIA SA 506 Phone #: Company: Elite Management Address: 5 Mayflower Cres, Hallett Cove, SOUTH AFRICA 5158 Phone #: 08-381-4851 Company: Elite Shareware Labs, Inc. Address: 1724 Sprinhill Road Suite C, Stauton, VA 24401 Phone #: (703) 885-0726 Company: Envision Software rd Address: 720 South 333 St. #203, Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone #: (206) 874-4044 -- page 95 -- Company: Falsoft Inc. Address: 9509 US Highway 42, Prospect, KY 40059 Phone #: (502) 228-4492 Company: Family Software Address: 687 N. Summit St., Barberton, OH 44203 Phone #: (216) 753-4483 Company: FF & P Enterprises Address: 2025 Idle Hour Center, #106, Lexington, KY 40502 Phone #: (606) 622-1587 Company: Finto Software Address: Route 2 Box 44, Rosebud, TX 76570 Phone #: (817) 583-4726 Company: First Choice Software Etc. Address: P.O. Box 262477, San Diego, CA 92126 Phone #: (619) 538-9044 Company: Florida Pc Library Address: P.O. Box 2878, Leesburg, FL 32749 Phone #: (904) 787-1741 Company: Folio Shareware Address: Westbrook Works, Thornton Road, Bradford, UNITED KINGDOM BD1 2X Phone #: 0274-308987 Company: Fox Valley Technical College Address: 1825 N. Bluemound Dr., Appleton, WI 54913 Phone #: (414) 735-2470 Company: Fred'S Software Address: 1023 Old Village Way, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone #: (813) 855-9462 Company: Freeware Address: 9 Alvermarle St., Newtown, AUSTRALIA 2042 Phone #: (612) 519-4233 Company: G.F. Stores Ltd. Address: R.R.# 1, Sechelt, BRITISH COLUMBIA VON 30 Phone #: (604) 885-5025 Company: Gemini Software Ltd. Address: 21 Commercial Centre, Roxboro, QUEBEC H8Y 36 Phone #: (514) 684-3522 Company: Generic Computer Systems Address: 22612 Foothill Blvd. STE. 200-C, Hayward, CA 94541 Phone #: (415) 581-1494 -- page 96 -- Company: Gk Enterprises Address: 8634 W. National Ave., West Allis, WI 53227 Phone #: (414) 546-0111 Company: Gospel Electronics Address: N. 4225 Lynden Road, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Phone #: (509) 928-3705 Company: Hammer House Of Shareware Address: 32 Edenmore Street, Rosemount, IRELAND BT48 JP Phone #: 0504-263779 Company: House Of Barlow Address: 6612 Kisimmee Street, Tampa, FL 33616 Phone #: (813) 837-9250 Company: Infinity Data Products Address: 1404 Old Cape Rd #3, Jackson, MO 63755 Phone #: (314) 243-8483 Company: Intelligent Solutions Address: 531 West 13th , #3, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone #: (503) 687-9134 Company: Jf Company'S Software Source Address: 165 Cristich Lane Unit C, Campbell, CA 95008 Phone #: (408) 371-9420 Company: Jim Thompson Enterprises Address: 150 S. Magnolia Ave.,Ste 248, Anaheim, CA 92804 Phone #: (714) 821-5090 Company: Manaccom Pty. Limited st Address: 1 Floor Milton Shopping Village, Baroona Rd., Milton, AUSTRALIA 4069 Phone #: (617) 368-2366 Company: Marc Routhier Address: 3431 De La Dauversiere, Sainte-Foy, QUEBEC G1X 26 Phone #: 653-3705 Company: Megamicro Company Address: 17 Bellevue Ave., Rtes 413 & U.S. 1, Penndel, PA 19047 Phone #: Company: Micro Technology Address: 21 Vistage Drive, East Windsor, NJ 08520 Phone #: (609) 426-0465 Company: Micro-Mart Address: 792 Hamilton Street, Somerset, NJ 08873 Phone #: -- page 97 -- Company: Micro-Star Address: 1105 Second St., Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone #: Company: Midwest Software Library Address: P.O. Box 8137 University Sta., Grand Forks, ND 58202 Phone #: 1-800-333-7614 Company: Mike Rowe Services th Address: 306-2722 5 Street, Victoria, BRITISH COLUMBIA V8T 42 Phone #: (604) 381-2553 Company: Mitchell Disk Address: P.O. Box 96, Bradford, MA 01835 Phone #: Company: N.C.S.C.H. Address: 6696 College Station, Durham, NC 27708 Phone #: Company: New England Software Library Address: 9 Davis Avenue, Shelburne, VT 05482 Phone #: (802) 985-2928 Company: Next Stop Computing Address: P.O. Box 1467, San Carlos, CA 94070 Phone #: (415) 592-6735 Company: Northern Star Address: 1280-A Belmong Street Suite 103, Brocton, MA 02401 Phone #: (508) 580-2738 Company: Notor Engineering Services Address: 1548 Arata Court, San Jose, CA 95125 Phone #: (408) 947-8848 Company: Oasis Shareware Address: P.O. Box 1558, Temple City, CA 91780-7558 Phone #: 71650,1124 Company: Ocean State Shareware Address: 38 John Street, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone #: (401) 43402940 Company: Olympus Software Concepts Address: 2110 East Katella Ave, P.O. Box 3490, Anaheim, CA 92803 Phone #: (714) 634-4741 Company: Paradise Software Address: 3111 S. Valley View Blvd # B105, Las Vegas, NV 89102-8317 Phone #: (702) 253-1940 -- page 98 -- Company: Paragon Pc Software Address: P.O. Box 187, Moravian Falls, NC 28654-0187 Phone #: (919) 921-2668 Company: Pc Assist Ltd. Address: 4/4 Carubbers Close, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND EH1 1J Phone #: Company: Pc Focus Address: 3 Enterprise House, St. Ann's Fort, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, UNITED KINGDOM PE30 QS Phone #: 0553 - 691631 Company: Pc Independent User Group Address: 87 High Street, Tonbridge, UNITED KINGDOM TN9 1X Phone #: (0732) 771512 Company: Pc Shareware Address: 1763 Garnet Ave., San Diego, CA 92109 Phone #: (619) 272-6673 Company: Pc Support Address: 31712-21 Casino Dr. Suite 82, Lake Elsinore, CA 92330 Phone #: (714) 677 4757 Company: Pc-Sig Address: 1030D East Duane Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone #: (408) 730-9291 Company: Pd Softwarehouse Address: 312 S.E. "H" St., Grants Pass, OR 94005 Phone #: (415) 468-5150 Company: Pd-Service Lage Address: Hasselstr 17, 4937 LAGE/LIPPE, GERMANY Phone #: 0049-5232-66912 Company: Pegasoft Systems Address: P.O. Box 2, Flushing, NY 11352 Phone #: Company: Pendragon Public Software Library Address: 75 Meadowbrook, E. Greenwich, RI 02818 Phone #: Company: Peoples Choice Address: P.O. Box 171134, Memphis, TN 38187-1134 Phone #: (901) 763-0472 Company: Prairieware st Address: 3101 1 Ave N., Great Falls, MT 59401 Phone #: (406) 727-4675 -- page 99 -- Company: Premium Software Address: 24 Station Road, Barton Halsall Nr. 0., UNITED KINGDOM L39 7N Phone #: 0704-841213 Company: Princeton Software Inc. Address: 177 Wall Street, Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone #: (609) 924-4900 Company: Printers Shareware Address: 5019-5021 West Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75209 Phone #: (214) 350-1902 Company: Public (Software) Library Address: P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705 Phone #: (713) 665-7017 Company: Public Brand Software Address: 3750 Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46241 Phone #: (317) 856-6052 Company: Public Domain Software Library Address: Winscombe House, Beacon RD., Crowborough, UNITED KINGDOM TN6 1L Phone #: Company: Rainbow Software Address: P.O. Box 3908, Ontario, CA 91761 Phone #: (714)-923-1047 Company: Rvh Publications Address: 4291 Holland Road Suite 562, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Phone #: Company: Sfip Address: 75 Nachilly Drive, New Britian, CT 06053 Phone #: (203) 223-4974 Company: Shareware -Elite Address: 25 Cades Park, Helston, UNITED KINGDOM TR13 QS Phone #: (0326) 564164 Company: Shareware Express Address: 3202 Camino Capistrano Suite 204, P.O. Box 219, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693-0219 Phone #: (714) 367-0080 Company: Shareware Marketing Address: , Beer, UNITED KINGDOM EX12 HW Phone #: (0297) 24088 -- page 100 -- Company: Shareware Outlet th Address: Wayne Bldg. Ste 207, 713 110 Avenue NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone #: (206) 646-3571 Company: Shareware Solutions Address: Route 6 Box 34, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Phone #: Company: Shareware To Go Address: P.O. Box 574575, Orlando, FL 32857-4575 Phone #: (407) 679-5159 Company: Sim-Com Services Address: 35158 High Dr., Abbotsford, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2S 46 Phone #: (604) 854-DISK Company: Sizzleware Shareware Library Address: P.O. Box 6429, Lake Charles, LA 70606 Phone #: (318) 474-1548 Company: Smuggly Systems Address: 2824 Mytle Ave., Granite City, IL 62040 Phone #: (618) 451-7630 Company: Softa'Ware Address: 1221 Cushman Suite E, San Diego, CA 92110 Phone #: 1-800-369-8828 Company: Softec Pcl th Address: 880 6 Street, Maryville, MI 48040 Phone #: (313) 364-3717 Company: Softshoppe, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 3678, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Phone #: (313) 761-7638 Company: Softsource Address: 4241 Southport Circle, Okemos, MI 48864 Phone #: (517) 349-3650 Company: SOFTViLLE Computer Supplies Address: Unit 5, Strafield Park, Elettra Avenue, Waterlooville, UNITED KINGDOM PO7 77 Phone #: 0705-266509 Company: Software Distributors Clearinghouse Address: P.O. Box 16846, Atlanta, GA 30321-0846 Phone #: (404) 964-1740 -- page 101 -- Company: Software Excitement Address: P.O. Box 5069, Central Point, OR 97502 Phone #: (503) 772-6827 Company: Software N Systems Address: P.O. Box 59102, Schaumburg, IL 60159 Phone #: (708) 397-1221 Company: Software Stop Address: 5211 Grand Blvd., Windsor, ONTARIO N8T 12 Phone #: (519) 974-9762 Company: T&z Software Address: P.O. Box 780217, Sebastian, FL 32978-0217 Phone #: (407) 388-3631 Company: Tabs Address: 609 Edwards Ave., Kinston, NC 28501 Phone #: (919)-527-8227 Company: The Computer Hut Address: 1825-F1 Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Phone #: (813) 629-7720 Company: The Datapak Library Address: 1226 S. Plaza, Springfield, MO 65804 Phone #: Company: The Disk Park Address: 23 Eagle Drive, Flitwick, UNITED KINGDOM MK45 RH Phone #: 0525 717473 Company: The Generic Software Place Inc. Address: P.O. Box 1177, Carmel, IN 46032 Phone #: (317) 298-7547 Company: The Generic Software Place th Address: 2434 East 6 Avenue, Denver, CO 80206 Phone #: (303)-399-3980 Company: The Pc Arcade Address: 276 Morehouse Rd., Easton, CT 06612 Phone #: (800) 321-0362 Company: The Simple Series Address: 168 Plaistow Road, Palistow, NH 03865 Phone #: (603) 382-8202 Company: The Software Kingdom Address: P.O. Box 555, Auburn, NH 03032 Phone #: (603) 483-5055 -- page 102 -- Company: The Software Shoppe Address: P.O. Box 785, Ayer, MA 01432 Phone #: (508) 772-7909 Company: Thriftyware Software/Hardware Inc. th Address: 82 East 39 Avenue, Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA V5W 17 Phone #: (604) 324-6701 Company: Titan Shareware Address: 22 Mudys Drive, Heanor, UNITED KINGDOM DE7 7R Phone #: 0773 712171 Company: Tochnot Hapisga Ltd. Address: P.O. Box 2265, Jerusalem, ISRAEL 91022 Phone #: 972-2-241003 Company: Tonehalt (Holland) Ltd. Address: PostBus 13500, 2501 EM DEN HAAG, HOLLAND Phone #: Fax 011-31-70-3616336 Company: Ultimate Data Technology Address: 7751 Hickorylane, Findlay, OH 45840 Phone #: (419) 423-3920 Company: Vasstec Ltd. Address: 1485 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM G14 9L Phone #: (041) 954-6853 Company: Victor Video Address: 2 West Main Street, Victor, NY 14564 Phone #: (716) 924-4067 Company: Winners Edge Computer Software Address: P.O. Box 233, Roy, UT 84067 Phone #: (801) 773-4873 Company: Young'S Software Address: P.O. Box 8214, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028-8214 Phone #: (201) 783-2809 -- page 103 -- _________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMS NO LONGER IN ASP The Association of Shareware Professionals, like most organiza- tions, occasionally loses members. This is a list of shareware products and disk vendors that were at one time covered by ASP's guidelines but are no longer. We hope you find this appendix to be useful. Shareware products In some cases, authors voluntarily retire a program and no longer support it. These authors usually remain in the ASP and, as members, agree to return all money sent in for the product from that point on. Product: LICADD Author : Unique Software Comment: Retired product. Product: NY Edit Author : Marc Adler Comment: Author failed to meet all ASP requirements Product: NY Word Author : Marc Adler Comment: Author failed to meet all ASP requirements Product: ORDER Author : Unique Software Comment: Retired product. Product: PAL Author : Unique Software Comment: Retired product. Product: PC-Dial Author : ButtonWare, Inc. Comment: Retired product. Product: PC-Stylist Author : ButtonWare, Inc. Comment: Retired product. Product: PC-Tickle Author : ButtonWare, Inc. Comment: Retired product. -- page 104 -- Product: PENNAME Author : R.K. West Comment: Retired product. Product: Procomm 2.4.3 Author : Datastorm Technologies, Inc. Comment: Author resigned from ASP. Product: QKVALU Author : David Crenshaw Comment: Author resigned from ASP. Product: SOOTHE Author : R.K. West Comment: Retired product. Product: TapOrder Author : Doug Swallow Comment: Author failed to meet all ASP requirements Product: XD-Extended DOS Author : ButtonWare, Inc. Comment: Retired product. Product: ZPRT Author : Unique Software Comment: Retired product. Disk vendors Company: BUDGETBYTES Company: COMPU-TECH SOFTWARE LIBRARY Company: EXCLUSIVE MAGICAL PUBLICATIONS Company: GENERIC-WARE Company: GRAYSON RESOURCE CENTER Company: OS/TECH DBA PC-LIB Company: PDN SOFTWARE Company: PHOENIX COMPUTER SERVICES Company: QUANTA PRESS INC Company: RAINWARE SOFTWARE INC Company: THE ORIGINAL SOFTWARE CO -- page 105 -- _________________________________________________________________ Index 4DOS 18, 78 BY THE NUMBERS 7, 79 4EDIT 18 4PRINT 60, 78 C 4ZIP 19 C language See: Programming A CAD/CAM software See A86 78 Also: Graphics Accounting See Also: CADET 16, 80 Business applications Calendar Keeper 27, 80 Aeius Gradebook 72, 78 Calendars See Also: ANARKEY 34, 79 Astronomy & Geology, Applets 34, 79 See Also: Desktop Archivers See Also: applications Backup/restore CAPBUF 38, 79 Arrow 79 catalog 6 AS-EASY-AS 3, 16, 79 Centiwrite 73, 80 ASP Centiwrite Developer's application form 6 Kit 62, 80 statement of purpose Checking accounts See: 6 Accounting, See Also: Assembler language See: Finances Programming CheckMate-GL 80 Astronomy & Geography CheckMate(tm) 80 See Also: Graphics CHEQUE-IT-OUT 45, 80 ATC 48, 79 CIPHER 49, 79, 81 Aura Reading 7, 79 Citizen 60, 79 CLICHE FINDER 73, 79 B Clocks See: Calendars & Backup/restore See clocks Also: Archivers, See CMTS 17, 81 Also: Disk utilities Code to Code 74, 81 Baker's Dozen 29, 79 Command Post 34, 35, 79 BASIC See: Programming Communications See BassMap 48, 79, 81 Also: Graphics, See BATUTIL 37, 79 Also: Programming BESTGUES 69, 80 Compilers See: Bibliography See: Word Programming processors CompuServe See: Billing See: Accounting Communications Bmenu 34, 80 ConvDW 44, 81 BOOK OF CHANGES 7, 79 CONVERT 62, 81 BOOT.SYS 29, 38, 80 CREATIVITY PACKAGE 74, BORDER 48 79 Border 79 CROSSWORD CREATOR 49, Bosskey Package 80 81 Browse/2 80 Crystal Ball 8, 79 Browser 43, 79 CUDM 30, 81 Business graphics See: CUDUP 30, 81 Graphics CURSES! 49, 79 -- page 106 -- CVT2SB 63, 81 Easy Project 69, 83 CVT2TB 81 EasyCASE 63, 83 ECOMASTER 50, 79 D Education See: D86 78 Tutorials & Education DARN! 27, 81 EGATrek 50, 79, 81 Databases See Also: EIS 10, 83 Statistics Envelope software See: DAYO AP 3, 81 Printer utilities DAYO AR 3, 81 Extended Batch Language DAYO BACK ORDERS 11, 81 83 DAYO CLOCK 17, 81 DAYO EOP 4, 81 F DAYO GL 4, 81 FastBucks 45, 83 DAYO INDEX 22, 81 FaxCtrl 43, 81 DAYO Inventory 23, 81 FBNCAT 58, 83 DAYO Look Up 23, 81 FD 32 DAYO MENU 35, 81 FFOUR 32, 81 DAYO MRP 11, 81 FICTIONARY 50, 79 DAYO PASSWORDS 23, 81 FILE PATCH 38, 82 DAYO POS 12, 81 File utilities See DAYO Price Book 12, 81 Also: Printer DAYO Quotes 12, 81 utilities DAYO SMART REPORTS 13, FINANCE MANAGER II 13, 81 46, 80 DAYO UPDATE 24, 81 Finances See Also: Deception programs See: Accounting, See Also: Games & Leisure Income taxes Deskfonts 70, 82 FLAG 24, 83 Desktop applications FLODRAW 55, 83 See Also: Calendars Formatters See: Disk Desktop publishing See: utilities Word processors FormGen 47 DIRECTMAINT 35, 82 FormGen Fill 48 DIRECTOR 36, 82 Fortune Teller 8, 79 Directory Freedom 36, Fractals See: Graphics 82 DIREDIT 31, 82 G Disk formatters See: GALAXY 74, 84 Disk utilities Games & Leisure See Disk utilities See Also: BBS software, Also: File utilities See Also: Programming Document Control 13, 82 Geology See: Astronomy Don't Forget 28 & Geology DOS menus See Also: GEOMANCY 8, 79 Multitaskers, See GRAB Plus 60, 84 Also: Tutorials Graphics See Also: DRAFT CHOICE 16, 79 Games, See Also: DUP 31 Astronomy & Geography, See Also: E CAD/CAM software, See Ease-Up 19, 82 Also: Printer Easy Access 36, 82 utilities Easy Format 31, 83 -- page 107 -- H Modems See: HARD AT WORK 51, 79 Communications Hard Disk Menu 37, 84 MORSOFT CALCULATOR 28, HDTEST 32, 82 82 Hearts 51, 84 Mortgage calculation Hints 2 See: Finances Home Office Tax Multitaskers See Also: Deduction Calculator DOS shells 1989 57, 84 HUGO'S HOUSE OF HORRORS N 51, 84 NAMEGRAM 53, 85 New Age See: Astrology I & New Age Income taxes See Also: Newkey 39, 85 Accounting, See Also: Numerology See: Finances Astrology & New Age InstaCalc 84 O J Occult See: Astrology & JADU 44, 84 New Age JEPRS 75, 84 ONCEADAY 39, 81 OVL 85 K KBSpeed 79 P KISBILL 4, 81 PAL 28, 85 Klondike 52, 84 PALRUN 39, 85 KWIKSTAT 85 PAR 25, 81 Pascal See: Programming L PathProj 56, 86 LaserLabel 60, 84 Payroll software See: LCG/Remind 10, 85 Business applications Leisure See: Games & PBWindows 63, 86 Leisure PC-ACCOUNT 86 Lottery See: Statistics PC-CAI 72, 85 Lotto Challenger 71, 85 PC-Calc+ 5, 79 Lotto Prophet 71, 85 PC-DEAL 5 LOVEDOS 79 PC-Draft-CAD 16, 86 PC-Draft II 56, 86 M PC-FASTYPE 86 M-LABEL 58, 79 PC-File 24 Macros See: Keyboard PC-File+ 79 macros PC-File:dB 79, See: PC- Magic Brush 55, 82 File Mah Jongg 52, 79, 81 PC-IDENT 33, 86 MAILLIST 58, 79 PC-INFO 33, 86 MakeTable 81 PC-Stylist 75 MAXI Form 33, 85 PC SYSTEM MANAGER 37, Mayan Calendar 9, 79 82 Menu applications See: PC-TAX88 86 DOS menus PC-Type II 75, 79 MicroSoft Windows See: PC-XREF6 86 DOS menus PCBoard doors See: BBS MLSIM 14, 85 software PCBUDGET 47, 86 -- page 108 -- PCFMT 19, 81 S PDS*BASE 64, 86 SANDDS MOVIE GUIDE 25, PDS*EPRICE 14, 86 88 PDS*MEMBER 18, 86 SCHOOL-MOM 72 PDS*QUOTE 14, 86 SCRNCH 88 pEDIT 76, 86 Searchlight 11, 88 PERSONAL TAROT(tm) 8, SETTIME 17 79 SHERLOCK 86 PIANOMAN 59, 85 SHEZ 6 POETRY GENERATOR 53, 79 Shooting Gallery 54, Point & Shoot Backup/ 79, 81 Restore 87 SHUTTLE 9 Point & Shoot Hard Disk SOFF BALLS 26, 88 Manager 87 STACKEY 37, 79 Point & Shoot Home STARDIAL 21, 88 Manager 87 STS26 88 Poker Solitaire 53, 84 SUPER MAKE(tm) 66, 81 PopDBF 25, 79 SuperFly 54 Printer utilities See SWAPDOS 88 Also: Disk utilities, SWAPDT 40, 88 See Also: Graphics SWAPMM 40, 88 PrintGL 61, 87 SWAPMT 40, 88 PrintPlus 61, 87 SWAPNG 41, 88 PRO-CR 69, 84 SWAPSH 41, 88 Profonedit Plus 20, 87 SWAPSK 41, 88 Programmer's SWAPSP 42, 88 Productivity Pack 64, SWAPTN 42, 88 83 Programming See Also: T Tutorials TAPLEX 21, 78 ProQube Lite 5, 84 TAPMARK 21, 78 PULL 64, 87 TAPUTIL 89 PULLC 65, 87 Taxes See: Income taxes TBFMT 66, 81 Q Technical Editor 77, 89 Qanalyst 20, 87 TesSeRact 66, 67, 68, QEdit 76, 87 88 QFE 20, 87 Text editors See: Word QPACS 47, 87 processors QubeCalc 84 TextCon 44, 81 QWIK 64, 65, 68, 87 TextOut/5 45, 81 QWIKC 65, 68, 87 the last word 54, 82 Thesaur Plus 77, 89 R Time is Money 89 Ravitz Editor 76, 87 TIMES2 42, 81 Recursive Realm 56, 87 TIMESTAX 15, 89 RelaxR 57, 86 Tips 2 Religion See: Church & Toolkits See: religion Programming REMIND! 29, 88 TOUCH TYPE TUTOR 84 RLEPRT 62, 88 TSR Download 70, 82 Rubicon Publisher 77, TTIME 22, 88 88 TTT 73 RXtraces 57, 86 TUTOR.COM 89 -- page 109 -- Tutorials & Education WORKBASE 27, 79 See Also: Games WORLD29 9, 88 WORLD NAME GAME 55, 88 U Writers See: Word Utilities See: processors Programming Writing style See: Word processors V Videocat 26, 89 X VINO:FILE 26, 89 XDIR 33 VMiX 59, 89 XRS 22, 90 W Z What's Up 43 ZAPCODE 61, 90 WILDCAT! 90 Zip Code utilities See: WNDW 64, 68, 87 Business applications WNDWC 65, 68, 87 ZIPKEY 15, 78 Word processors See ZPAY 3 15, 84 Also: File utilities