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Cryptome Archive
JUNE 2008 cia-quonset.htm CIA Cannonball Quonset Huts Eyeball June 30, 2008 dsb063008.htm DSB War Lovers Secret Meet 1 June 30, 2008 tag063008.htm TAG War Lovers Secret Meet 2 June 30, 2008 isab063008.htm ISAB War Lovers Secret Meet 3 June 30, 2008 phsf-eyeball.htm Presidential Helicopter Support Facility Eyeball June 29, 2008 cia-libya.htm CIA Libyan Reports Released 27 June 2008 June 28, 2008 cia-shah.htm CIA Shah of Iran Reports Released 27 June 2008 June 28, 2008 nstissi-3015.htm Operation Security for Fiber Alarmed Modem IDOCS June 27, 2008 epa062708.htm Assessment of All Cumulative Health Risks June 27, 2008 dhs062708.htm National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility June 27, 2008 mms062708.htm FONSI/Leases Off-shore Oil and Gas Activities June 27, 2008 bis062608.htm Emerging Dual-Use Technology Advisory Panel June 26, 2008 epa062608.htm Guide to Lead-Based Paint Renovation June 26, 2008 dhs062508.htm Privacy Protections in Government Data Mining June 25, 2008 oge062508.htm Feds Post-Employment Conflict of Interest Rule June 25, 2008 uscg062508.htm Expansion of the Cove Point LNG Facility June 25, 2008 phmsa062508.htm Safety Management for Gas Pipelines June 25, 2008 phmsa062508-2.htm Safety of Hazardous Biofuel Pipelines June 25, 2008 doj062508.htm DoJ Deal for Online Real Estate Listings June 25, 2008 facility-1391.htm Facility 1391 Israeli Torture Prison Eyeball June 23, 2008 cia-cuba-critic.htm CIA Critique of Cuban Missiles Estimate June 23, 2008 cia-domino.htm CIA Doubts Vietnam Domino Effect June 23, 2008 hr6304-vote.htm House Vote on HR6304 FISA Amendment Acts of 2008 June 20, 2008 s2996.htm Spying Authorization Bill FY 2009 June 20, 2008 sr110-333.htm Senate Report on Spying Authorization FY 2009 June 20, 2008 hr6304.htm House Bill on FISA Secret Wiretapping Amendment June 20, 2008 nih062008.htm Move of Lab Workers Exposed to Infectious Agents June 20, 2008 dod062008.htm DoD Secret Meet on Nuclear WMD Control June 20, 2008 dhs061808.htm US To Allow Good Terrorists into the US June 18, 2008 erik-prince.htm Erik Prince Blackwater Home and Office Eyeball June 17, 2008 prince-kill1.zip Erik Prince Blackwater Kill Complaint 1 June 17, 2008 (18pp, 622KB) prince-kill2.zip Erik Prince Blackwater Kill Complaint 2 June 17, 2008 (18pp, 179KB) nprec061708.htm Standards for Prevention of Prison Sexual Abuse June 17, 2008 nara061708.htm Presidential Libary Facilities Design June 17, 2008 nrc061708.htm Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Application June 17, 2008 uscg061708.htm Security for Boston Harbor LNG Terminal June 17, 2008 blackwater-grow.htm Blackwater Growth Eyeball June 15, 2008 nsa-suite-b.zip NSA Suite B Base Certificate and CRL Profile June 14, 2008 (30pp, 835KB) mod-ni-closure.zip Closure of MoD at British Embassy Dublin June 13, 2008 uk-war-2018.zip UK Warfighting Strategy for 2018 June 13, 2008 uk-war-pay.pdf UK Warfighters Pay Rates 2008 June 13, 2008 bis061308.htm US Allows Export of Spy-Chipped Phones to Cuba June 13, 2008 dhs061308.htm DHS Centers of Excellence for Disaster Education June 13, 2008 mccain-richmond.htm John McCain Protection Richmond, VA, 9 June 2008 June 12, 2008 nsa-nse-061208.zip NSA Tracking File of Cryptome FOIA Request June 12, 2008 (142pp, 4MB) nrc061208.htm Contamination and Radioactive Waste Generation June 12, 2008 noaa061208.htm Neptune LNG Port Mammal Killing June 12, 2008 usace061208.htm Restricted Area SUPSHIP Mobile, AL June 12, 2008 kozinski-stuff.htm Judge Alex Kozinski Stuff Directory June 11, 2008 mccain-protect.htm John McCain Protection June 11, 2008 don061008.htm TRIDENT Facilities Explosives Handling Wharf June 10, 2008 sec061008.htm Interactive Data To Improve Financial Reporting June 10, 2008 fac061008.htm Foreign Assets Control Penalties June 10, 2008 dhs061008.htm Electronic System for Travel Authorization June 10, 2008 mccain-obama.zip McCain-Obama Sued for Hiding Clinton Hate Crime June 9, 2008 (30pp, 1.2MB) bcbp060908.htm Electronic Visa Waiver Program June 9, 2008 mod-mk2.pdf MoD Military Knowledge 2 June 9, 2008 bilderberg08.htm Bilderberg Meeting 2008 Photos June 7, 2008 clarke-rip-lie.htm Charles Clarke MP Lied About RIP June 6, 2008 doj060608.htm Records of Simulated Sexually Explicit Acts June 6, 2008 dhs060608.htm National Infrastructure Protection Plan Review June 6, 2008 obama-mansion.htm Obama Chicago Mansion Birdseye June 5, 2008 usss-hands.htm US Secret Service Hands Ready June 5, 2008 peace-comint.zip Peacetime COMINT Radio Intercept 1954-61 Ex-TS June 5, 2008 (30pp, 520KB) sprint-nap.htm Sprint NAP Pennsauken Eyeball June 4, 2008 cia-medical.htm CIA Medical Office History June 3, 2008 fbi060308.htm FBI CALEA Wiretap Cost Recovery Review June 3, 2008 uscg060308.htm USCG Sets Mass Bay Security Zone for LNG Ships June 3, 2008 ip-free-win.htm Supreme Court Hands Big Win to IP Free Speech June 2, 2008 phorm-protest.htm Phorm Protest at BT Annual Meeting June 2, 2008 O f f s i t eOut Fuzz US EU Cops Ever More Hostile to Others Privacy June 30, 2008 Oil Oil Iraq to sue oil-for-food suspects June 30, 2008 A Muse Seymour Hersh: US Muses Iran Hit June 29, 2008 X-Mail Crypto Malware June 29, 2008 .KMA ICANN and IANA Domain Names Hijacked June 29, 2008 Menwith I Spy a Spy, Menwith Hill, July 4th 2008 June 28, 2008 MET Firefox and Thunderbird phone home daily June 28, 2008 AVG AVG LinkScanner Watch June 27, 2008 GAO-08-180 1st Responders Cannot Detect Hazardous Releases June 27, 2008 TM-E 30-480 Handbook on Japanese Military Forces 1944 June 26, 2008 NGA NGA-Earth Sat Images of Midwest Flooding June 26, 2008 DNI GCC NatSec Implications of Global Climate Change June 26, 2008 Spy Studies CIA Studies in Intelligence June 2008 June 26, 2008 QC Eve Eavesdropping experiment for BB84 QKD protocol June 26, 2008 ICE Box US Immigration Detention Facilities June 24, 2008 5589 Crypto 5589 Israel Free-Means Encryption Products June 23, 2008 (XLS, 650KB) IL Crypto Encryption Controls in Israel June 23, 2008 Spy Pals CIA's Relationship with Congress, 1946-2004 June 23, 2008 Spy Bib Columbia University Spying Bibliography June 22, 2008 IEEE Recommended Practice for Encryption and IP June 17, 2008 GWOT Major Report on US Detainee/Torture System June 17, 2008 OCI Over the Counter Intelligence June 17, 2008 PGP War Own a piece of the crypto wars June 17, 2008 Slit Gore Vidal Guts US Heroes June 15, 2008 Hide Spy The Business of Intelligence Gathering June 15, 2008 GAO-08-757 US Border Security 93 Percent Penetrable June 13, 2008 Booms FBI IEDs/Bomb Tech Training Video June 13, 2008 WIP Workshop on Internet Privacy June 13, 2008 FARC Arms Arms Dealer Extradited for FARC Terrorism June 13, 2008 RIEAS Research Institute for European/American Spying June 13, 2008 Nuke Tab Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management June 12, 2008 Dead Con Project for the New American Century Deadbeat June 12, 2008 ICD 207 National Spy Council Directive June 12, 2008 Spy Law Spy Legal Reference Book June 12, 2008 DNC Sec Feds, DNC Try to Keep Convention Security Secret June 11, 2008 CIA Trip Binyam Mohameds Torture Odyssey June 11, 2008 Site R How To: Visit a Secret Nuclear Bunker June 11, 2008 Eat Bags Dissolving the plastic bag problem June 11, 2008 DoJ FU Artist Kurtz Cleared of Mail Fraud Charges June 11, 2008 B2 Down Feb 08 B-2 Crash Footage June 11, 2008 DEA Hit Money Laundering and Murder in Colombia June 11, 2008 DIA Output DIA Released Documents Related to Detainee Abuse June 10, 2008 MI5 Output MI5 Director General Speeches June 10, 2008 TSA Pinch TSA Tightens Airport ID Requirements June 9, 2008 Ubiquit Ubiquitous Networks Lead to Ubiquitous Spying? June 9, 2008 Who Owns National Sovereignty Claims in Radio June 9, 2008 Blacker Blackwater's Private CIA June 9, 2008 Fear EBOLA Attacks at Multiple Airports June 8, 2008 AoC Abundance of Caution on 42 Day Detention June 8, 2008 FOIC Freedom of Information Collection June 8, 2008 Cop Carp UK Top Plods Chide The Times on Terrorism June 6, 2008 B52 Rx CN Cyberwar Allegations Dr Stranglovian June 6, 2008 BM08 Bilderberg Meeting 2008 Attendee List June 6, 2008 DSC Demystifying Submarine Cables June 5, 2008 Mil You Militarizing Your Cyberspace June 5, 2008 Phorm Doc 1 Analysis of Report of BT Covert Phorm Test 2006 June 5, 2008 Phorm Doc 2 Report of BT Covert Phorm Test 2006 June 5, 2008 BM 96 Bilderberg Meeting 1996 Documents June 5, 2008 DoD FOI 1 DoD FOI Documents 1 June 5, 2008 DoD FOI 2 DoD FOI Documents 2 June 5, 2008 Spy MP Andrew MacKinley MP Under Secret Spying? June 4, 2008 DSM Deputy Spymaster Muses on Threats to US June 3, 2008 VZ Rot VZ Wants Its People to Spy on Each Other June 3, 2008 UWOT Unheeded Warnings on Terrorism June 3, 2008 GAO-08-593 Nuclear Warhead Pits Cost Poorly Managed June 2, 2008MAY 2008 prc-tslc.htm PRC Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center Eyeball May 31, 2008 prc-xslc.htm PRC Xichang Satellite Launch Center Eyeball May 31, 2008 af052908.htm US Bombers Want Vast Areas to Practice Murder May 31, 2008 prc-nukes.htm China's Nuclear Weapons Facilities Eyeball May 28, 2008 war-culture.zip Framework for Strategic Cultural Analysis May 28, 2008 (17 pp, 1.2MB) dhs052808.htm DHS Data Privacy and Integrity Panel Meet May 28, 2008 uscg052808-2.htm Port of Charleston Security Boosted May 28, 2008 uscg052808.htm LNG Vessels Safety Standoff in Puerto Rico May 28, 2008 mms052708.htm Gulf States Offshore Energy Booty Distribution May 27, 2008 cn-fuel-low.htm China Vehicle Fuel Shortage May 26, 2008 usa-v-roth-agt.zip Indictment of Roth and Atmospheric Glow Tech May 26, 2008 (26 pp, 900KB) baozhusi-dam.htm Baozhusi Hydropower Plant and Dam Eyeball May 25, 2008 neo-nazi-op.htm Spanish Neo-Nazi Panzer Operation May 25, 2008 obama-protect2.htm Obama Protection 2 May 24, 2008 cn-npp.htm People's Republic of China Nuclear Power Plants May 24, 2008 bis052308.htm Emerging NatSec Dual-Use Technology Panel May 23, 2008 nrc052308.htm Abnormal Radiation Occurrences 2007 May 23, 2008 cia-mccain-pow.htm CIA Reports on POW John McCain May 22, 2008 dod052208.htm National Security Personnel System May 22, 2008 dhs052208.htm Bio-Knowledge Center Expert Database May 22, 2008 pn052008.htm Prez Renews Iraq Boondoggle May 21, 2008 nrc052108.htm Security of Seabrook Spent Nuke Fuel Storage May 21, 2008 noaa052108.htm Operation of LNG Facility in Massachusetts Bay May 21, 2008 ftc052108.htm FTC Implements Unsolicited SPAM Act May 21, 2008 dos052008.htm State Terrorism Backscratching May 20, 2008 cn-quake6.htm China Earthquake Photos 6 May 17, 2008 cn-quake5.htm China Earthquake Photos 5 May 16, 2008 zipingpu-dam.htm Chinese Zipingpu Dam Eyeball May 15, 2008 cn-quake4.htm China Earthquake Photos 4 May 15, 2008 cn-quake3.htm China Earthquake Photos 3 May 14, 2008 cn-quake2.htm China Earthquake Photos 2 May 14, 2008 cn-quake.htm China Earthquake Photos May 12, 2008 uscg051408.htm US to Require ID of Foreign Sailors May 14, 2008 ispab051408.htm InfoSec Privacy Panel Meet May 14, 2008 uk-trespass.htm UK Guidance to Trespass on Protected Sites May 13, 2008 cn-quake.htm China Earthquake Photos 1 May 12, 2008 inscom-update2.htm INSCOM Counter-Intelligence Dossiers Update 2 May 12, 2008 pmoi.zip UK Court De-Terrorizes Iranian Group May 11, 2008 (144pp, 541KB) ruc-interrogate.htm RUC Interrogation Methods in 1960s and 1970s May 10, 2008 nrc050908.htm NRC Ups Reactor Protection Against Aircraft May 9, 2008 crypto-borders.htm NSA: The Borders of Cryptology May 8, 2008 nsa-1958.htm About NSA in 1958 May 8, 2008 uscg050608.htm Coast Guard Tightens New York Port Security May 6, 2008 pp8250.htm Chief Law Evader Mocks Law Day May 6, 2008 ferc-net-open.htm Internet Ban on Pipeline Documents Removed May 5, 2008 in-shrink.htm Indiana's Incredible Shrinking Voter List May 5, 2008 dod050508.htm Nuclear WMD Command and Control Secret Meet May 5, 2008 whisec050508.htm Military Murder Panel Meet May 5, 2008 ferc050508.htm Oregon LNG Terminal May 5, 2008 nhtsa050208.htm Vehicle Average Fuel Economy Standards 2011-15 May 2, 2008 ferc050208.htm AES Sparrows Point LNG Facility May 2, 2008 wikileaks-4th.htm Wikileaks on the fourth estate May 1, 2008 dhs050108.htm DHS Workshop: Privacy Compliance Fundamentals May 1, 2008 dod050108.htm DoD Sets Fees for Services May 1, 2008 nprec050108.htm Prison Rape Elimination Report May 1, 2008 usm050108.htm US Mint Sets 1-oz Platinum Coin at $2,299.95 May 1, 2008 O f f s i t eBuy Eyes Spying Software Sales Soar May 31, 2008 Overbite CN Hackers Not Behind Power Outage May 31, 2008 Bite 1 CN Suspected of Copying Baited US Gov Laptop May 30, 2008 Bite 2 CN Suspected of Hacking Baited US Power Systems May 30, 2008 NSA Patent Method for non-linear state based satisfiability May 28, 2008 NSA Patent Device for generating pseudo-random sequence May 28, 2008 MAGIC The MAGIC Background To Pearl Harbor May 26, 2008 SNAP SuperNAP of Switch Communications May 26, 2008 TBS Nick Carr's Big Switch May 26, 2008 SDV Roughtype: Silicon Death Valley May 26, 2008 Dual Ruse Titantic Search Was for Nuke Subs May 26, 2008 Mil Flix Military Film Archive May 26, 2008 Main Core 8 Million Dissidents on Dragnet Database May 25, 2008 Spy Air Unmarked Chopper Patrols New York City May 25, 2008 PAVN People's Army of Vietnam Crypto Branch History May 25, 2008 (205 pp, 112MB) DoJ Acts DoJ Protects Servicemembers and Veterans May 24, 2008 GWOT UK Scholars Busted for Terrorism Research May 24, 2008 NSL DoD Huge Files on National Security Letters May 23, 2008 Bot Mob Battling Botnets and Online Mobs May 23, 2008 GAO-08-821T DHS Lacks Data for Safe Animal Disease Research May 22, 2008 OneDOJ Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program May 21, 2008 CN Quake Tectonics of the Beichuan and Pengguan Faults May 21, 2008 UAV UAV Professor Accused of Giving UAV Data to China May 21, 2008 Gobble UK Wants All Telecom Data Stored May 20, 2008 IR-CIA Iran Busts Alleged CIA Terror Network May 19, 2008 FBI Kiss FBI Director Praises the Press May 16, 2008 POW QnA The Shrink Who Interviewed Prisoner John McCain May 16, 2008 War Costs DoD Posts 5 New Cost of War Reports May 16, 2008 NCTC "New" NCTC May Get Better Traffic Access May 16, 2008 Tor ID Mechanism to ID the IP Address of Tor Clients May 15, 2008 DDoS War Carpet bombing in cyberspace May 15, 2008 Air Bonk Detainees Drugged for Deportation May 15, 2008 DOA Publius May 15, 2008 Spy Flops Spying Failures and Cultural Misperceptions May 15, 2008 Last HOPE Last Hackers On Planet Earth NYC Attack May 15, 2008 Fire Phorm Firefox Ponders Screwing Users Phormlike May 14, 2008 Fire RIP Firefox Ponders Suicide May 14, 2008 Debian Debian OpenSSL Vulnerable May 14, 2008 UK UFOs UK Releases Declassified UFO Records May 14, 2008 Get SNM Security Flaws Exposed at Nuke Lab May 13, 2008 UK SNM Register of UK Nuclear Facilities May 13, 2008 CFIS A Foreign Spy Service for Canada May 13, 2008 PPKC Prehistory of Public Key Cryptography May 11, 2008 TnC Terror and Consent May 9, 2008 NSL Nix FBI Cancels NatSec Letter to Internet Archive May 8, 2008 Soap Maw US Says: Stop Terror-Smear of Muslim, Islam May 7, 2008 CIA FL CIA Cold War in South Florida May 7, 2008 DIY Tap Lessons in Wiretapping Skills and Serpent May 7, 2008 Carnaby Ex-FBI Lies About Knowing Cop-Murdered Ex-CIA May 6, 2008 FBI Ruse FBI Handbook on Pretexts and Cover Techniques May 6, 2008 War Puppets DoD Releases PR-Military Analysts Docs May 6, 2008 Bout US Indicts Alleged Arms Dealer to FARC May 6, 2008 Spy Spy CIA Inspector General Reports to DCI 1998-2005 May 6, 2008 Wi-Fi-Bi FBI Advice on Wi-Fi Security May 6, 2008 What Next Surveillance, the Database State, Online Crime May 6, 2008 CIA Talk CIA Director Talks at Kansas State May 2, 2008 GCSB Grape Spy Valley Echelon 2005 May 2, 2008 Mokus Pain ray really killer ray gun May 1, 2008 DoJ Spy DoJ Launches NatSec Office of Spying May 1, 2008APRIL 2008 doj043008.htm DoJ DVD: Nine Phases of New Jail Planning April 30, 2008 dhs043008.htm Manufacturing Added to Critical Infrastructure April 30, 2008 phmsa043008.htm Fuel Cell Cartridges Transported on Aircraft April 30, 2008 noaa043008.htm RFC on Abrupt Climate Change April 30, 2008 ir-centrifuges.zip 48 Hi-Res Photos of Iran Centrifuges April 29, 2008 (30MB) uscg042908.htm Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships April 29, 2008 navy-transform.zip Implementing Change: Navy Transformation FOUO April 28, 2008 (18pp, 2.5MB) uscc042808.htm Hearing: CN's Cyber-Space Warfare Capabilities April 28, 2008 syrian-site.htm Syrian Alleged and North Korean Reactors April 26, 2008 open-shut.htm Open and Shut Architecture April 26, 2008 us-mission-un.htm New US Mission to the UN Eyeball April 24, 2008 nsa-spectrum.zip Zipped NSA Cryptologic Spectrum Articles 1969-81 April 24, 2008 (31MB) nsa-tempest.pdf TEMPEST: A Signal Problem (NSA History) April 24, 2008 dhs042408.htm DHS Collection of Alien Biometric Data Upon Exit April 24, 2008 nsf042408.htm NSF Floating Ocean Spying Initiative April 24, 2008 treas042408.htm Treasury Tightens Bank Secrecy Act CTRs April 24, 2008 blm042408.htm BLM Revised NEPA Handbook April 24, 2008 noaa042308.htm Uh Oh: Scientific Uncertainty on Climate Change April 23, 2008 dod042308.htm WMD Threat Mirage Panel Secret Meet April 23, 2008 eo13463.htm Economic Policy Becomes HomeSec Counterterrorism April 23, 2008 dvdcca042308.htm DVD CCA Still Recruiting, Some Flee Aghast April 23, 2008 nrc042208.htm NRC Goes Easy on Negligent Wackenhut Nuke Guards April 22, 2008 dod042108.htm DoD Stratcom WMD Panel Secret Meet April 22, 2008 dars042108.htm DoD Seeks Non-traditional War Lovers April 22, 2008 ho-unaware.htm UK Home Office Unaware of Phorm Spying 2006-07 April 18, 2008 ftc041808.htm FTC to Open Complaints to Consumer Sentinel Cops April 18, 2008 doj041808.htm DoJ to Begin DNA Sample Collection April 18, 2008 cia041708.htm CIA Proposes Revised FOIA Stonewalling April 17, 2008 uscg041708.htm Coast Guard Sets DC Security Zone for Pope April 17, 2008 epa041708.htm Chemical Security and Prosperity Partnership April 17, 2008 fda041708.htm Prohibited Cattle Innards in Food and Cosmetics April 17, 2008 marad041708.htm Port Dolphin LNG Deepwater Port April 17, 2008 nctc-photos.htm National Counter-terrorism Intelligence Center April 16, 2008 phmsa041608.htm Enhancing Security of HazMat Rail Transport April 16, 2008 tsa041608.htm TSA to Review Security of US Top 100 Pipelines April 16, 2008 clinton-dc2.htm Pro-War Clinton DC Residence Eyeball 2 April 14, 2008 cheney-uc2.htm Dick Cheney's New House Under Construction 2 April 14, 2008 gitmo-architect.htm Guantanamo Prison Camp 6 Architect April 13, 2008 cia-declass-06.htm CIA FY 2006 Declassification Plan April 12, 2008 cia-declass-05.htm CIA FY 2005 Declassification Plan April 12, 2008 CNSS-079-07.htm FAQ on National Security Systems Spills April 11, 2008 bcbp041108.htm International Registered Traveler Program April 11, 2008 uscg041108.htm Coast Guard Security at LNG Deepwater Ports April 11, 2008 nrc041108.htm Expansion of the Nuclear Source Tracking System April 11, 2008 doe041108.htm Procedural Rules for DOE Nuclear Activities April 11, 2008 va041108.htm VA Adopts Data Protection Rule April 11, 2008 dos041108.htm ITAR-US Munitions List Amendments April 11, 2008 dpa-mi5.pdf UK Data Privacy Act Exemption for MI5 Spying April 10, 2008 (16pp, 1.4MB) dpa-isc.pdf UK Data Privacy Act Exemption for Spy Panel April 10, 2008 (9pp, 330KB) nrc041008.htm Nuclear Power Reactor Security Requirements April 10, 2008 dos041008.htm National Security Language Initiative April 10, 2008 torch-thugs.htm Chinese Olympic Torch Thugs April 9, 2008 bis040808.htm Information Systems Export Semi-Open Meet April 8, 2008 dol040808.htm Combating Exploitive Child Labor with Education April 8, 2008 torch-protests.htm Olympic Torch Protests Photos April 7, 2008 ncs040708.htm National Communications System Semi-Secret Meet April 7, 2008 phmsa040708.htm Special Permits for HazMat Transport April 7, 2008 doj040708.htm System of Systems Security (SOSSEC) Consortium April 7, 2008 flds-ranch.htm FLDS YFZ Polygamist Ranch Eyeball April 6, 2008 anti-phorm.htm Anti-Phorm petition rises up chart April 5, 2008 dhs040408.htm DHS BioWatch Filter Holder Log April 4, 2008 uscg040408.htm US Bans Vessels Stopping in Cuba April 4, 2008 JAFAN-6-3.zip Protecting SAP Info within Info Systems FOUO April 3, 2008 (162pp, PDF, 1.2MB) JAFAN-6-9.zip Physical Security Standards for SAP Facilities April 3, 2008 (50pp, PDF, 760KB) dhs040308.htm US Entry Docs Required from Western Hemisphere April 3, 2008 pd2008-15.htm USG Prepares to Boost Kosovo Arms Dealing April 1, 2008 ndcp040108.htm USG Wants Info on Student Drug Testing April 1, 2008 don040108.htm Navy Lumps Cranks and Whiners with Terrorists April 1, 2008 dos040108.htm State Dept Meet on World Telecomm Spying April 1, 2008 hhs040108.htm More Atomic Workers Doomed to be Screwed April 1, 2008 O f f s i t eGCSB Hit NZ Spy Base Attacked by War Protestors April 30, 2008 AF Stop Prez's Stop Air Force Plans for Use of Nukes April 30, 2008 Mt Weather FEMA Mount Weather Emergency Complex Photo April 30, 2008 MS Spy Microsoft Discloses Spyware in Its Malware Tool April 30, 2008 L-3/Titan Outsourcing Spies in Iraq April 30, 2008 CIPAC Critical Infrastructure Partnership Council April 30, 2008 Gov Docs Government Attic of Documents April 30, 2008 GAO-08-674T GAO: Defense Industry Cheats and Robs Taxpayers April 29, 2008 IR Tubes Looking at Iran's Centrifuges April 29, 2008 War Law Kriegspiel Under Attack By Debord's Widow April 28, 2008 War Game Kriegspiel - the Game of War April 7, 2008 Helms CIA Director on Release of Helms Papers April 28, 2008 ISP Spy FBI, politicos want ISP data retention laws April 28, 2008 NLE 2-08 National Level Exercise 2-08 April 28, 2008 RJA-SE 2 Ross Anderson: Security Engineering 2nd Edition April 27, 2008 NSA DE 1 NSA Field Station Teufelsberg Berlin Eyeball April 26, 2008 NSA DE 2 Live Birdseye: NSA Field Station Teufelsberg April 26, 2008 NSA DE 3 Google Aerial: NSA Field Station Teufelsberg April 26, 2008 NSA Pubs NSA Declassifies Cryptologic Spectrum Articles April 24, 2008 BAZ American BioTerror: A-Z of Ricin Crackpots April 23, 2008 IL Spy Man Arrested as Israeli Spy April 22, 2008 No Ads FCC Welcomes TV Complaints April 22, 2008 QCB Quantum Cryptography Broken April 22, 2008 BT Bluetooth Spying in City of Bath April 22, 2008 POW John McCain as Phony and Collaborator April 22, 2008 Nat Sec State Secrets: US misstep in a wiretapping case April 22, 2008 xPCASS How to Beat the Military PCASS Lie Detector April 19, 2008 CDX NSA Cyber Defense Exercise April 19, 2008 Ice Op CIA Project COLDFEET April 19, 2008 Warriors NATO War Games Off Scottish Coast April 19, 2008 MF720 RAND Report: Invisible Wounds of IQ-AF War April 17, 2008 (499 pp, 3MB) GAO-08-622 US Lacks Plan to Combat Terrorism in Pakistan April 17, 2008 GSM Goof GSM Researcher Harassed by UK Goofs April 17, 2008 Bio Lab Gov and AP Disinfo About New Bioterror Lab April 16, 2008 IU John Yoo Eyeball April 16, 2008 TPC Trans-Pacific Cable Locations April 16, 2008 NGA GNS National Geospatial Agency Gazeteers April 16, 2008 Bruce Crypto-gram April 2008 April 15, 2008 FBI Edu FBI Misused National Security Letter on Student April 14, 2008 RS22452 US Military Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan April 14, 2008 RS22537 Iraqi Civilian Deaths Estimates April 14, 2008 Cop Play Police Family Fun in Broward County, FL April 14, 2008 911 Stiff A Lack of Intelligence: The 9/11 Commission April 13, 2008 WP War Plans: Terror and Consent April 13, 2008 Fishwrap The death and life of the American newspaper April 12, 2008 Robos 2 UK Cops Microchip Tracking System April 12, 2008 Robos 1 UK Cops To Be Microchipped April 12, 2008 Spy Mike CIA Director on Meet the Press April 12, 2008 CNSSI-1001 Classified Information Spillage February 2008 April 11, 2008 CNSS Index National Security Systems Issuances January 2008 April 11, 2008 CNSSP-3 Access to Classified Crypto October 2007 April 11, 2008 CNSSI-4007 COMSEC Utility Program November 2007 April 11, 2008 Net Not Internet Black Holes April 11, 2008 Yoo Hurt 2 Yoo Army Torture Memo April 11, 2008 Toby Heathrow Protesters Uncover Spy Plot April 10, 2008 CU Spy U.S. spy asked to help Cuba April 8, 2008 CIA 21 Intellipedia and the 21st Century CIA April 8, 2008 Card War AU Smartcard Turf War Cries Out for Scrutiny April 7, 2008 Phorm Insec Adding webwise.net into the CNI April 7, 2008 Brian Brian Evenson - The Open Curtain April 7, 2008 Svetlana Svetlana Boym - Nostalgic Technology April 7, 2008 Patrick Patrick Ireland RIP - Brian O'Doherty April 7, 2008 Att Hole Lyons Antique Telephone Show April 7, 2008 Spy Edu Mission: Teaching to Spy April 6, 2008 Car Spy 2 Black Box GPS April 6, 2008 Car Spy 1 Alltrack USA April 6, 2008 WTC Sec WTC Security Plan: Army of Cops (and Spies) April 6, 2008 Webspy 1 The Phorm Webwise System - Critique Update April 6, 2008 Webspy 4 100,000 US Net users being snooped on for ads April 5, 2008 Webspy 3 Big Thing on the Internet: Spying on Users April 5, 2008 Oligarchs Clinton Tax Returns for $109M April 5, 2008 Spy Share Spy Community Info Sharing Strategy April 4, 2008 (Mirror) Webspy 2 The Phorm Webwise System - Technical April 4, 2008 Hurt Aid CIA Rendition Flights Fuel Purchase Agreement April 4, 2008 DG-1194 Guidance for Control Operators of Nuclear Plants April 4, 2008 SCIF Pix SCIF Photos April 3, 2008 NDIA National Warloving Industry Mega Directory April 3, 2008 Scroogle Privacy: What should Google do? April 3, 2008 Bareass Behind the Scenes of Secret Spying Unmasking April 3, 2008 Euthanize CIFA Domestic Spy Unit to Close or Go Blacker April 3, 2008 GAO-08-467SP War Lover Spending an Organized Crime (4.6MB) April 3, 2008 TP ID TPMS Vehicle Tire Pressure RFID Spying April 3, 2008 Info Mag Infosecurity Magazine Plug April 3, 2008 Tomo DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop on Internet Tomography April 2, 2008 NSA Patent Aligning components in integrated circuit module April 2, 2008 NSA Patent Reusable tamper evident envelope April 2, 2008 Hurt Yoo DoJ 2003 Memo to DoD: OK to Torture April 2, 2008 Iran Scam The Day the US Declared War on Iran April 2, 2008 RFIDuh Bush administration passport to stupidity April 1, 2008 Mercs Blackwater Proshop April 1, 2008 Spy-Spy 2 Google has lots to do with spying April 1, 2008 MARCH 2008 blackwater-pr.htm Blackwater Opens PR Offensive in Carolina Swamp March 31, 2008 dars033108.htm DoD Tightens Contractor Killing Rule March 31, 2008 ntsb033108.htm NTSB Sets UAV Crash Reporting March 31, 2008 faa033108.htm FAA Approves Zeppelin Airship March 31, 2008 usm033108.htm US Mint Sets Gold Ounce Coin at $1,119.95 March 31, 2008 nhtsa033108.htm Specs Revised for Alcohol Testing Devices March 31, 2008 nrc033108.htm NRC Sets Fitness for Duty Programs (2MB) March 31, 2008 veep-wy-eyeball.htm Cheney Residence in Wyoming Eyeball March 30, 2008 guam-eyeball.htm Guam Communications Facilities Eyeball March 29, 2008 charleston-brig.htm US Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston Birdseye March 28, 2008 dni032808.htm Master Spy Privacy Act Implementation March 28, 2008 dod032808.htm No $USG for Campus Ban of Recruiting and ROTC March 28, 2008 ferc032808.htm Off-Site Power Required for Nuke Shutdown March 28, 2008 dsb032808.htm Defense Science Board Secret Meet on NNSA March 28, 2008 TSCM (OK) DNI Technical Surveillance Countermeasures March 27, 2008 baghdad-gz.htm Sat Photo of Baghdad Green Zone 26 Feb 2008 March 26, 2008 todd-kill.htm Suspects in Constable Michael Todd Killing March 26, 2008 trust-iran.htm Averting War with Iran: A Matter of Trust March 25, 2008 32csm-bug.htm 32 CSM Bugging Device Found March 24, 2008 covert-blogs.zip Covert Blogs as Military Information Operations March 24, 2008 (50 pp, 378KB) mort-eyeball.htm Dover AFB Mortuary Center Eyeball March 23, 2008 sugar-102207.zip Sugar Grove Echelon Station 22 Oct 07 FOUO March 23, 2008 (19 pp, 787KB) cia-sic.pdf CIA Strategic Intent for Collaboration March 22, 2008 bio-guns.zip Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons March 22, 2008 (20 pp, 4.2MB) gitmo-wind.htm Guantanamo Naval Base Wind Farm Eyeball Update March 21, 2008 cn-troops.htm Chinese Troops Converge in Tibetan Areas March 21, 2008 doj032108.htm DoJ Sues Thomson and Reuters March 21, 2008 sec032108.htm Naked Short Selling Anti-Fraud Rule March 21, 2008 dos032008.htm State Dept Munitions Control Records March 21, 2008 phorm-vile.htm Phorm Promises Vilest Spyware in the US March 20, 2008 amemb-080226.htm Sat Photo US Embassy Baghdad 26 Feb 2008 March 20, 2008 gitmo-080222.htm Sat Photo Guantanamo Detainee Prison 22 Feb 2008 March 20, 2008 ddss-01.zip Digital Dispatch Surveillance Standard 1 March 19, 2008 (85pp, 770KB) bis031908.htm RPC on Crime Control Export License Requirements March 19, 2008 treas031908.htm Prez Advisory Council on Financial Literacy March 19, 2008 nps031908.htm Nominations to the World Heritage List March 19, 2008 hr3773eah.htm House Bill on FISA Amendments March 18, 2008 tibet080316.htm Tibet Protest Photos 080316-0317 March 18, 2008 tibet080315.htm Tibet Protest Photos 080315 March 15, 2008 fisc-members.htm Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Members March 13, 2008 13sws-eyeball.htm 13th Space Warning Squadron Eyeball March 13, 2008 10sws-eyeball.htm 10th Space Warning Squadron Eyeball March 13, 2008 7sws-eyeball.htm 7th Space Warning Squadron Eyeball March 13, 2008 6sws-eyeball.htm 6th Space Warning Squadron Eyeball March 13, 2008 fylingdales.htm RAF Fylingdales Space Warning Eyeball March 13, 2008 20spss-eyeball.htm 20th Space Control Squadron Eyeball March 13, 2008 nsa-sweeps.htm NSA Domestic Spying Grows with Data Sweeps March 11, 2008 ho-phorm.htm Home Office Note on Phorm Spyware TXT March 11, 2008 ho-phorm.pdf Home Office Note on Phorm Spyware PDF March 11, 2008 cia-tel-nyms.htm 10,751 CIA Telephone Nyms and Names March 9, 2008 nsa-tel-nyms.htm 4,151 NSA Telephone Nyms and Names March 9, 2008 wh-tel-nyms.htm 781 White House Telephone Nyms and Names March 9, 2008 hsstac030708.htm HomeSec SciTech Secret Meet March 8, 2008 ps030708.htm Postal Service Bans Fake Munitions March 8, 2008 uscg030708.htm Coast Guard Sets Papal Mass DC Security Zone March 8, 2008 nist030708.htm NIST Sets VoIP Roundtable for Public Safety March 8, 2008 clinton-dc.htm Pro-War Clinton DC Residence Birdseye March 7, 2008 cuba-libre.htm Cuba Travel Web Sites March 6, 2008 dhs030508.htm DHS Privacy Impact Assessments on the Web March 5, 2008 ti-calypso1.pdf Texas Instruments CALYPSO Specification NDA March 4, 2008 (51pp, 853KB) ti-calypso2.pdf Texas Instruments CALYPSO Register Mapping NDA March 4, 2008 (178pp, 1.1MB) eo13462.htm Prez Spying Advisory and Oversight Boards March 4, 2008 cia-cuba-op.htm CIA Paramilitary Operations Against Cuba March 2, 2008 craptome.htm Craptome.org March 2, 2008 hack-power.htm Terrorists Hacking Power Systems March 1, 2008 next-1st-family.htm Next First Family March 1, 2008 nsa08-birdseye.htm NSA Headquarters 2008 Birdseye March 1, 2008 O f f s i t eSpy-Spy 1 CIA enlists Google's help for spy work March 31, 2008 GAO-08-336 GAO: State Dept Anti-terrorism Aid Sucks March 31, 2008 NSA Pubs 2 NSA Cryptologic Histories March 29, 2008 NSA Pubs 1 NSA Cryptologic Quarterly Articles March 29, 2008 Phorm ORG and FIPR meet with Phorm March 28, 2008 ARAM Adaptable Radiation Area Monitor March 28, 2008 MS E-Read Master Spy Electronic Reading Room March 27, 2008 TSCM (OK) DNI Technical Surveillance Countermeasures March 27, 2008 GAO-08-431R National Security Space Strategy Needed March 27, 2008 Home Spy Domestic Spying by Satellites March 26, 2008 CIA Tibet Tibet, the Great Game and the CIA March 25, 2008 Lurid Fitna the Movie Alternate Site or Bait March 25, 2008 Rad Trap Dirty Bombs at 70MPH March 25, 2008 Vermin AU Cops To Plant Trojans and Bank Spies March 25, 2008 SSSC Spy Special Security Center March 23, 2008 Spy DB Spy Community Databases March 23, 2008 Spy Courses Spy Course Descriptions March 23, 2008 Spy Schedule Spy Course Schedule March 23, 2008 C4I C4I Technical Discussion March 22, 2008 CN-US At It State Dept: Chinese Snoop Like US March 22, 2008 Terr Hype NYPD-FBI War for Counterterrorism Funds March 22, 2008 Mind Hype Hypnotic Mind Control Workshop March 22, 2008 Spy Wiki Spypedia Marks Second Anniversary March 21, 2008 Spy How DDNI Tom Fingar on Latest Spy Tradecraft March 21, 2008 Marty Surveillance Countersurveillance Equipment March 21, 2008 Tube CU 1 Free CCTV film access for security services March 21, 2008 Tube CU 2 Comcast Cameras to Start Watching You March 21, 2008 NSA Patent Single Frequency Repeater March 21, 2008 Spy Pry State Dept Briefing on Obama Passport Pry March 21, 2008 Perv2Perv FBI Pervs Fake Kid Porn Sites March 20, 2008 MI Grim Woman Behind the Camera at Abu Ghraib March 20, 2008 Cyber Czar National Cyber Security Head Named March 20, 2008 Tibet Vids Censored Tibet March 2008 protest videos March 20, 2008 GAO-08-557R DoD Unreliable Cost of Global War on Terrorism March 20, 2008 Phorm-PI Phorm on the 80/20 Report March 20, 2008 PI-Phorm 80/20 Report on Phorm spyware March 20, 2008 GAO-08-571T GAO: Feds InfoSec Weaknesses Persist March 13, 2008 Sat Pat RAF Feltwell and the Son of Star Wars March 13, 2008 Whoa Chinks in Biometric Security Devices March 13, 2008 GAO-08-543T GAO: FBI, DEA, DHS, SSA Misused Bought Data March 11, 2008 NCTC Inside National Counterterrorism Center Video March 11, 2008 Spy Trust DDNI Donald Kerr: Need Public Trust of Spies March 8, 2008 Darfur Darfur Region, Sudan, 2008 CIA Map March 8, 2008 Sudan Sudan, 2008 CIA Map March 8, 2008 WMD Shrink Nuclear Complex Transformation SPEIS March 8, 2008 Wall Detailed Maps of the US-MX Border Wall (14MB) March 7, 2008 Feeb Perps Funding for FBI Surveillance and Black Bag Jobs March 7, 2008 Too Much Secrecy 1970 Report: Defense Science Board on Secrecy March 6, 2008 Cuba Libre Cuba Travel Web Sites March 6, 2008 Spy No No No A spy is not an intelligence officer March 5, 2008 EZ Exports U.S. forms 'deemed export' advisory panel March 5, 2008 Ricin Castor Seeds Ricin Not Much of a Threat March 4, 2008 CN Mil China Military Report 2008 (30MB) March 4, 2008 Kill Pup Three US Soldiers Torture Little Puppy in Iraq March 3, 2008 Endgame DHS: Detention and Removal of Dangerous Aliens March 3, 2008 Spy News Secrecy News Blog March 3, 2008 Wiki Free Judge Dissolves Wikileaks.org Injunction March 1, 2008 FEBRUARY 2008 dod022808.htm Feds Set Common InfoSecurity Configurations February 28, 2008 dod022808-2.htm Feds Set Rules for Security Contractors February 28, 2008 dhs022808.htm DHS Sets Databank for Employers to Spy February 28, 2008 pidb022808.htm Public Interest Declassification Board Meet February 28, 2008 UK-Chip-PIN-07.pdf UK Chip and PIN Report 2007 Confidential February 26, 2008 (80pp, 1.4MB) emv-attacks.htm EuroPay-MasterCard-Visa Chip and PIN Attacks February 26, 2008 cheney-uc.htm Dick Cheney's New House Under Construction February 25, 2008 camp-david-08.htm Camp David 2008 Eyeball February 24, 2008 cia-chef.htm CIA Headquarters Chef Birdseye February 24, 2008 misty-eyed.htm Knocking Down Misty Sat Least Dangerous Option February 23, 2008 pc022208.htm Venal Peace Corps to Bloodsuck Its Broken February 23, 2008 mi6-diana.htm Names of SIS Officers at Diana Inquest February 21, 2008 dos022008.htm al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb February 21, 2008 nrc022008.htm Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Set February 21, 2008 nps022008.htm Minuteman Missile National Historic Site February 21, 2008 wikileaks-tro.pdf Wikileaks Temporary Restraining Order February 20, 2008 wikileaks-bjb.zip Wikileaked Bank Julius Baer Documents (Update) February 20, 2008 (4MB) wikileaks-gag.pdf Wikileaks Gag Order (Update) February 18, 2008 wikileaks-bjb.htm Wikileaks Shut for BJB Fronts in Cayman Islands February 18, 2008 prez-hoot.htm Why CYA Prez Needs to Wiretap US February 17, 2008 cia-kill-bush.htm CIA: Iraq's Attempt to Kill President Bush 1 February 16, 2008 cia-warrenton.htm CIA Warrenton Stations Eyewitness February 16, 2008 toe3.pdf Top Officials Exercise 3 FOUO February 15, 2008 s2248.pdf Senate Bill Greases Unwarranted Spying February 14, 2008 s2248-report.pdf Senate Report Greases Unwarranted Spying February 14, 2008 hr3773.htm House Bill Grits Unwarranted Spying February 14, 2008 iei.pdf Improvised Explosive Initiators FOUO February 14, 2008 ssa-gov.pdf Government Facilities Threat Assessment FOUO February 14, 2008 ssa-com.pdf Commercial Facilities Threat Assessment FOUO February 14, 2008 ti-attack.pdf Tactics to Attack Transport Infrastructure FOUO February 14, 2008 ii-threat.pdf Threat to Info Infrastructure FOUO February 14, 2008 id-threat.pdf False ID Terrorism FOUO February 14, 2008 ded.pdf Domestic Extremism Digest FOUO February 14, 2008 weather-war2.htm Weather Modification Warfare 2 February 13, 2008 cable-cuts.htm Undersea Optical Cable Cuts February 10, 2008 chez-cheney.htm Chez Cheney Property Birdseye - Corrected February 9, 2008 weather-war.pdf Weather Modification Warfare February 9, 2008 nara020808.htm Records on EU Passengers FBI-CT Baghdad Embassy February 9, 2008 dos020808.htm Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change February 9, 2008 ferc020708.htm Safeguarding Critical Energy Cyber Assets February 8, 2008 faa020708.htm Lithium Ion Battery Threat to Boeing Aircraft February 8, 2008 istac020608.htm InfoSys Export Panel Meet February 7, 2008 doe020608.htm Natural Gas Importers and Exporters List February 7, 2008 dnfsb020608.htm Safety of Nuclear Fire Protection Systems February 7, 2008 eo13458.htm US Nuclear Safeguards Revised for IAEA February 7, 2008 pi-spy-ripa.pdf UK Cops Use Private Spy to Get Around RIPA February 6, 2008 eo13457.htm The War Waster Decries Wasteful Earmarks February 2, 2008 fra020108.htm Passenger Train Emergency Systems February 2, 2008 nrc020108.htm Wacky Nuke Guards Sabotage Own Weapons February 2, 2008 gsa020108.htm Denver Federal Center Balloons February 2, 2008 O f f s i t eGAO-08-413T GAO: Spies Resist Oversight February 29, 2008 Wet Means 2 CIA Director on Maximum Squeeze 2 February 28, 2008 Wet Means 1 CIA Director on Maximum Squeeze 1 February 28, 2008 Tech Means CIA Scheslinger Report on Technical Spying February 28, 2008 Jaw Means Spymaster McConnell Jawbones February 28, 2008 PIDB Improving Declassification February 28, 2008 Wikileaks 1 Lawsuit Filed to Restore Wikileaks February 27, 2008JANUARY 2008 chez-cheney.htm Future Chez Cheney Birdseye PROBABLY NOT January 30, 2008 dhs012908.htm DHS Sets National ID Drivers License January 30, 2008 spy-beef.htm $6Bn to Spy the Internet January 29, 2008 spy-bah.htm Spy Booz Allen Seeks Buyer January 29, 2008 cia-green.htm CIA Newest Campus Goes Green Birdseye January 27, 2008 cia-wtc3.htm CIA Warrenton Training Centers Eyeball 2008 January 27, 2008 spy-mike-flog.htm Spy Mike McConnell Flogs Booz Allen Spy Business January 21, 2008 spy-mike-homes.htm Spy Mike McConnell Residences January 21, 2008 spymaster.htm The US Spymaster January 21, 2008 uk-soca.htm Bird's Eye of the "British FBI" HQ January 21, 2008 hillary-protect.htm Hillary Clinton Protection January 17, 2008 scherbius-1928.pdf Enigma-Like Ciphering Machine Patent January 17, 2008 enigma-1920s.htm Secret Crypto Patents and 1920s Enigma January 16, 2008 hormuzgate.htm Hormuzgate January 16, 2008 ornl-birdseye.htm Oak Ridge National Laboratory Birdseye January 13, 2008 negev-eyeball.htm Negev Nuclear Research Center Eyeball January 12, 2008 dod011008.htm DoD Law of War Compliance by Contractors January 11, 2008 dod011008-2.htm DoD Training for Information Assurance January 11, 2008 dos011008.htm State Calls Kurdistan Freedom Hawks Terrorists January 11, 2008 dos010908.htm State Opens Passport Files to Spies and Cops January 10, 2008 frs010908.htm Federal Reserve Proposes Lending Truth, Way Late January 10, 2008 fbi010908.htm FBI Whistleblower Protection January 10, 2008 don010908.htm Navy Kilo Wharf Extension, Guam January 10, 2008 uscg010708.htm Coast Guard Sets SBX-1 Security Zone January 7, 2008 phmsa010708.htm List of Hazardous Substances January 7, 2008 pantex-birdseye.htm Pantex Nuclear Warhead Facility Birdseye January 6, 2008 obama-protect.htm Obama Protection January 5, 2008 cia-nerve-war.htm CIA: Nerve War Against Individuals January 5, 2008 article-9.htm Breakaway from the Century of War January 5, 2008 nrc010408.htm Transportation of Radioactive Material January 5, 2008 war010208.htm War Lovers Meet January 3, 2008 nsa010208.htm NSA Electrical Power Upgrade January 3, 2008 dni010208.htm DNI Spies Want Privacy They Violate January 3, 2008 faa010208.htm FAA Cautions on Airliner Electronic Hazards January 3, 2008 phmsa010208.htm Gas Pipeline Marker Workshop January 3, 2008 bcbp010208.htm Terrorist Weapons Border Security January 3, 2008 O f f s i t e
Wikileaks 2 Motion to Intervene in Wikileaks Shutdown February 27, 2008 Finn-gag 1 The Finnish Internet Censorship List February 24, 2008
Finn-gag 2 Finnish government blacklists 'free speech' site February 24, 2008 Finn-gag 3 Finland censors anti-censorship site February 24, 2008 Finn-gag 4 Teen Porn Lover Threatens Free Speech Site February 24, 2008 Spy Siphon Spymaster Data Mining Report February 23, 2008 Sat Hit 2 Satellite Reentry Briefing February 22, 2008 Sat Hit 1 Satellite Engagement Comms Plan February 22, 2008 Leak Hit Motive of the Amerithrax Leaker February 21, 2008 NUREG 1614 NRC Strategic Plan 2008-2013 February 21, 2008 HYDRA SOCA Project Hydra February 20, 2008 FBI 911 FBI Documents on 9-11 Investigation February 18, 2008 Wikileaks-All Wikileaks Archive (Torrent 2,000 files, 400MB) February 18, 2008 ATT=Mil-TX-SBC Verizon Hates Film Spying, ATT=Mil-TX Loves It February 17, 2008 Ratshit Another Rat Bullshits: Spymasters Tricked Me February 17, 2008 GAO-08-173R Los Alamos Lab Leaky Classified Info Security February 12, 2008 Spy News How the Spooks Took Over the News February 12, 2008 Dots Undersea Cable Breaks Dots Connected February 7, 2008 V-Spies Spies' Battleground Turns Virtual February 7, 2008 U-Spy Spies Siphon YouTube and Open Sources February 7, 2008 Top Perp Top Spy Cop Named, FBI to Bust His Ass Fast February 3, 2008 NIEMA Mafia Emergency Scare Rackets February 3, 2008 Tips Keeping Terrorism Scare in the News February 3, 2008 Gloss Terrorism Scare Spin and Babble February 3, 2008 Crisis Inc Vile SITE Institute Goes for Spy Greed February 3, 2008 Crisis 1 Guide to Bereavement, Stress and Modern Terror February 3, 2008 Crisis 2 TerrorismPreparing for the Unexpected February 3, 2008 Kids 1 Terrorism and Children February 3, 2008 Kids 2 Children and Terrorism February 3, 2008TRPAA Technical Risks of the Protect America Act January 30, 2008 NSA Gov Bush orders NSA to snoop on US agencies January 29, 2008 FaceBook 100% Accuracy in Automatic Face Recognition January 27, 2008 Noo... FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft January 27, 2008 Woo Spymaster Mike Woos St Marys Students January 26, 2008 IARPA Spy Research Head Named January 26, 2008 NSA Patent Electroless-Plating Integrated Circuit Die January 26, 2008 TGRR Tonkin Gulf Resolution Revised January 26, 2008 EAD CIA Releases Allen Dulles Papers to Princeton January 24, 2008 Sneak 2 More Sneaky Aircraft January 24, 2008 Sneak 1 Sneaky Aircraft January 22, 2008 M Tool 2 Mujahideen Secrets 2 Encryption Tool Released January 22, 2008 M Tool 1 Mujahideen Secrets Encryption Tool January 22, 2008 Slop New Hampshire Paper Votes Disarray January 22, 2008 BJ Bomb Jammers January 14, 2008 Web Pry Who really cares about data privacy or security? January 9, 2008 MS Pry Microsoft Patent: Spying on Group Activities January 8, 2008 Box Pry If Your Hard Drive Could Testify January 8, 2008 NH Hack Video: Hacking NH Voting Machines January 8, 2008 NSA VN American SIGINT and the Indochina War 1945-1975 January 7, 2008 FIPS 186-3 NIST RFC for Generating RSA Key Pairs January 7, 2008 Beefed Obama Gets Beefed-up Protection January 7, 2008 Spy Inc Spying Incorporated January 5, 2008 Ether Radio Spies January 4, 2008 World Worst Leading World Surveillance Societies January 3, 2008 SSS Samuel S. Snyder Dies: Early NSA Cryptographer January 1, 2008