Comments on: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Internal Affairs Documentation News about polygraphs, voice stress analyzers, and other purported "lie detectors." Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Williams Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:53:48 +0000 Almost 12 million dollars to fund a polygraph program for one agency!?!? All I can say is the thugs in Big Brother’s Ministry of Truth are very well paid! I wonder how many polygraph “tests” were administered for all that money? That would tell us how much we paid for each tea leaf reading session!

When he says 58% “failed”, that tells us the terrible price that was paid in human suffering alone. There is no way 58% of the applicants made admissions that would disqualify them – they “failed” simply because the polygraph operator said they did! What a terrible waste of monetary and human resources.
