Comments on: Baker DVSA Loses a Customer News about polygraphs, voice stress analyzers, and other purported "lie detectors." Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: David J. Honea Tue, 24 Jul 2012 13:35:32 +0000 Deception #1. (absolute statement) As an interrogator, you should know better than this!

“I hold a 98% confession rate using this instrument and have been able to elliminate (sic) numerous persons as suspects in crimes. ”

Deception #2. (defense of personal choice- , by projecting a credibility attack)

“Do they have an agenda that would cause them to speak poorly of this technology.”

Then a final buttressing comment that normally will finish a dubious statement, hoping to thwart any questioning of your credibility…

“As a retired police officer of 30 years, 20 of which included Truth Verification, I can tell you that the CVSA works. No if’s,and’s or but’s about it.”

Sir, you have staked much of your life operating the hardware equivalent of an “Okie diving rod used in the 1930′s Dust Bowl”.

So the real question is this:

How does it feel to have been wrong for that long?

By: M. Cooper Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:21:23 +0000 The CVSA, like the polygraph is an instrument that can be used to further investigations, assist in determining truth, clearing the innocent revealing the guilty. It’s accuracy in determining stress in accociation with deception is accurate. However, accuracy may depend upon how good the exam officer is.

Any person can run “charts”, but the art of interviewing and using the instrument as intended makes all the difference in the accuracy of the instrument. Knowing how to “dig” into the interview and determining what may or may not cause the stress indicated in the chart insures the accuracy of the over-all interview.

I have used the CVSA for close to 20 years. I have been certified and re-certified by NITV instructors. These instructors are/where Homicide Investigators, Special Prosecutors and persons with numerous years determining truth as related to criminal investigations.

I hold a 98% confession rate using this instrument and have been able to elliminate numerous persons as suspects in crimes.

There are two things that a person should ask themselves of others who “denounce” this technology. 1 – Are they truely honest in all they do, saying that they have integrity. And 2 – Do they have an agenda that would cause them to speak poorly of this technology.

As a retired police officer of 30 years, 20 of which included Truth Verification, I can tell you that the CVSA works. No if’s,and’s or but’s about it.

By: E. GARY BAKER, Ph.D. Fri, 22 Jan 2010 01:59:05 +0000 I suggest that you check your sources and verify your information. The Jefferson PD did recently recertify their DVSA examiner, they continue to use DVSA, the initial training was paid by the Wisconsin Department of Justice not JPD and the recent recertification training was also paid by the WDoJ. All of your misinformation was obtained from two defamatory letters published by my competitor NITV,LLC. I sued NITV, LLC regarding those publications. A Florida jury recently found that NITV, LLC defamed me in those publications and awarded me $560,000.00. The Final Order has been signed by the Judge.
