Comments on: Politics, Publicity Stunts, and Polygraphs: Obama Accuser Larry Sinclair Accepts’s $100,000 Polygraph Challenge News about polygraphs, voice stress analyzers, and other purported "lie detectors." Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: jojo Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:09:15 +0000 There is a report floating out there that axel rod with the obama campaign had contacted about the polygraph test. Is it true the obama campaign paid them $750,000? If this is the case, how can the polygraph that discredits sinclair be relaible?

By: TST Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:07:59 +0000 By now the news should be known that Larry Failed the polygraph by a large margin. Results are up on

the video at gives a detailed account of Larry’s lies and even in his own words. The sidebar and comments on the video reveal a lot of additional information.

If you are sick of the who contraversy, feel free to have a laugh at a Larry parody at

Thank you.

By: Elizabeth Erickson Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:46:28 +0000 What does Mr. Sinclair have to gain by lying? Nothing. He gets 15 minutes of ‘B’ rated fame…and his name dragged through the mud. Next year at this time…he would be forgotten. SO, again, what does Mr. Sinclair have to gain by lying? Nothing. $10,000, big deal. That is nothing in comparrison to what happens IF he is telling the truth. He has a lot more to gain telling the truth…then he would ever have if he lied. I think he is telling the truth. SO-the polygraph is a great idea…and at the least…a good starting point. IF it comes back saying he was forthright…THEN…”GoldenBoy” Obama should so the same…to prove his innocence. Why not? What does he have to lose…oh wait…that is right…the whole presidential thing. Well, maybe he will succeed in offing the guy. Then again, maybe Mr. Sinclair is lying…still, I find it VERY strange that Obama isn’t addressing these claims AT ALL. McCain just had allegations presented against him…and he confronted them head on. Mr. Sinclair may not be scared to get up in front of MILLIONS and lie…so why would Obama be scared to get up and tell the truth? UNLESS…there is truth in what Mr. Sinclair is saying. Then, learn from Bill Clinton’s mistakes. Get up, fess up…you were high…and it may or may not have happened. Hey, now we have a plan. The media NEEDS to look into this. We will know more on the 26th of February. LE
