Opinion nonsurvey: how should one respond when discovering some spider-web-like filaments inside one’s favorite bag of brown rice?
1. Pretend you didn’t see it. Proceed with scooping, rinsing, cooking, eating said rice.
2. Wipe out the filaments with a rag, then proceed as above.
3. Realize that the filaments may have been recently created by lifeforms still in the bag. Wipe it. Scoop carefully from the central part of the bag, where you hope the lifeforms are not. Rinse thoroughly. Start cooking. Look at rinse leftovers. Notice one of them is moving, and not just from static electricity. What to do next?
3a. Pretend you didn’t see it. Finish cooking, eat.
3b. Hope that it is a “lone gunman”, the good guys got him, and the rest of the rice is good. Finish cooking, eat.
3c. Rationalize that even if there are a few worm friends in the cooking rice, they will simply add spice to the otherwise bland product. Finish cooking, eat, enjoy placebo effect flavours. Resolve to dump the rest of the raw rice though, just in case.
3d. Scoop out more of the remaining raw rice from the bag for a new inspection. Accidentally spill some on the floor. While vacuuming up the mess, notice that there are dozens of cute little non-rice lifeforms squirming around. Lose faith that the already-cooking batch is clean. Lose appetite. Dump the lot, including the batch already cooking. Weep for food quality control. Blog about it.