According to this story, some young woman is auctioning off her virginity. How quaint. But what earned the headline-writer’s attention is in the suffix … “and the feds can’t do a thing to stop her”.

Now that gets me excited!

Consider how tragic it is when the first instinct of an onlooker of some clearly voluntary, safe, if distasteful display is to ponder … “why doesn’t someone stop this?” And further, why that someone shouldn’t be The Federal Government ™ – the ideal arbiter of good taste and morality — as opposed to this lady’s friends or family. Have we/you surrendered so much of your personal authority to judge?

Besides, the headline is wrong. “The feds” could put in the highest bid and then fail to collect the prize. Or lump it into the mother of all bailouts — there’s certainly demand. Heck, if the “feds” are about to load more debt onto the kids, the least they could do for them is to get them all laid.