For the last six days, I’ve grounded myself with the excuse of thunderstorms.
Flying in thunderstormy weather is a big whole-day-ruiner. While actually encountaring one accidentally is unlikely in GXRP, due to the weather radar and datalink, the turbulence in the area might make one’s teeth shake. So it has been for the last few days: hot muggy air on the ground, unstable air above; thunderstorms popping up randomly over a large area.
Maybe we are finally approaching a climax of sorts for this weather pattern. At least, I can’t imagine it getting much “better” than this. This afternoon, the entire eastern half of the USA, plus the neighbouring regions of Canada, were boiling with thunderstorms.
I hope it settles down soon. I’m itching to go to the airport, and with certification paperwork completed, rip the “GPS VFR Only” sticker off of the Garmin 430.
UPDATE 06-11: Done!