Many homes have lousy indoor air. At least that’s the conclusion one would draw, upon seeing the entire volume of fine particles flying around inside, when lit up by a sharp beam of sunlight. A lucky coincidence may allow one to observe that, when taking a sheet of paper tissue from the usual box dispenser, a thick cloud of fine paper dust flies up into the air.
Juimiin and I realized at the same time this morning that this might be absolutely deliberate on the part of the tissue maker companies. They can produce an outstanding vicious circle (or from their point of view, a virtuous one): one sneezes, takes a tissue, releases a new cloud of dust, which in turn makes one sneeze. Brilliant.
With Screaming Mutant about to arrive, I suspect I’ll be suckered into the indoor air filtering widget hustle, and buy something expensive to collect some of those floating particles. And yet I suspect I’ll still use the stupid kleenex tissues.