Mark Steyn holds forth on Benghazi with a sombre tone.

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2012 09:22:00 AM EDT Tags:

That would be the time when, after the nightly toothbrushing, suspicion is aroused as to the bathroom sink’s slow drainage, leading to the lifting out of the plug assembly, exposing a palmful of sticky, stringy, hairy blob, with a dozen nail clippings sticking out.

I took no photo. You’re welcome.

Posted Sun 23 Sep 2012 11:17:00 PM EDT Tags:

Dear Stratford Festival. On behalf of myself, and my 5- and 7-year old sons, I apologize in advance for next Tuesday afternoon. If the ladies accompanying us cannot impose civility / we may take the opportunity / to sing loud with impunity. We will take your libretto / to our center seat / see the show a second time / for to us it is such a hit.

Sorry for the pastiche. I will keep my day job.

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2012 10:20:00 PM EDT Tags: