Find this wonderful little track on youtube and play it while reading the following.

What do you see in the picture below?

A tasty treat? A reminder of fun Halloween nights? In the Queen’s Ontario, no. This here is a crime scene.

Apparently, on statutory holidays such as today, it is unlawful for those few stores who are open to actually sell groceries. Our neighbourhood drug store taped off those portions of the store where food basics like milk & eggs were refrigerated, and sheepishly explained that provincial (?) law forces them to do so. One could still go and buy stuff like the latest pink lipstick, roasted almonds, potato chips, sixteen kinds of soft drinks, chocolate bars, toothpaste. Just not stuff actually good for you.

At another open retail outlet – a little variety store attached to a gas station – no such nonsense was observed. Their few groceries were actually on sale. If they are exempt from that law, the law is stupid. If they just flaunt the law, they are smart and the law is still stupid. I subversively but proudly purchased the above-pictured item, along with some other basic groceries. You know, for the family-feeding that’s in it. And I’ll do it again any other holiday, coppers.

The (provincial ?) government is not just in our bedrooms. It is in our refrigerators. Get out of there, you bastards.

Posted Thu Jul 1 17:14:00 2010 Tags:

Headline: Obama's new mission for NASA: Reach out to Muslim world
In other words: Charles Bolden pulls a great practical joke on al-Jazeera. I think…

Posted Mon Jul 5 10:15:00 2010 Tags: