Conversation overheard today between wife and 3.5-year-old brat:

he: “What does this `blah blah blah’ mean?” (in a comic strip speech bubble)
she: “It means that this character is saying something, but no one is paying attention.”
he: “Just like Frank [says blah blah blah]?”
she: nods knowingly

Posted Mon 16 Jun 2008 02:45:00 PM EDT Tags:

There were two great court decisions brought to my attention this week.

The first, DC vs. Heller is a landmark case about the US Constitution’s statement on guns. The court majority brought together ample history and logic to affirm the standard conservative interpretation. Hurray.

The second is France 2 vs. Philippe Karsenty, decided about a month ago. In case you’re not familiar with the case, it was about Karsenty’s accusations that the worldwide famous Mohamed al Dura death video was a hoax, like so much other Palestinian propaganda. He was sued by the state broadcaster for libel, and this was just dismissed.

The raw footage, hidden for nearly a decade and still only partially shown to the court on its demand, has shown not just inconsistencies but obvious acting (with multiple “takes”, “wounded” people getting up and smiling, the supposedly dead boy looking around, “blood” in reality red rags that move around from scene to scene). It is appalling to contemplate the number of deaths caused directly by this video and its negligently naive worldwide regurgitation.

Posted Sun 29 Jun 2008 08:36:00 AM EDT Tags: