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DECEMBER 2008 usa-v-kadish.htm USA v. Ben-Ami Kadish Court Filings December 31, 2008 gaza-kill2.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 2 December 30, 2008 hsac123008.htm HomeSec Panel Secret Meet December 30, 2008 fec123008.htm Millionaires' Election Amendment Quashed December 30, 2008 marad123008.htm America's Marine Highway Program Stay December 30, 2008 nsf123008.htm Cyber Leap Year RFP-2 December 30, 2008 gaza-kill.htm Gaza Kill and Maim Photos 1 December 29, 2008 co122908.htm Circumvention of Copyright Protection Exemption December 29, 2008 CJCSI-3112-01.zip Joint Strategy for Biological Warfare Defense December 28, 2008 AFMAN44-156-IP.zip Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties December 28, 2008 nuke-air.htm Nuclear Weapons Air Shipment Eyeball December 26, 2008 naoc-eyeball.htm National Airborne Operations Center Eyeball December 26, 2008 sec-blocks.htm SEC Further Blocks Public Access to Its Records December 26, 2008 combat-stress.htm USMC Combat Stress December 25, 2008 AR25-1-1.pdf Army Knowledge Management and IT December 25, 2008 MCO-2281-1.pdf USMC Electronic Key Management System Policy December 25, 2008 MCO-3120-10.pdf USMC Information Operations Program December 25, 2008 ERG-2008.zip 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook December 25, 2008 (2MB) AFISRAICL90-206.pdf AF Cryptologic Operations Requirements List December 24, 2008 AFISRAI10-102.pdf AF Cryptologic Operations December 24, 2008 AFI14-125.pdf AF Cryptologic Skills Program December 24, 2008 AFI14-124.pdf AF Predictive Battlespace Awareness December 24, 2008 AFI33-141.pdf AF IT Portfolio Management and Investment December 24, 2008 AFI33-210.pdf AF Certification and Accreditation Program December 24, 2008 AFI33-100.pdf AF User Responsibilities for Info Systems December 24, 2008 myk-78.htm Mykotronx VLSI Encryption/Decryption Devices December 23, 2008 cia-soviet-intel.htm CIA Releases Soviet Intelligence Services Docs December 23, 2008 hhs122208.htm Public Health Emergency for Avian Flu A H5N1 December 23, 2008 fema122208.htm National Incident Management System Intelligence December 23, 2008 va122308.htm Post-9/11 GI Bill December 23, 2008 eo13483.htm Prez Orders Federal Pay Raise December 23, 2008 nrc122308.htm Added Protocol US/IAEA Nuke Safeguards Agreement December 23, 2008 fac122308.htm Legal Services for US Enemies December 23, 2008 vaclav-klaus.htm Dark Secret of New EU President Vaclav Klaus December 22, 2008 dodi-5545-02.pdf Congressional Authorize-Appropriate Reporting December 22, 2008 dodi-8410-02.pdf NetOps for the Global Information Grid December 20, 2008 dodd-5105-68.pdf Pentagon Force Protection Agency December 20, 2008 nnsa121908.htm WMD Plutonium, Uranium, and Assembly December 19, 2008 nnsa121908-2.htm WMD Tritium Research and Development December 19, 2008 dos121808.htm State Denies Blackwater Arms Export December 18, 2008 doj121808.htm Record Depictions of Sexually Explicit Conduct December 18, 2008 uscg121708.htm Coast Guards Sets Inaugural Security Zone December 17, 2008 faa121608.htm DC Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area December 16, 2008 uscg121608.htm Vessel Arrival and Departure and Auto ID December 16, 2008 provance.pdf Unredacted Abu Ghraib Statement of Sam Provance December 13, 2008 dodi-1332-30.pdf Booting Too Few Bad Officers December 13, 2008 dodi-5000-02.pdf Operation of the Defense Pork System December 13, 2008 DTM-08-003.pdf NextGen Common Access Card Guidance December 13, 2008 sec-v-madoff.htm SEC v. Bernard Madoff Court Filings December 12, 2008 opnav-3120-32c-c6.pdf Nuclear Weapons Handling Supervisor et al December 12, 2008 dhs121208.htm National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility December 12, 2008 hts-waste.htm Army Human Terrain System Waste Fraud Abuse December 11, 2008 usa-v-blagojevich.htm USA v. Blagojevich et al Court Filings December 10, 2008 doj121008.htm DNA-Sample Collection and Biological Evidence December 10, 2008 frs121008.htm Federal Reserve Proposes Truth in Lending December 10, 2008 nnsa121008.htm Surplus Plutonium Disposition December 10, 2008 dhs120908.htm DHS Further Cloaks Its Secret Police and Spies December 9, 2008 doed120908.htm Family Educational Rights and Privacy December 9, 2008 doe120908.htm Energy Dept Contorts FOIA Denial December 9, 2008 fns120908.htm Emergency Food Assistance Program December 9, 2008 fincen120908.htm Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group Recruitment December 9, 2008 secnav-5000-34d.pdf Navy Intel, Special Access Programs, Covert Acts December 8, 2008 opnav-2221-3c.pdf Comsec Equipment Maintenance and Training December 8, 2008 opnav-2221-3d.pdf Comsec Equipment Maintenance and Training December 8, 2008 (3.1MB) treas120808.htm National Security of Foreign Investment Guidance December 8, 2008 dot120808.htm Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections December 8, 2008 osha120808.htm Blasting and the Use of Explosives December 8, 2008 no-7-tvr.zip NYC No. 7 Subway Line Threat Assessment December 7, 2008 (4.6MB) gmd-success.htm Ground-Based Missile Intercept Success December 6, 2008 dodd-3000-07.pdf Irregular Warfare December 6, 2008 dodd-5200-41.pdf DoD Centers for Regional Security Studies December 6, 2008 dodi-2205-02.pdf Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Activities December 6, 2008 DTM-08-006.pdf DoD Implementation of HomeSec Directive HSDP-12 December 6, 2008 DTM-08-034.pdf DoD Counterthreat Finance Policy December 6, 2008 af120508.htm Army 7th Special Forces Group to Eglin AFB December 5, 2008 bis120508.htm US Enemies List Honorees December 5, 2008 hts-petraeus.htm General Petraeus' Favorite Mushroom: Army HTS December 4, 2008 eo13480.htm Prez Axes Labor Protections for NatSec Jobs December 4, 2008 dod120408.htm Defense Support of Civil Authorities December 4, 2008 nrc120408.htm Increased Security for Radioactive Material December 4, 2008 kourou-eyeball.htm European Spaceport Eyeball December 3, 2008 dod120308.htm National Security Personnel System December 3, 2008 ferc120208.htm Liquified Natural Gas Cryogenic Secret Meet December 2, 2008 dhs120108.htm DHS Privacy Impact Assessments on the Web December 1, 2008 O f f s i t ePKI MD-5 Considered Harmful December 31, 2008 RIP Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report December 31, 2008 (17MB) ILA Ex-Army Employee Pleads Guilty as Israeli Agent December 30, 2008 KUK Known Unknowns for War Lovers December 30, 2008 Howler UK Giant Voice Transmitter December 29, 2008 Meta Tap The Metadata is the Message December 28, 2008 M5 Project Evangelicals for National Security December 27, 2008 Cryptol Cryptol Language of Cryptography Now Available December 25, 2008 Comsec NSA History of Comsec to 1973 December 24, 2008 OSAB Open Source Atom Bombs December 24, 2008 SOSAB Semi-Open Source Atom Bombs December 24, 2008 Fixer Neo-Con Mike Connell Dies in Plane Crash December 24, 2008 Spacewar Proliferation of Space Warfare Technology December 23, 2008 HTS US Army Human Terrain System December 22, 2008 Spymaster Appeal of Barzan Al-Tikriti Before Hanging December 22, 2008 Awe Project MENSA - Rebuilding WMD Burghfield December 20, 2008 CIA Sec CIA Cryptographer Edward Scheidt December 19, 2008 Fix Rewriting the WMD Bioterror Threat December 18, 2008 NSA Patent Detecting Intermediary Communication Device December 17, 2008 BK Blackwater Killings December 16, 2008 Tamm The Fed Who Blew the Whistle on NSA December 16, 2008 You Tap FBI Taps Cellphones When Off December 15, 2008 HTTH Human Terrain Team Handbook December 13, 2008 LW Lebbeus Woods Architectural Designs December 11, 2008 MS Michael Sorkin Studio December 11, 2008 Winds NSA: Cryptology and the Winds Message History December 11, 2008 (12.6MB) Losers US Losing So Many Wars December 9, 2008 NSA SA NSA Panopticon in San Antonio December 7, 2008 DoDumbest Pentagon Censors Former Torturers Book December 6, 2008 Pediphobe Crackdown on "death-trap" pedicabs December 5, 2008 Parl Pry Met Police Letter to Home Secretary on Parl Pry December 4, 2008 No 7 No. 7 Subway Extension (Natsios Young Project) December 3, 2008 LID LinkedIn Click Steals Your Identity December 3, 2008 MPS 1 The police, and the state, are out of control December 3, 2008 MPS 2 Met Police Head Defends Bust of MP December 3, 2008 GAO-09-161 Troubled Assets Relief Program in Trouble December 2, 2008 SATINT Sat Imagery and the Spectacle of Secret Spaces December 2, 2008NOVEMBER 2008 money-factory.htm The Money Factory Eyeball November 29, 2008 dodi-4140-62.pdf Material Potentially an Explosive Hazard November 29, 2008 dodd-1235-10.pdf Activate, Mobe, and Demobe of the Ready Reserve November 29, 2008 obama-homesec.htm Obama Chicago Home Security Zone Photos November 28, 2008 pentagon-aug08.htm Pentagon High Resolution Sat Photo August 2008 November 27, 2008 cia-hq-history.htm CIA Headquarters History Eyeball November 26, 2008 hts-murder.htm Human Terrain System Murder, Paranoia, Sacking November 26, 2008 fdic112608.htm FDIC Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program November 26, 2008 sec112608.htm Temp Exemption for Money Market Fund Liquidation November 26, 2008 tsa112608.htm Rail Transportation Security November 26, 2008 phmsa112608.htm Enhancing HazMat Rail Transport Safety-Security November 26, 2008 wmd111708.htm WMD Command and Control Secret Meet Update November 26, 2008 carino-001.pdf How Porn Evidence Retrieved Despite File Wipe November 25, 2008 bcbp112508.htm Importer Security Filing and Requirements November 25, 2008 usa-v-briggs.htm Overworked Lawyer Porns Himself Justice Abetted November 24, 2008 loc-images.htm Library of Congress Image Files Withheld November 24, 2008 pjoc-eyeball.htm Provincial Joint Operations Centre Basra Eyeball November 23, 2008 dodi-3305-06.pdf Special Operations Forces Foreign Language November 22, 2008 alert-nukes.htm Alert Nuclear Weapons Storage Facilities Update November 22, 2008 bop112008.htm Civil Commitment of a Sexually Dangerous Person November 20, 2008 tsa112008.htm Security Program for HazMat Transport November 20, 2008 eo13479.htm Prez Orders NextGen Air Transportation System November 20, 2008 eo13478.htm Prez Orders Legal Use of Social Security Numbers November 20, 2008 bis112008.htm Missile Control Technology Export Squeeze November 20, 2008 rbcs112008.htm BioRefinery Assistance Guaranteed Loan Bait November 20, 2008 treas111908.htm Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines November 19, 2008 whinsec111908.htm US Army Murder and Mayhem Panel Meet November 19, 2008 bnp-members.zip British National Party Membership List November 18, 2008 (3.4MB) opnavinst-5711-96c US-RU Sea Incidents and Dangerous Mil Actions November 18, 2008 (2.8MB) dod111808.htm Threat of Counterfeit InfoTechnology Products November 18, 2008 bis111808-2.htm Regatta Duo Fined for Sailing Boats to Cuba November 18, 2008 bis111808.htm Amending the Export Administration Regulations November 18, 2008 bcbp111808.htm Private Aircraft Arriving and Departing the US November 18, 2008 blm111808.htm Federal Lands Oil Shale Management November 18, 2008 fhwa111808.htm National Tunnel Inspection Standards November 18, 2008 hts-gitmode.htm Civilian Human Terrain Team Member Gitmode November 17, 2008 nps111708.htm Presidential Inaugural Demonstrations November 17, 2008 hud111708.htm HUD on Obtaining Mortgages and Reducing Costs November 17, 2008 dod111708.htm DoD Support of Civil Authorities November 17, 2008 cdc111708.htm Diseases Transmitted Through the Food Supply November 17, 2008 mint111708.htm US Mint Drops Cost of Gold and Platinum Coins November 17, 2008 ci-reader.htm Counterintelligence Reader November 15, 2008 dodi-5210-45.pdf NSA Personnel Security for Sensitive Crypto Info November 15, 2008 dodd-5205-12.pdf Military Intelligence Program November 15, 2008 dodi-2060-03.pdf US-IAEA Safeguards National Security Exclusion Novmeber 15, 2008 dodd-5105-80.pdf Defense Business Transformation Agency November 15, 2008 nppd111408.htm National Infrastructure Protection Plan Revision November 14, 2008 faa111408.htm Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Operations November 14, 2008 dhs111408.htm DHS Internal Affairs Records Exempt November 14, 2008 fhfa111408.htm Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments November 14, 2008 doj111408.htm Debtor Financial Management Instruction Course November 14, 2008 ispab111208.htm InfoSec Privacy Panel Meet November 13, 2008 nist111208.htm RFC FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Standard November 13, 2008 inscom111208.htm US Army Domestic Spy and Counterspy Records November 13, 2008 pn111008.htm WMD National Emergency Extended November 13, 2008 dpb111208.htm War Lovers Secret Meet November 13, 2008 af111208.htm USAF Presidential Advance Agent Records November 13, 2008 hts-fraud.htm US Army Human Terrain System Fraud Implosion November 12, 2008 friedman-mansion.htm Thomas Friedman Mansion Eyeball November 12, 2008 sec-ports-dc.htm Vehicular Security Portals Washington DC Eyeball November 11, 2008 ni-imc-20.pdf NI Monitoring Commission 20th Report November 10, 2008 (780KB) teos.htm The End of Secrecy Republished 10 Years Later November 10, 2008 nrc111008.htm Tsunami Hazards at Nuclear Power Plant Sites November 10, 2008 fac111008.htm Iranian Transactions Regulations November 10, 2008 epa111008.htm Emission Standards for Petro Plant Air Pollute November 10, 2008 fda111008.htm Controls for Natural Rubber Latex Male Condoms November 10, 2008 nga-nce.htm NGA New Campus East Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-sumner.htm NGA Bethesda Sumner Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-dalecarlia.htm NGA Bethesda Dalecarlia Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-wny.htm NGA Washington Naval Yard Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-westfields.htm NGA Westfields Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-newington.htm NGA Newington Eyeball November 9, 2008 nga-college.htm NGA College Eyeball November 9, 2008 iraqi-trial.htm Iraqi Ex-Officials Trial Documents November 9, 2008 dea-lab-eyeball.htm DEA Clandestine Lab and Training Academy November 9, 2008 dodd-6495-01.pdf Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program November 8, 2008 dodm-5205-02-m.pdf DoD Operations Security Program Manual November 8, 2008 dodd-5111-07.pdf ASD for International Security Affairs November 8, 2008 dodi-4630-09.pdf Wireless Communications Waveform Develop-Manage November 8, 2008 DTM-08-021.pdf Use of the Civil SARSAT for Personnel Recovery November 8, 2008 govdelivery.htm GovDelivery Dot Com November 7, 2008 iraq-ffcd.htm Iraq Disclosure to UNSCOM on Chemical Weapons November 7, 2008 fbi-otd-eyeball.htm FBI Operational Technology Division Eyeball November 7, 2008 smith-ccrc.pdf Michael Smith Spy Conviction Appeal Denied November 7, 2008 (6.4MB) hrsoc-eyeball.htm NSA Hawaii Regional Security Operations Center November 7, 2008 fda110708.htm Bioterrorism Protection of Imported Food November 7, 2008 treas110708.htm Transfer-Reorg of Bank Secrecy Act Regulations November 7, 2008 fdic110708.htm FDIC Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program November 7, 2008 opm110708.htm Pay Administration Rules for Fed GS Employees November 7, 2008 hts-cleanup.htm Clean Up US Army TRADOC's Human Terrain System November 6, 2008 dnfsb110508.htm Megadeath Facilities Safety Meet on the Web November 5, 2008 aphis110508.htm Control of Dangerous Bio Agents and Toxins November 5, 2008 eo13447.htm Settlement of Claims Against Libya November 5, 2008 usemb-london.htm New US Embassy in London Planned November 4, 2008 us-thought.htm John Dewey: The American Intellectual Frontier November 3, 2008 mou-kidporn.pdf MoU for Access to Kiddie Porn November 3, 2008 doj-v-voters.htm DoJ Warns Voters November 3, 2008 epa110308.htm Emergency Right to Know of Chemical Hazards November 3, 2008 dc-habit.htm DC NatSec Habit November 1, 2008 dodd-1200-17.pdf Reserve Components as an Operational Force November 1, 2008 dodd-4120-15e.pdf Naming Military Aerospace Vehicles November 1, 2008 dodi-5100-91.pdf Joint Intelligence Interoperability Board November 1, 2008 dodm-3020-45v2.pdf Defense Critical Infrastructure Remediation November 1, 2008 O f f s i t eWipeout Army Shreds Files on Dead Soldiers November 28, 2008 WHDD White House Doctors Docs November 28, 2008 Megadeath Inc Defense's Nuclear Agency 1947-1997 November 28, 2008 (5.4MB) NSA Patent Generating Time-Frequency Signal Representation November 28, 2008 ADM (OK) Americas Defense Meltdown November 26, 2008 Stephen Hatfill Anthrax Case Documents Released November 26, 2008 FiSoPro Finance and Social Production November 26, 2008 GAO-09-194 Eliciting Prez Nominee Views on Management November 24, 2008 Home Aid Home Office Seeks Bomb-Resistant Architecture November 24, 2008 Spy 2008 CIA 2008 World Spybook November 22, 2008 Spy 2025 National Spying Council 2025 Project November 20, 2008 GAO-09-29 Billions Invested in DHS Programs Lack Oversight November 20, 2008 NSA Patent 3 Fabricating Flexible Organic Integrated Circuit November 20, 2008 NSA Patent 2 Optical Character Recognition by Feature Read November 20, 2008 NSA Patent 1 Modeling Single Data Class from Multi-Class Data November 20, 2008 2025 Spymaster Preview of Global Trends 2025 November 19, 2008 BNP (Dead, Mirror) British National Party Membership List Blog November 18, 2008 Grank Daniel Brandt on Google ranking anomalies November 18, 2008 True Spymaster Reveals Americans Distrust Spies November 18, 2008 SK Sneakey November 17, 2008 AGB Anti-Gay Blacklist November 17, 2008 MI Military Intelligence - Behind the Scenes November 16, 2008 NSA NSA NSA Releases History of Cold War Spying November 16, 2008 Yoss Indymedia and the Enclosure of the Internet November 16, 2008 Dirty German Spies Scrub EU Records After Exposure November 16, 2008 Cits Spying on the US by Its Citizens 1947-2001 November 15, 2008 OK US Citizen Cleared of PRC Influence November 15, 2008 Mixed DoD Industrial Security Clearance Decisions November 15, 2008 CIA AlQ CIA Director on Al Qaeda Pursuit November 14, 2008 DoJ Spy DoJ Cellphone Tracking Documents November 14, 2008 BVAMP Building Vulnerability Assessment & Mitigation November 13, 2008 CH Hit Switzerland to go the way of Iceland? November 13, 2008 Spit Spies Whistle Dixie November 11, 2008 Tom F The US and the impossible green revolution November 11, 2008 IWS08 2008 Spy Warfighting Summit and Technology Expo Novmeber 11, 2008 TecLAX DHS Technical Security Evaluation of LAX November 11, 2008 CN Box Chinese Human Smuggling in Cargo Containers November 11, 2008 PFK The Phenonmenon of Female Kamikazes (French) November 7, 2008 CIA Views CIA Headquarters Sites to See November 6, 2008 GAO-09-105R National Applications Office November 6, 2008 Prof Cop Mike Smith Arrested by Meirion Francis Lewis November 6, 2008 KEC Katrina Electoral Cleansing November 6, 2008 9-12 2 CIA Promoting an Effective Transition November 5, 2008 Role Model Teachers Told to Spy on 5-Year-Old Muslims November 5, 2008 Hard A Blast, a Fight to Save an Afghan Life November 2, 2008 Easy Presidential Power on the Road November 2, 2008 Fortuyn Then There Was The Pim Fortuyn Assassination November 2, 2008 Frog Hop China Will Use Cyberwarfare to Leapfrog Foes November 1, 2008OCTOBER 2008 bis103108.htm US-IAEA Nuke Safeguards Additional Protocol October 31, 2008 dod103108.htm Megadeath Command and Control Secret Meet October 31, 2008 mcc103108.htm Georgia to Get $100 Million Bribe October 31, 2008 dhs103108.htm HomeSec Published Privacy Impact Assessments October 31, 2008 va103108.htm VA Proposes Rewrite of Veteran Payments Rule October 31, 2008 tsa103008.htm Large Aircraft and Airport Security Programs October 30, 2008 fcc103008.htm Junk Fax Prevention Update October 30, 2008 epa103008.htm Electronic Report on the Environment October 30, 2008 gsa-assault.htm GSA Vigilante Assaults Photographer Update October 30, 2008 kafb-sandia.htm Kirtland AFB Sandia Lab Experimental Work October 29, 2008 sec102908.htm Redemption of The Reserve Fund Halted Secretly October 29, 2008 dhs102908.htm Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Program October 29, 2008 fdic102908.htm FDIC Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program October 29, 2008 va102908.htm Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Evidence Eased October 29, 2008 tsa-fire-iid.pdf TSA Terrorist Weaponization of Fire FOUO October 28, 2008 (668KB) fbi-ct-lexicon.pdf FBI Counterterrorism Analytical Lexicon FOUO October 28, 2008 (450KB) raytheon-iis.pdf Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems October 28, 2008 (1.3MB) hc-natsec.htm House of Commons Evidence on National Security October 28, 2008 dni102808.htm Spymaster Releases 2008 Budget for US Spying October 28, 2008 cia-phones.htm CIA Ghost Phones October 28, 2008 tsa102808.htm TSA Secure Flight Program Final Rule October 28, 2008 usmc-snipers.htm Marine Corps Snipers Guard Marathon October 27, 2008 dhs102708.htm RFC Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards October 27, 2008 bis102708.htm Chemical Weapons Convention Impact on Biz October 27, 2008 ftc102708.htm RFC Reed Elsevier-ChoicePoint Consent Agreement October 27, 2008 nara102708.htm NARA Opens Nixon Tapes October 27, 2008 ferc102708.htm Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers October 27, 2008 occ102708.htm Freddie and Fannie Bailout Risk-based Capital October 27, 2008 frs102708.htm Capital Adequacy Guidelines October 27, 2008 uscg102708.htm Coast Guard Sets Prez Inaugural Security Zones October 27, 2008 inscom-brief.zip INSCOM Command Brief October 26, 2008 (34 slides, 7.9MB) dodm-3020-45-v1.pdf Defense Critical Infrastructure Program CAIP October 25, 2008 dodi-3020-46.pdf Militarily Critical Technologies List (MCTL) October 25, 2008 dodd-5132-03.pdf DoD Policy Relating to Security Cooperation October 25, 2008 nnsa-ost.htm NNSA Office of Secure Transportation October 25, 2008 nrc102408.htm Protection of WMD Safeguards Information October 24, 2008 mms102408.htm Outer Continental Shelf Protraction Diagrams October 24, 2008 hud102408.htm Housing Acessibility Design-Construction Stds October 24, 2008 frs102408.htm Home Mortgage Disclosure Rule Revised October 24, 2008 dos102408.htm North Korea Removed from US Enemies List October 24, 2008 verizon-spy2.htm Verizon Secret Spying Facilities Eyeball 2 October 23, 2008 dos102308.htm State Dept Lists 13 Enemies October 23, 2008 uspto102308.htm Patent Office Use of Public Key Infrastructure October 23, 2008 ded102308.htm Student Loan Program Revised for Vets Others October 23, 2008 aphis102308.htm Animal Disaster Contingency Plans October 23, 2008 dod102308.htm Threat Reduction Panel Secret Meet October 23, 2008 bis102208.htm EAR Exception for Intra-Company Transfer October 22, 2008 istac102208.htm Infosys Export Panel Open and Closed Meet October 22, 2008 frs102208.htm Bailout Capital Adequacy Guidelines October 22, 2008 virilio-crisis.htm Paul Virilio on the Current Financial Crisis October 20, 2008 dol102008.htm Protecting the Privacy of Workers October 20, 2008 treas102008.htm Treasury Sets TARP Bailout Executive Pay Limits October 20, 2008 verizon-spy.htm Verizon Secret Spying Facilities Eyeball October 19, 2008 nsa-nbp.htm NSA National Business Park Eyeball October 18, 2008 manchu-chip.htm And Now the Manchurian Microchip October 18, 2008 bsl4-eyeball.htm BSL-4 Laboratories Eyeball October 17, 2008 hhs101708.htm Five Declarations of Public Health Emergencies October 17, 2008 dni101708.htm Spymaster Sets Legal Proceedings Rules October 17, 2008 nist101708.htm FIPS 180-3 Secure Hash Standard Approved October 17, 2008 doe101708.htm Global Nuclear Energy Partnership EIS October 17, 2008 sec101708.htm Naked Short Selling Antifraud Rule October 17, 2008 frs101708.htm Federal Reserve Decreases Primary Credit Rate October 17, 2008 fdic101708.htm FDIC Temporary Increase in Deposit Insurance October 17, 2008 fhfa101708.htm Affordable Housing Program Amendments October 17, 2008 ferc101708.htm NYC Files for Hydroelectric Facilities October 17, 2008 biolab-sec.zip Perimeter Security of Five BSL-4 Laboratories October 16, 2008 grsoc-eyeball.htm NSA/CSS Georgia Eyeball October 16, 2008 cdc101608.htm Bio-Terror Agents and Toxins Hold Use Transfer October 16, 2008 aphis101608.htm Bio-Terror Agents and Toxins List Update October 16, 2008 dmac101608.htm Treasury Debt Management Panel Secret Meet October 16, 2008 treas101608.htm RFC Repayment of TARP Bailout October 16, 2008 fdic101608.htm FDIC Restoration Plan and Assessments October 16, 2008 ncs101608.htm National Security Telecomms Secret Meet October 16, 2008 epa101508.htm Yucca Mountain Threat Reduced from 10,000 Years October 15, 2008 secnav1640-02-1.pdf Use of Restraint Equipment Within Naval Brigs October 14, 2008 oni4900-96h.pdf United States Military Group, Colombia October 14, 2008 bio-agents.pdf Biological Agents and Toxins List October 14, 2008 bio-sec.pdf Biological Agents Security Information October 14, 2008 bio-loss.pdf Biological Agents Theft Loss Release October 14, 2008 bio-safety.zip Biosafety in Microbio and Biomedical Labs October 14, 2008 (2.4MB) nsf101408.htm RFI National Cybersecurity Leap Year October 14, 2008 eo13476.htm Facilitation of a Presidential Transition October 14, 2008 nhtsa101408.htm Motor Vehicle Theft Data 2006 October 14, 2008 bis101408.htm Export Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary Agreements October 14, 2008 isoo101408.htm Public Interest Declassification Board Meet October 14, 2008 siddiqui-010.htm Aifa Siddiqui Condition in Prison October 13, 2008 dodd-3115-09.pdf DoD Intel Interrogations and Detainee Debriefs October 11, 2008 dodi-5200-01.pdf DoD Information Security and Protection of SCI October 11, 2008 dodd-5160-05e.pdf DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program October 11, 2008 dodi-1330-17.pdf Armed Services Commissary Operations October 11, 2008 eo13475.htm Prez Orders FISA Domestic Spying Amendments October 10, 2008 doi101008.htm Gambling Addiction Electronic Technology October 10, 2008 irs101008.htm RFC Genetic Information Nondiscrimination October 10, 2008 noaa101008.htm Ship Speed Limit to Avoid Whale Kill October 10, 2008 mmc101008.htm Criteria for Foreign Bribery October 10, 2008 hhs101008.htm CHIMP Act Standards of Care for Chimpanzees October 10, 2008 ayers-vita.doc Bill Ayers Curriculum Vitae October 9, 2008 fdic-snl.htm FDIC Biblio of the Savings and Loan Scandal October 9, 2008 ntia100908.htm Enhancing the Security and Stability of DNS October 9, 2008 osha100908.htm Hazards of Cranes and Derricks in Construction October 9, 2008 frs100908.htm Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions October 9, 2008 kernell-palin.htm David Kernell Indicted for Palin E-Mail Hack October 8, 2008 pip-v-gwot.htm Protecting Individual Privacy Against GWOT ES October 8, 2008 osa-panic.htm Official Secrets Act Panic October 8, 2008 ied-dvd.htm IED Preparedness DVD October 8, 2008 pm100308.htm US Spymaster Succession Order October 8, 2008 sec100808.htm SEC Modifies Short Selling Ban October 8, 2008 va100808.htm Grants for Homeless Veterans Housing October 8, 2008 nps100808.htm National Atheist Shopping Tree Meet October 8, 2008 telehubs.htm Telehouse Europe and US Equinix Hubs Eyeball October 7, 2008 hope100608.htm HOPE for Homeowners Program Regulations Update October 7, 2008 fra100708.htm Cellphones-E-toys Banned for Railroad Operators October 7, 2008 hts-madness.htm US Army Human Terrain System Madness Mayhem Cash October 6, 2008 fbi-ny-comms.htm FBI New York Communications Eyeball October 6, 2008 gchq-suck.htm GCHQ Head Suck Eyeball October 6, 2008 hhs100608.htm Anthrax Countermeasures Emergency Preparedness October 6, 2008 co100608.htm DMCA Exemption for Access Control Systems October 6, 2008 bis100608.htm Export Regulations Revised Based On CCL Review October 6, 2008 ciau-bomb.htm CIA University Eyeball October 4, 2008 dtm-08-041.pdf DoD Register of Defense Provisions to Iraq October 4, 2008 fbi-home-ops.pdf AG Guidelines for FBI Domestic Operations October 3, 2008 (2.1MB) bis100308.htm Encryption Export Simplification October 3, 2008 dod100308.htm Megadeath Command and Control Secret Meet October 3, 2008 cryptome-secret.htm Cryptome: Abuse of Secrecy October 3, 2008 murray-threat.htm Craig Murray Libel Threat Update October 2, 2008 bailout-senate.htm Senate Emergency Economic Stabilization Act 2008 October 2, 2008 (600KB) bailout-dupes.htm Senate Bailout Bill for Dupes October 1, 2008 bailout-senate.pdf Senate Emergency Economic Stabilization Act 2008 October 1, 2008 (442pp, 714KB) bailout-ttv.htm Emergency Economic Stabilization Text Talk Vote October 1, 2008 nbsb100108.htm National Biodefense Science Board Tele-Meet October 1, 2008 pp8295.htm Prez Touts National Animal Kill and Maim Day October 1, 2008 O f f s i t espybiz 1 Spymaster Arouses Geospatial Spymongers October 31, 2008 spybiz 2 Deputy Spymaster Arouses NCIX Spymongers October 31, 2008 spybiz 3 Deputy Spymaster Arouses AFIO Spymongers October 31, 2008 ICPG 707.1 Spymaster Construction Security Review Board October 30, 2008 ICD 707 Spymaster Center for Security Evaluation October 30, 2008 Bad Msg 2 Secret Buildings You May Not Photograph October 30, 2008 Bad Msg 1 USG Sending the wrong message about architecture October 29, 2008 QC Quest NSA and Army Seek Quantum Physics Grail October 29, 2008 NSA Patent 1 Estimating a high frequency carrier signal October 29, 2008 NSA Patent 2 Fabricating a patterned device with spacer layer October 29, 2008 MI5-6 Lamb Daniel James - MI5 MI6 Sacrificial Lamb October 28, 2008 Bomb Bags DC Metro Transit Cops to Inspect Bags for Bombs October 27, 2008 EAS 1 Emergency Alert System Establishment October 27, 2008 (114pp, 13MB) EAS 2 Emergency Alert System Handbooks October 27, 2008 EAS 3 Emergency Alert System Enforcement October 27, 2008 Grim Appalling Treatment of Muslim Detainees in UK October 25, 2008 DJ Fit Daniel James Fitness for OSA Trial Questioned October 25, 2008 OST DoE/NNSA Office of Secure Transportation October 24, 2008 (PPT, 2.9MB) OST Rigs OST Armored Nuclear Transport Rigs October 24, 2008 HP Spy Hot Plug Live Computer Spying October 23, 2008 Cyberatlas Atlas of Cyberspace Available for Free October 22, 2008 Chagos Lose Chagos Islanders Lose on UK-US Diego Garcia Base October 22, 2008 GAO-08-1009R Social Security Numbers Are Widely Available October 21, 2008 GAO-08-1004sp Public Records Contain Social Security Numbers October 21, 2008 Taliban UK New Mock-up of Taliban Fighting Village October 19, 2008 Palin Files Governor Palin Correspondence October 19, 2008 NBZ A New Blast Zone: DCs Next-Gen Hunting Forest October 19, 2008 100 Years Investment Banking Panic of 1907 October 18, 2008 EH What is Electronic Harassment? October 18, 2008 Key Eat Court Rejects Encryption Key Disclosure Defense October 18, 2008 BP Radiation Shielding with Buckypaper October 18, 2008 0810.2859 Quantum Asymmetric Crypto with Symmetric Keys October 17, 2008 CIA CFP CIA and US Foreign Policy: New Ways to Spy October 17, 2008 A-Bomb 1 The incredible atom bomb conspiracy 1 October 16, 2008 A-Bomb 2 The incredible atom bomb conspiracy 2 October 16, 2008 FCMD Federal Contractor Misconduct Database October 15, 2008 JCC Jesus Camp: Radical Children Indoctrination October 15, 2008 Spy Jobs ASIC Needs Spycatchers October 15, 2008 Haider Why Austria's Jörg Haider Was Assassinated October 13, 2008 I-Tor Improving Tor Using a TCP-over-DTLS Tunnel October 12, 2008 Wi-Fi Graphics Cards Used to Hack Wi-Fi WPA and WPA2 October 11, 2008 WBCS World Bank Cyber Seige October 11, 2008 ST DoD STAR-TIDES October 10, 2008 PIP Protecting Individual Privacy Against GWOT October 8, 2008 IS09 Information Systems 2009 October 8, 2008 M or L China Melamine Scare October 7, 2006 NSA NSA Tokeneer October 7, 2008 MIFARE Security Flaw in MIFARE Classic New Papers October 7, 2008 UK TIA UK Plans Total Information Suck October 6, 2008 Boy Toy NATO War Games October 6, 2008 IQCH 1 Loophole Attack Against Quantum Cryptosystems October 5, 2008 IQCH 2 Implementation of Quantum Crypto Hacked October 5, 2008 VMQCH Vadim Makarov Quantum Hacker October 5, 2008 QCH Quantum Hacking October 5, 2008 Spy Bribe CIA Crook Kyle Foggo Documents October 4, 2008 Toxic Mystery surrounds hijacked Iranian ship October 4, 2008 NSA Patent Combining Corpora for Phonetic Labeling October 3, 2008 SNRF Secrecy News RSS Feed October 1, 2008 CIA 21 CIA Releases 21 Documents Under FOIA October 1, 2008SEPTEMBER 2008 nsa-l3-peers.htm + NSA Level3 AS Peers September 30, 2008 nsa-thwart.htm + Thwarting NSA Traffic Analysis September 29, 2008 bailout.htm + Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 September 29, 2008 green-rosen.pdf + Ruth Greenglass Dooms the Rosenbergs to Death September 28, 2008 (30pp, 4.3MB) nsa-sobell.htm + Morton Sobell on Decrypting Cold War Spy Codes September 28, 2008 dodd-7045-20.pdf + DoD Capability Portfolio Management September 27, 2008 dodi-4715-16.pdf + DoD Cultural Resource Management September 27, 2008 dodm-5040-06v3.pdf + DoD Visual Information v.3 September 27, 2008 dod092608.htm + National Security Personnel System SNAFU September 26, 2008 nnsa092608.htm + Continued Operation of Los Alamos Megadeath Lab September 26, 2008 fhfa092608.htm + Federal Home Loan Bank Boards of Backscratchers September 26, 2008 occ092608.htm + Risk-Based Capital Guidelines for ABCP September 26, 2008 rrb092608.htm + Railroad Retirement Board Medical SNAFU September 26, 2008 dia-humint.pdf + DIA Discusses HUMINT Center September 25, 2008 sec092508.htm + SEC Amends Emergency Orders on Short Selling September 25, 2008 nara092508.htm + Spying Records Destruction Schedule September 25, 2008 ferc092508.htm + Closing the Gap in Nuclear Facilities CIP September 25, 2008 fine-mess.htm + Financial Mess Comments September 25, 2008 sec092408.htm + SEC Emergency Orders on Short Selling September 24, 2008 osa-wrong.pdf + Offical Secrets Act Wrongly Interpreted September 23, 2008 dod-ig-ir-cells.zip + DoD ID Report on Iraq Cellphone Licenses FOUO September 23, 2008 (120pp, 4.8MB) sec092308.htm + SEC Emergency Order on Naked Short Selling September 23, 2008 nsa-fanx.htm National Security Agency Friendship Annex September 23, 2008 pn091808.htm + Prez Affirms No Defense Against Debt WMD Notice September 22, 2008 bis092208.htm + US Export Enemies List September 22, 2008 mcc092208.htm + US Foreign Bribery Quarterly Report September 22, 2008 doj092208.htm + National Motor Vehicle Title Information System September 22, 2008 nga-reston.htm National Geospatial-Spy Agency Reston Eyeball September 21, 2008 nsa-iatf-3-1.zip + Information Assurance Technical Framework 3.1 September 20, 2008 (4.3MB) dodi-3150-09.pdf + Chem Bio Radio Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability September 20, 2008 billo-hack.zip + Bill O'Reilly New Premium Members List September 19, 2008 fac091908.htm + US Names Top Venezuela Spies as Drug Kingpins September 19, 2008 achp091908.htm + Treatment of Historic Wounded Warrior Dumps September 19, 2008 dos091908.htm + Anti-Tumor Drugs Not Chemical War Munitions September 19, 2008 pp8290.htm + National McCain POW/MIA Recognition Day 2008 September 19, 2008 fws091908.htm + Protection of Birds Against Wind Farm Slaughter September 19, 2008 traceback.htm + Intelligence Network Attack Traceback September 16, 2008 fhfa091608.htm + RFC Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac Golden Parachute Pay September 16, 2008 doj-fbi-guide.htm + DoJ Brief on FBI Investigation Guidelines September 15, 2008 siddiqui-010.htm + Aifa Siddiqui Condition in Prison September 15, 2008 cube-attacks.pdf + Cube Attacks on Tweakable Black Box Polynomials September 14, 2008 dod-tf-nukes.zip + Report on DoD Nuclear Weapons Management September 13, 2008 (92pp, 864KB) teamster-dirt.htm + Teamster Dirty Tricksters September 13, 2008 acars-trick.htm + Aircraft Safety Harmed by ACARs Trick Update 4 September 13, 2008 dodi-3020-39.pdf + Integrated Continuity Program for Defense Spying September 13, 2008 dodi-5120-39.pdf + DoD Wage Fixing Authority - Funding September 13, 2008 dodi-6025-22.pdf + Assistive Technology for Wounded Service Members September 13, 2008 ddni-openspy.htm + Deputy Spymaster on Open Source Spying September 13, 2008 cia-openspy.htm + CIA Director on Open Source Spying September 12, 2008 dni-sources.zip + DNI Open Source Conference Participant List September 12, 2008 (57pp, 4.6MB) dni-openeye.htm DNI Open Source Conference Eyeball September 12, 2008 dni-openeye-biz.htm DNI Open Source Conference Exhibitors Eyeball September 12, 2008 obama-mccain-cu.htm + Obama McCain Event Schedule at Columbia Univ September 10, 2008 harvard-spy.htm + Harvard Honors Spy Program September 10, 2008 pp8286.htm + Prez Proclaims 9-11 Patriot Day September 10, 2008 tr45-3.htm + Dual-Mode Cellular System Message Encryption September 10, 2008 tr45-3.zip + Dual-Mode Cellular System Message Encryption September 10, 2008 (27pp, 3.3MB) tr45-0-a-1996.zip + Interface Spec Commom Crypto Algos Rev B September 10, 2008 (19pp, 1.6MB) tr45-0-a-1995.zip + Commom Cryptographic Algorithms Rev B September 10, 2008 (79pp, 6.2MB) tia-eia-627-a.zip + Message Encryption and Voice Privacy September 10, 2008 (7pp, 650KB) pn-3474-a.zip + Message Encryption and Voice Privacy September 10, 2008 (11pp, 950KB) nsamint.zip NSA: Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash September 9, 2008 (33pp, 4.8MB) nsamint.htm NSA: Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash September 9, 2008 cia-cafes.htm + CIA Cafes Birdseye Update September 9, 2008 fhfa090908.htm + Federal Housing Finance Agency Established September 9, 2008 phmsa090908.htm + HazMat Transport Security Requirements September 9, 2008 nstissam1-92.zip + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 Compromising Emanations September 8, 2008 (170pp, 14.5MB) nt1-92-1-5.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 Compromising Emanations September 8, 2008 nsa-css90-6.zip + NSA/CSS Reg 90-6, TEMPEST Security Program September 8, 2008 (12pp, 1.4MB) nsa-css90-6.htm(ok) + NSA/CSS Reg 90-6, TEMPEST Security Program September 8, 2008 fac090808.htm + Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines September 8, 2008 bis090808.htm + RFC Foreign Policy-Based Export Controls September 8, 2008 mcc090808.htm + US Foreign Bribery Secret Sunshine Meet September 8, 2008 -- titan-incident.zip Nuclear Missile Explosion 1 September 7, 2008 (1.2MB) nuke-incident.zip Nuclear Missile Explosion 2 September 7, 2008 (1.5MB) ddni090408.htm Deputy Spymaster Speaks at 2008 INSA Conference September 6, 2008 afi14-125.zip USAF Cryptologic Skills Program September 6, 2008 (15pp, 227KB) afh10-222v14.zip USAF Civil Engineer Guide to Fighting Positions Septmeber 6, 2008 (159pp, 11.2MB) afh10-222v3.zip USAF Civil Engineer Guide to Force Protection September 6, 2008 (99pp, 4.4MB) afh10-222v5.zip USAF Guide to Electrical Power Installation September 6, 2008 (142pp, 1.6MB) afh10-222v6.zip USAF Guide to Bare Base Facility Erection September 6, 2008 (174pp, 2.4MB) ddni090608.htm Deputy Spymaster on Boosting Spy Time Wasting September 6, 2008 dni090608.htm Spy Open Source Innovation Challenge Update September 6, 2008 dodd-5122-05.pdf Asst Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs September 6, 2008 uscg090508.htm Coast Guards Sets DC Security Zone for 9/11 September 5, 2008 kgm-100.htm KGM-100 Advanced Key Generation Module September 4, 2008 ni-imc-19.zip NI Independent Monitoring Commission 19th Report September 3, 2008 (20pp, 418KB) usa-v-siddiqui.htm USA v. Aaifi Siddiqui Indictment September 2, 2008 bis090208.htm US Readies Kosovo for War September 2, 2008 pn082808.htm Prez RNCs Terrorism Scare September 2, 2008 dos090208.htm State Opens Car Lock of Cuban Interests Section September 2, 2008 nist090208.htm NIST Withdraws Ten FIPS September 2, 2008 noaa090208.htm Rat Population Eradication at Rat Island, AK September 2, 2008 O f f s i t eMLK FBI Complete File on Martin Luther King, Jr. September 30, 2008 PFP Project Faultless Photos September 30, 2008 TS Dark James Bamford: NSA The Shadow Factory September 30, 2008 MRFID More Remote Identity Spying September 29, 2008 RID Remote Identity Spying September 29, 2008 Nicco Did Rick Davis Rig Howard Dean 04 Ops September 29, 2008 NRF US National Response Framework September 29, 2008 NRT US National (WMD) Response Team September 29, 2008 Racy Race Complaint Against 3 Scottish Appeal Judges September 28, 2008 POW 1 John McCain Graduate Thesis on POWs September 27, 2008 POW 2 John McCain Commendations September 27, 2008 Math DARPA Mathematical Challenges September 27, 2008 dodi-s5100-43 Defense Special Missile Center [Restricted] September 27, 2008 EcoPro Economists Protest Paulson Bailout Plan September 26, 2008 RGV Rudy Giuliani Veritas September 26, 2008 UK Eye UK Unveils ID Cards for Foreigners September 25, 2008 ICD 304 Masterspy Human Intelligence September 22, 2008AUGUST 2008 nsa-sdns.htm + NSA Secure Data Network System August 30, 2008 nsa-spec-86-33.htm + NSA Spec 86-33 INDICTOR Interface Control Doc August 30, 2008
ICD 503 Mastrspy Certification and Accreditation September 22, 2008
ICPG 105.1 Masterspy Acquisition September 22, 2008 POWs McCain and the POW Cover-up September 22, 2008 DTIC Defense Technical Publications 1996-2007 September 21, 2008 Gospel USG Rumors, Myths and Fabrications September 21, 2008 Magic How Banks Create Money Out Of Thin Air September 21, 2008 dodi O-3115.70 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) [Restricted] September 20, 2008 Billo Bill O'Reilly Website Hacked September 19, 2008 eG FBI eGuardian: Connecting the Dots September 19, 2008 LEO Law Enforcement Online September 19, 2008 Bail How To Rob Banks With Easy Commercial Credit September 19, 2008 MMM McCain Marlboro Man September 19, 2008 2IC AU Spies Fret Spy Pandemic September 19, 2008 CIA Up CIA Suis Generis Ex Nihilo September 19, 2008 Treas PR Treasury Fun and Games September 19, 2008 TSTTC The Shape of Spying to Come September 18, 2008 Complaint Jewel v. NSA Bush Cheney to Stop Illegal Spying September 18, 2008 ICD-610 Spying Competency Directories September 17, 2008 Palin Sarah Palin Yahoo Inbox 2008 (Mirror) September 17, 2008 CIA Hawk CIA Hawks Endless Threats September 17, 2008 GAO-08-588 DHS Cyber Analysis and Warning Problems September 17, 2008 GAO-08-825 DHS Critical Infrastruct Protect Problems 1 September 17, 2008 GAO-08-1157T DHS Critical Infrastruct Protect Problems 2 September 17, 2008 GAO-08-1075R DHS Critical Infrastruct Protect Problems 3 September 17, 2008 NRC Docs NRC-NARA Correspondence 2001-08 September 17, 2008 FBI Docs (ok) FBI National Archive Files September 16, 2008 Gore War Surgery in Afghanistan and Iraq 2003-07 September 16, 2008 NSA 2 Hardening Tips for Installation of MAC OSX 10.5 September 16, 2008 NSA 1 NSA Standards Profiles September 16, 2008 Ike Hurricane Ike Damage Photos September 15, 2008 Chap 11 Lehman Bankruptcy Filing September 15, 2008 Pipe Comm Acoustic system for communication in pipelines September 15, 2008 Rosenberg Rosenberg Grand Jury Transcripts September 14, 2008 Spy Eye GCHQ's new secret test facility September 13, 2008 Gore Porn Combat Photos from South Ossetia September 13, 2008 Flam Shmanthrax-gate: Anthrax FBI Conspiracies September 13, 2008 11 Pp Germany's infamous 2006 Shaefer report September 12, 2008 Tor Too Widespread cell phone location snooping by NSA? September 9, 2008 City Sec Targets and Technologies of the Security City September 8, 2008 Mold HUD Guide to Rehabbing Flooded Homes September 8, 2008 MI5 Persecuted by MI5 Security Service September 6, 2008 PfP Palin for President, Die McCain September 6, 2008 A-Space CIA FBI NSA Push Facebook for Spies September 6, 2008 PG Sarah Palin Photos at 7-Month Pregnancy September 6, 2008 Gov Apps Datakey Government Crypto Products September 4, 2008 Gustav Hurricane Gustav Emergency Response Sat Images September 3, 2008 Sci Priv Scientific American Privacy Issue September 2, 2008 Tags RFID Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People September 2, 2008 NT NSA Technology Profile Fact Sheets September 2, 2008 ACS American Citizens Summit September 1, 2008
nsa-spec-86-31d.htm + NSA Spec 86-31D TEPACHE Interface Control Doc August 30, 2008 nsa-spec-86-32.htm + NSA Spec 86-32 WINDSTER Interace Control Doc August 30, 2008 crypto-engine.htm + Ultron Crypto-Engine Overview August 30, 2008 dodd-3160-01.pdf + National Guard Homeland Defense Activities August 30, 2008 dodd-2005-02.pdf + Maritime Domain Awareness in the DoD August 30, 2008 dodi-1332-14.pdf + Enlisted Administrative Separations August 30, 2008 nsa-cci-man.htm + NSA Controlled Cryptographic Item Manual FOUO August 29, 2008 nrc082908.htm + NRC Tightens Secret Security for Secret Sites August 29, 2008 dni082808.htm + Spy Open Source Innovation Challenge August 28, 2008 va082808.htm + VA Again Denies Health Hazards of Gulf War August 28, 2008 nih082808.htm + Botulinum Toxoid Secret Patent August 28, 2008 dni082708.htm + US Spy Inventory of Core Contractor Personnel August 27, 2008 doe082708.htm + Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Energy Plan August 27, 2008 dodd-5230-09.pdf + Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release August 27, 2008 dodi-7640-02.pdf + Policy for Follow-up on Contract Audit Reports August 27, 2008 it-vanish2.htm Vanished 16 Italy Air Bases Eyeball August 27, 2008 dci-disagree.pdf + DCIs Colby and Helms Disagree on Family Jewels August 25, 2008 ru-aims-georgia.htm + Russian Aims in Georgia August 24, 2008 ICE-Packet.pdf + Customs Report on Columbian Mil Drug Transport August 24, 2008 (2.5MB) shock-shock.htm + Shocked! Shocked! National Enquirer Exposed August 24, 2008 nuke-offshore.htm US Nuclear Weapons Storage Offshore Eyeball August 23, 2008 nuke-custody.pdf + Custody of Atomic Weapons August 23, 2008 (34pp, 1MB) nuke-31000.pdf + US Transfer-Dispersal of 31,000 Nuclear Weapons August 23, 2008 open-source.htm + DNI Open Source Conference 2008 August 22, 2008 nsa-heroes2.htm + NSA Heroes 2 August 22, 2008 nrc082208.htm + NRC Ups Security for Dirty Bomb Gunk August 22, 2008 dod082208.htm + US WMD Command and Control Secret Meet August 22, 2008 dpb082208.htm + US War Lovers Secret Meet August 22, 2008 nbsb082208.htm + National Biodefense Science Board Meet August 22, 2008 it-vanish.htm Vanished Italy WMD Air Bases Eyeball August 22, 2008 cjtf-hoa.htm Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Eyeball August 21, 2008 cia-sunset.htm CIA 12020 Sunset Hills Rd Reston VA Eyeball August 21, 2008 bis082108.htm + BIS Wants Encryption Review Requests Via Net August 21, 2008
bis082108-2.htm + BIS Tightens Exports to US Enemies August 21, 2008 nsc-tempest.htm + USCG National Security Cutter Tempest Facts August 20, 2008 mbta-v-zack-23.pdf + MBTA v. Zack TRO Reconsideration Motion Granted August 20, 2008 dos082008.htm + Real Irish Republican Army Still Bad August 20, 2008 blast-humans.pdf + Harmful Effects of Blast on Humans August 19, 2008 pantex-gertie.htm Pantex Gravel Gertie Eyeball August 19, 2008 zack-declare.pdf + Zack Anderson Declaration August 18, 2008 mbta-v-zack.htm + MBTA v. Anderson Ryan and Chiesa Court Documents August 18, 2008 (Docs Added) georgia-forces2.htm + Armed Forces of Georgia - Conflict Update 2 August 18, 2008 soa-ci-manual.zip + US Torture School Counterspy Manual August 18, 2008 (12MB) soa-sources.zip + US Torture School Informer Manual August 18, 2008 (13MB) nasa081808.htm + Lunar Lander Challenge August 18, 2008 usss-racism.htm + US Secret Service Racist Emails August 17, 2008 georgia-forces.htm + Armed Forces of Georgia - Conflict Update August 17, 2008 explo-intro.zip + Introduction to Explosives August 16, 2008 (2.9MB) jail-rape.htm + KY Jailers Convicted for Inmate Rape of Teen August 15, 2008 cable-catch.htm + Cable-Catch Glazing Blast Protection Eyeball August 15, 2008 faa081508.htm + Filtered Flight Data August 15, 2008 uscg081508.htm + Modernization of the Coast Guard August 15, 2008 hts-farce.htm + US Army Human Terrain System an Absolute Farce August 14, 2008 oss-081408.zip + 15,169 Names of OSS Personnel August 14, 2008 (990KB) mbta-v-profs.pdf + Security Experts Protest MBTA MIT Students Gag August 13, 2008 nbsb081308.htm + National Biodefense Science Board Telemeet August 13, 2008 hhs081308.htm + Fire Safety for Long-Term Care Facilities August 13, 2008 gsa081308.htm + Federal Real Property Report August 13, 2008 faa081208.htm + Pilot Awareness Training for Washington DC Area August 12, 2008 ispab081208.htm + Information Security and Privacy Panel Meet August 12, 2008 mbta-argue.pdf + Attorneys Argue Lifting the MBTA-Zack TRO August 11, 2008 dod081108.htm + Nuke WMD Command and Control Secret Meets August 11, 2008 mbta-hack.pdf + MBTA Card Confidential Vulnerability Assessment August 10, 2008 mbta-v-zack-Defcon + Anderson Ryan And Chiesa DEFCON Presentation August 9, 2008 (Zipped PDF, 4.1MB) dodi-5105-76.pdf + DoD Transition of Administration Appointees August 9, 2008 nps080808.htm + DC Protest Areas and Duration Redefined August 8, 2008 bia080808.htm + Jicarilla Apache Nation Liquor Ordinance August 8, 2008 don080808.htm + North Island Three-Carrier Homeport August 8, 2008 hhs080808.htm + Development of Healthy People 2020 August 8, 2008 marad080808.htm + Bienville Offshore Energy Terminal LNG Port August 8, 2008 fbi-email.pdf + FBI Amerithrax E-mail Search Affidavit August 6, 2008 (2.8MB) cia-genetrix.htm Project Genetrix Balloon Spying August 6, 2008 fns080508.htm + School Food Safety Hazard Analysis and Control August 5, 2008 doe080508.htm + Ultra-Deepwater Oil and Gas Meet August 5, 2008 gray-ops.pdf + Principals to Assure Coordination of Gray Ops August 5, 2008 covert-ops.pdf + Covert Operations NSC Directive 5412/2 August 5, 2008 nsa-1952.pdf + NSA Formation and Direction May-December 1952 August 4, 2008 grayback.pdf + Project Genetrix Grayback Balloon Spying August 4, 2008 max-secrets2.htm + Max Mosley Serves Court Order on Secret Bases 2 August 4, 2008 rv.htm Katrina Refugee Renaissance Village Birdseye August 4, 2008 tsa080408.htm + TSA Seeks Data on Top 100 Hazardous Pipelines August 4, 2008 max-secrets.htm + Max Mosley Serves Court Order on Secret Bases August 4, 2008 hushmail-pry.htm + Hushmail Exposed? Updated August 3, 2008 lng-elba.htm Elba Island GA LNG Port Birdseye August 2, 2008 wh-spy-scare.htm + White House Spy Scare August 2, 2008 dodd-5160-65.pdf + DoD Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition August 2, 2008 dodi-6055-16.pdf + DoD Explosives Safety Management Program August 2, 2008 dodi-5200-39.pdf + DoD Critical Program Information Protection August 2, 2008 fema080108.htm + Improvised Nuclear Device Dirty Bomb Protection August 1, 2008 dsb080108.htm + Nuclear Weapons Surety Secret Meet August 1, 2008 fac080108.htm + Zimbabwe Enemies List August 1, 2008 O f f s i t e Insec Linux Wider implications of the Red Hat breach August 31, 2008 RU Crimes Satellite Images of Georgia Destruction August 31, 2008 Who State Department Telephone Directory August 31, 2008 DIY Missile Silo Conversion to Home August 30, 2008 Sec Myth Credit Card Sharks Kill RFID Sec Mythbuster August 30, 2008 Bye Spy Internet Traffic Begins to Bypass US Spies August 30, 2008 WTC7 NIST Report on WTC 7 Collapse (CIA Office) August 29, 2008 10 10 £10000 Reward for Converted Mach 10 Guns August 27, 2008 $oap Justice Dept/IRS Money-Laundering Manual August 26, 2008 Ports Giant US Port Study 2002 (2858 pages) August 26, 2008 ATT Dogs ATT Throws Party for Its Spying Supporters August 26, 2008 NSA Tech NSA Technical Journal Articles Released August 26, 2008 Leb 1 Architect Unshackled by Limits of the Real World August 25, 2008 Leb 2 + Architect Lebbeus Woods Prepares Exhibition May 21, 2002 Check Take Job as Voting Machine Technician August 25, 2008 Dick CIA Releases 812 Documents on Richard Helms August 24, 2008 OD Obama Dirt August 24, 2008 8M Best 8 million victims of world's biggest cyber heist August 24, 2008 Hack Redhat OpenSSH Blacklist Script August 23, 2008 MD6 Rivest et al on MD6 Hash Function August 22, 2008 MD6 Hal Finney Notes on MD6 Hash Function August 22, 2008 Forge CIA Denies Iraq-Al Qaeda Letter Forgery August 22, 2008 Cube Adi Shamir Cube Cryptanalysis Discussion August 22, 2008 EMP US Vulnerability to EMP Attack August 22, 2008 KYAG Preparedness in the Mainstream August 21, 2008 KC Keyczar August 21, 2008 Duck Sit World's Tallest Target August 21, 2008 Bait MI5 Seeks More Gay Spies August 19, 2008 Hummer Wind Turbine Construction Photos August 19, 2008 Gob Michael Shipster MI6 Officer August 19, 2008 War Pix Photos of the Russian Front in Georgia August 18, 2008 Pissoir DoD Reports on $1.6 Trillion Piss Away August 18, 2008 Dark Air FAA Order 7610.4K Special Military Operations August 18, 2008 (5MB) War Time War Plan: Russian Attacks on Georgia August 15, 2008 GAO-08-958 TSA Red Team Covert Testing Aviation Security August 14, 2008 15K Spies 15,169 Names of OSS Personnel via NARA August 14, 2008 BldgSec Security Design of Federal Buildings August 13, 2008 TSA TSA at Transportation and Terrorism Conference August 10, 2008 TT Travel Tips from the National CI Executive August 8, 2008 ERG Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 August 8, 2008 NSA Patent Method of text processing August 7, 2008 Anthrax Amerithrax Court Documents August 6, 2008 OBL Pass Expert clones 'secure' passports for Evildoers August 6, 2008 TWC The WARCART August 5, 2008 TIT Transborder Immigrant Tool August 5, 2008 IC-50-55 The Intelligence Community 1950-55 August 4, 2008 Anthrax Prez Unfair to Condemn an Entire Program for RFU August 4, 2008 Cops Ops Is the DEA Contracting Blackwater? August 4, 2008 NGP US Natural Gas Pipelines August 4, 2008 MANPADS Combating the Threat to Global Aviation August 3, 2008 Kill Spy Why And How Litvinenko Was Assassinated August 3, 2008 Black Op UK CIA Rendtion Special Ops Area August 3, 2008 Hush Up Is Hushmail Still Safe? August 3, 2008 Felix UK IED Training Base Birdseye August 1, 2008 JULY 2008 eo12333-amend2.htm + Prez Further Amends Spying Activities July 31, 2008 dc-pipeline.pdf + Washington DC Hazardous Pipeline Map July 31, 2008 (3.3MB) doj073108.htm + Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies July 31, 2008 wtc072908.jpg + WTC Construction Panorama 29 July 2008 July 30, 2008 (2.3MB) cia-fr-nukes.htm CIA on the French Nuclear Weapons Program 1959 July 30, 2008 cia-fr-nukes2.htm CIA on the French Nuclear Weapons Program 1960 July 30, 2008 cia-fr-nukes3.htm CIA on the French Nuclear Weapons Program 1964 July 30, 2008 cia-fr-np.htm CIA on French Nuclear Power 1974 July 30, 2008 cia-fr-np2.htm CIA on French Nuclear Power 1976 July 30, 2008 tsa073008.htm + TSA Ends RTIP Boosts Registered Traveler July 30, 2008 treas073008.htm + How to Fix the Auditing Profession July 30, 2008
nist072908.htm + FIPS 198-1 Keyed-Hash Message Authentication July 29, 2008 eo13469.htm + Prez Orders Clamp on Zimbabwe Good Fellas July 29, 2008 james-wits.htm + Corporal Daniel James Witness Statements July 28, 2008 don072808.htm + Shock Trial of USS MESA VERDE July 28, 2008 eo13468.htm + Amendments to the Manual for Courts Martial July 28, 2008 dtm-08-007.pdf + DoD Force Protection Threat Information July 26, 2008 dtm-08-032.pdf + Defense CI and HUMINT Center July 26, 2008 meecn.zip + Minuteman MEECN Program Upgrade July 25, 2008 (42 docs, 39MB) srs-eyeball.htm + Savannah River Site Eyeball July 25, 2008 phmsa072508.htm + Safe HazMat Transport 100 Years History-Future July 25, 2008 karadzic-hoax.htm + Karadzic's Website Dragan Dabic a Hoax Update July 24, 2008 fema072408.htm + National Disaster Housing Strategy July 24, 2008 bis072408.htm + Recruiting Secret-Level Export Panel Members July 24, 2008 fcc072408.htm + Embedded Advertising Sponsor Identification July 24, 2008 cdc072408.htm + Asbestos Research Roadmap July 24, 2008 mi5-palace.htm + MI5 Northern Ireland Headquarters Birdseye July 23, 2008 usa-v-e-gold.htm + USA v. E-Gold Court Documents July 23, 2008 dod072308.htm + Nuclear WMD Command and Control Secret Meet July 23, 2008 sec072308.htm + SEC Updates Emergency Action July 23, 2008 hts-joke.htm + US Army Human Terrain System in Disarray July 22, 2008 cis072208.htm + Beating Bought Wives July 22, 2008 mcc072208.htm + Bribing Burkina Faso July 22, 2008 egold-pleads.htm + Pleading E-Gold July 22, 2008 va072108.htm + Sarin Vets July 21, 2008 sec072108.htm + SEC False Rumors July 21, 2008 hhs072108.htm + WMD Victims July 21, 2008 dos072108.htm + WMD Enemies July 21, 2008 dod072108.htm + Muddle Exports July 21, 2008 treas072108.htm + IndyMac Bailed July 21, 2008 usm072108.htm + Hoard Platinum July 21, 2008 fdic071708.htm + FDIC Updates Procedures for Bank Failures July 17, 2008 dos071708.htm + US NatSec Policymaking in a Post 9/11 World July 17, 2008 pp8273.htm + FBI Day 2008 July 17, 2008 avsec-assess.pdf + Risk and Cost-Benefit of US Aviation Security July 16, 2008 (17pp, 288KB) doj071608.htm + Information Card Foundation for Internet ID July 16, 2008 nrc071608.htm + GPS Tracking of Radioactive Material Transport July 16, 2008 marad071608.htm + Calypso LNG Deepwater Port, Offshore FL July 16, 2008 uscg071608.htm + Port of New York Anchorage Squeeze July 16, 2008 dhs071508.htm + DHS Publishes Privacy Impact Assessments July 15, 2008 irs071508.htm + Tax Deadlines Affected by Terrorism War Disaster July 15, 2008 nsa-icbm-tsrd.pdf + NSA ICBM Telecomm Security Requirements July 14, 2008 (File Fixed) mi5-mackinlay.htm + MI5 Attacks MP Andrew Mackinlay July 13, 2008 dos071108.htm + State Dept Terminates Flight Training Programs July 11, 2008 sec071108.htm + SEC Proposes Rules on National Rating Orgs July 11, 2008 (449KB) ftc071108.htm + Automotive Fuel Ratings July 11, 2008 mifare-classic.pdf + A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic July 10, 2008 sshq-eyeball.htm Eyeballing US Secret Service Headquarters July 10, 2008 hr6304-senate2.htm + More Senate Debate on FISA Wiretap Bill HR 6304 July 10, 2008 nrc071008.htm + DIA Exemption for Foreign Nuclear Materials July 10, 2008 hr6304-sen-vote.htm + Senate Vote on FISA Wiretap Bill HR 6304 July 9, 2008 hr6304-senate.htm + Senate Debate on FISA Wiretap Bill HR 6304 July 9, 2008 (478KB) sec070908.htm + Believable Oil and Gas Reporting Requirements July 9, 2008 (339KB) mms070908.htm + Alternative Energy on Outer Continental Shelf July 9, 2008 (927KB) irs070908.htm + Election To Expense Certain Refineries July 9, 2008 faa070908.htm + Spaceport America Commercial Launch Site July 9, 2008 bbc-ripa.htm + BBC News Touchy over RIPA July 8, 2008 prez-lies.htm President Bush Lies at Monticello VA Eyeball July 8, 2008 prez-monticello.htm Preparing for President Bush at Monticello, VA July 7, 2008 saydnaya.htm Saydnaya Prison Syria Eyeball July 7, 2008 al-jafr.htm Al Jafr Prison Jordan Eyeball July 7, 2008 noaa070708.htm + LNG WMD Gang Want to Overpower Local Officials July 7, 2008 istac070708.htm + Information Systems Export Panel Meet July 7, 2008 il-police.htm Israeli Police Stations Eyeball July 5, 2008 phmsa070308.htm + Storage of Explosives During Transport July 3, 2008 eo13467.htm + Classified National Security Information July 2, 2008 doj070208.htm + Sex Offender Registration and Notification July 2, 2008 treas070108.htm + Debt Management Advisory Committee Secret Meet July 1, 2008 nrc070108.htm + Nuclear Hazmat Transport Notification List July 1, 2008 doc070108.htm + Gas Centrifuge Production Equipment July 1, 2008 fac070108.htm + US Foreign Enemies List July 1, 2008 eo13466.htm + Prez Lifts Some North Korea Sanctions July 1, 2008 dea070108.htm + Controlled Substances Aggregate Production 2008 July 1, 2008 O f f s i t eNSD DoJ National Security Oversight Initiative July 31, 2008 NDS National Defense Strategy 2008 July 31, 2008 NPMS National Pipeline Mapping System July 31, 2008 EMP Zap Threat to US of Electromagnetic Pulse Attack July 30, 2008 NSA Patent Packet encryption that allows for pipelining July 30, 2008 NSA Patent Recognizing phones in speech of any language July 30, 2008 MI-Scap UK Spies Aid Killer Scappaticci Rebuild His Life July 29, 2008 GAO-08-840 Savannah River Site Risks of Nuclear Material July 25, 2008 BoHos 2008 Bohemian Grove Guest List Updated July 25, 2008 DoJ NatSec Terrorism-related Indictments Sep 91-Aug 07 July 24, 2008 iraq boxes "Prisoner Boxes" in Iraq July 23, 2008 kerry-hear Kerry hearings into narco-corruption July 23, 2008 Nixon RU Nixon's 1959 RU Trip with Radiological Devices July 23, 2008 Conyers DoD FOIA Requests from Congressman John Conyers July 23, 2008 CIA-NARA CIA-NARA Correspondence 2001-07 July 23, 2008 GAO-08-637T Roadmap for Terrorism Information Sharing Needed July 23, 2008 GAO-08-492 Goals for Terrorism Information Sharing Needed July 23, 2008 Jackson E-gold: A New Beginning July 23, 2008 Dr Ruse Karadzic's website using the name Dragan Dabic July 23, 2008 Spy Eye DNI Vision 2015 July 22, 2008 (10MB) VSSA Vigilant Strategic Mercs in Afghanistan July 22, 2008 UK 0947 Interception of Communications Commissioner 2007 July 22, 2008 UK 0948 Intelligence Services Commissioner 2007 July 22, 2008 UK 0659 Chief Surveillance Commissioner 2007-2008 July 22, 2008 UK 7449 A surveillance society?: the Government reply July 22, 2008 Mifare Classic NXP denied in court against Dutch researchers July 22, 2008 No Way GAO Declassified Report on Drug Smuggling July 22, 2008 GAO-08-539 Gaps in Influenza Pandemic Planning July 22, 2008 HRAP07 UK Human Rights Annual Report 2007 July 21, 2008 obstcp Obfuscated TCP Fights Phorm NebuAd July 20, 2006 MI5 Vile MI5 Refuses Whistleblow File Release for 50 Yrs July 19, 2008 Atomic Drawings of UK Nuke Warhead Facilities July 18, 2008 State Vid State Department Film and Videotape Library July 18, 2008 NRO Vid National Reconnaissance Office Videotape Index July 18, 2008 Cheaters Tax Haven Banks and US Tax Compliance July 17, 2008 FBI 100 FBI Celebrates a Century July 17, 2008 USS Wright 1 Ghosts of the East Coast: Doomsday Ships July 17, 2008 USS Wright 2 Photo of Doomsday Ship USS Wright July 17, 2008 NSA Patent Method-device for amplifying a digital signal July 15, 2008 ICBM Docs Minuteman MEECN Program Upgrade July 14, 2008 Rogue Member of Parliament Warns of Siege on Liberties July 13, 2008 Loosem MoD Laptop Loss Report July 13, 2008 (1.2MB) Foolem DoD IG Report on Rendon Group War Propaganda July 13, 2008 (6.5MB) NSA PO NSA Private Organizations Guide and Names July 12, 2008 (1.3MB) Mifare A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic July 10, 2008 P2020 Policing 2020 July 10, 2008 (523pp, 6.5MB) CM Crypto Machines July 10, 2008 BTNS Better Than Nothing Security Draft IETF July 10, 2008 EFF EFF to Continue FISA Fight July 10, 2008 Tel Perps Senate Caves to White House Immunity Demands July 9, 2008 CMP DoD Releases Cluster Munitions Policy July 9, 2008 PGPox Repression in Austria over PGP keys July 9, 2008 Phorm Tap Phorm and Ilk Will Breach US Wiretap Law July 8, 2008 ATP-2(B) NATO Naval Military and Commerical Co-operation July 8, 2008 X-42 Ex-MI5 chief attacks 42-day plan July 8, 2008 WDTK UK FOIA Requests July 8, 2008 PIS House of Lords Personal Internet Security Report July 8, 2008 F-35 How To Assemble an F-35 Stealth Aircraft July 8, 2008 PSC California Public Safety Codes Online July 8, 2008 TMH The Memory Hole has been reborn July 7, 2008 RT Richard Tomlinson v. MI6 July 7, 2008 Fox When Fox News Is the Story July 7, 2008 HumSec Security and Human Behavior workshop July 4, 2008 Spam CAPTCHA broken by spammers July 4, 2008 Edu Social Science as a Tool for Control July 4, 2008 Oil Con It Was Oil, All Along July 4, 2008 FL Con Anatomy of a Bank Failure July 4, 2008 Capen Tap EU Court Finds British Wiretapping Illegal July 2, 2008 Spy Pry NSA Hacker Interview July 1, 2008